ICD-10-CM Volume 2 Tabular Index >
Starting with 'D' (408) >
- Daae(-Finsen) disease (epidemic pleurodynia) B33.0
- Da Costa's syndrome F45.8
- Dabney's grip B33.0
- Dacryoadenitis, dacryadenitis H04.00-
- Dacryocystitis H04.30-
- Dacryocystoblenorrhea - see Inflammation, lacrimal, passages, chronic
- Dacryocystocele - see Disorder, lacrimal system, changes
- Dacryolith, dacryolithiasis H04.51-
- Dacryoma - see Disorder, lacrimal system, changes
- Dacryopericystitis - see Dacryocystitis
- Dacryops H04.11-
- Dacryostenosis - see also Stenosis, lacrimal
- Dactylitis
- Dactylolysis spontanea(ainhum) L94.6
- Dactylosymphysis Q70.9
- Damage
- Dana-Putnam syndrome(subacute combined sclerosis with pernicious anemia) - see Degeneration, combined
- Danbolt(-Cross) syndrome (acrodermatitis enteropathica) E83.2
- Dandruff L21.0
- Dandy-Walker syndrome Q03.1
- Danlos' syndrome Q79.6
- Darier(-White) disease (congenital) Q82.8
- Darier-Roussy sarcoid D86.3
- Darling's disease or histoplasmosis B39.4
- Darwin's tubercle Q17.8
- Dawson's(inclusion body) encephalitis A81.1
- De Beurmann(-Gougerot) disease B42.1
- De la Tourette's syndrome F95.2
- De Lange's syndrome Q87.1
- De Morgan's spots(senile angiomas) I78.1
- De Quervain's
- De Toni-Fanconi(-Debré) syndrome E72.09
- Dead
- Deaf nonspeaking NEC H91.3
- Deafmutism(acquired) (congenital) NEC H91.3
- Deafness(acquired) (complete) (hereditary) (partial) H91.9-
- Death(cause unknown) (of) (unexplained) (unspecified cause) R99
- Debility(chronic) (general) (nervous) R53.81
- Débove's disease(splenomegaly) R16.1
- Decalcification
- Decapsulation, kidney N28.89
- Decay
- Deciduitis(acute)
- Decline(general) - see Debility
- Decompensation
- Decompression sickness T70.3
- Decrease(d)
- Decubitus(ulcer) - see Ulcer, pressure, by site
- Deepening acetabulum - see Derangement, joint, specified type NEC, hip
- Defect, defective Q89.9
- Deferentitis N49.1
- Defibrination(syndrome) D65
- Deficiency, deficient
- Deficit - see also Deficiency
- Deflection
- Defluvium
- Deformity Q89.9
- Degeneration, degenerative
- Deglutition
- Degos' disease I77.89
- Dehiscence(of)
- Dehydration E86.0
- Déjérine-Roussy syndrome G89.0
- Déjérine-Sottas disease or neuropathy(hypertrophic) G60.0
- Déjérine-Thomas atrophy G23.8
- Delay, delayed
- Deletion(s)
- Delhi boil or button B55.1
- Delinquency(juvenile) (neurotic) F91.8
- Delinquent immunization status Z28.3
- Delirium, delirious(acute or subacute) (not alcohol- or drug-induced) (with dementia) R41.0
- Delivery(childbirth) (labor)
- Delusions(paranoid) - see Disorder, delusional
- Dementia(degenerative (primary)) (old age) (persisting) F03.90
- Demineralization, bone - see Osteoporosis
- Demodex folliculorum(infestation) B88.0
- Demophobia F40.248
- Demoralization R45.3
- Demyelination, demyelinization
- Dengue(classical) (fever) A90
- Dennie-Marfan syphilitic syndrome A50.45
- Dens evaginatus, in dente or invaginatus K00.2
- Dense breasts R92.2
- Density
- Dental - see also condition
- Dentia praecox K00.6
- Denticles(pulp) K04.2
- Dentigerous cyst K09.0
- Dentin
- Dentinogenesis imperfecta K00.5
- Dentinoma - see Cyst, calcifying odontogenic
- Dentition(syndrome) K00.7
- Dependence(on) (syndrome) F19.20
- Dependency
- Depersonalization(in neurotic state) (neurotic) (syndrome) F48.1
- Depletion
- Deployment(current) (military) status Z56.82
- Depolarization, premature I49.40
- Deposit
- Depraved appetite - see Pica
- Depressed
- Depression(acute) (mental) F32.9
- Deprivation
- Derangement
- Dercum's disease E88.2
- Derealization(neurotic) F48.1
- Dermal - see condition
- Dermaphytid - see Dermatophytosis
- Dermatitis(eczematous) L30.9
- Dermatoarthritis, lipoid E78.81
- Dermatochalasis, eyelid H02.839
- Dermatofibroma(lenticulare) - - see Neoplasm, skin, benign
- Dermatofibrosarcoma(pigmented) (protuberans) - see Neoplasm, skin, malignant
- Dermatographia L50.3
- Dermatolysis(exfoliativa) (congenital) Q82.8
- Dermatomegaly NEC Q82.8
- Dermatomucosomyositis M33.10
- Dermatomycosis B36.9
- Dermatomyositis(acute) (chronic) - see also Dermatopolymyositis
- Dermatoneuritis of children - see Poisoning, mercury
- Dermatophilosis A48.8
- Dermatophytid L30.2
- Dermatophytide - see Dermatophytosis
- Dermatophytosis(epidermophyton) (infection) (Microsporum) (tinea) (Trichophyton) B35.9
- Dermatopolymyositis M33.90
- Dermatopolyneuritis - see Poisoning, mercury
- Dermatorrhexis Q79.6
- Dermatosclerosis - see also Scleroderma
- Dermatosis L98.9
- Dermographia, dermographism L50.3
- Dermoid(cyst) - see also Neoplasm, benign, by site
- Dermopathy
- Dermophytosis - see Dermatophytosis
- Descemetocele H18.73-
- Descemet's membrane - see condition
- Descending - see condition
- Descensus uteri - see Prolapse, uterus
- Desert
- Desertion(newborn) - see Maltreatment
- Desmoid(extra-abdominal) (tumor) - see Neoplasm, connective tissue, uncertain behavior
- Despondency F32.9
- Desquamation, skin R23.4
- Destruction, destructive - see also Damage
- Destructiveness - see also Disorder, conduct
- Desultory labor O62.2
- Detachment
- Detergent asthma J69.8
- Deterioration
- Deuteranomaly(anomalous trichromat) H53.53
- Deuteranopia(complete) (incomplete) H53.53
- Development
- Developmental - see condition
- Devergie's disease(pityriasis rubra pilaris) L44.0
- Deviation(in)
- Device
- Devic's disease G36.0
- Devil's
- Devitalized tooth K04.99
- Devonshire colic - see Poisoning, lead
- Dextraposition, aorta Q20.3
- Dextrinosis, limit(debrancher enzyme deficiency) E74.03
- Dextrocardia(true) Q24.0
- Dextrotransposition, aorta Q20.3
- d-glycericacidemia E72.59
- Dhat syndrome F48.8
- Dhobi itch B35.6
- Di George's syndrome D82.1
- Di Guglielmo's disease C94.0-
- Diabetes, diabetic(mellitus) (sugar) E11.9
- Diacyclothrombopathia D69.1
- Diagnosis deferred R69
- Dialysis(intermittent) (treatment)
- Diamond-Blackfan anemia(congenital hypoplastic) D61.01
- Diamond-Gardener syndrome(autoerythrocyte sensitization) D69.2
- Diaper rash L22
- Diaphoresis(excessive) R61
- Diaphragm - see condition
- Diaphragmalgia R07.1
- Diaphragmatitis, diaphragmitis J98.6
- Diaphysial aclasis Q78.6
- Diaphysitis - see Osteomyelitis, specified type NEC
- Diarrhea, diarrheal(disease) (infantile) (inflammatory) R19.7
- Diastasis
- Diastema, tooth, teeth, fully erupted M26.32
- Diastematomyelia Q06.2
- Diataxia, cerebral G80.4
- Diathesis
- Diaz's disease or osteochondrosis(juvenile) (talus) - see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, tarsus
- Dibothriocephalus, dibothriocephaliasis(latus) (infection) (infestation) B70.0
- Dicephalus, dicephaly Q89.4
- Dichotomy, teeth K00.2
- Dichromat, dichromatopsia(congenital) - see Deficiency, color vision
- Dichuchwa A65
- Dicroceliasis B66.2
- Didelphia, didelphys - see Double uterus
- Didymytis N45.1
- Dietary
- Dietl's crisis N13.8
- Dieulafoy lesion(hemorrhagic)
- Difficult, difficulty(in)
- Diffuse - see condition
- DiGeorge's syndrome(thymic hypoplasia) D82.1
- Digestive - see condition
- Dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase disease(DPD) E88.89
- Diktyoma - see Neoplasm, malignant, by site
- Dilaceration, tooth K00.4
- Dilatation
- Dilated, dilation - see Dilatation
- Diminished, diminution
- Diminuta taenia B71.0
- Dimitri-Sturge-Weber disease Q85.8
- Dimple
- Dioctophyme renalis(infection) (infestation) B83.8
- Dipetalonemiasis B74.4
- Diphallus Q55.69
- Diphtheria, diphtheritic(gangrenous) (hemorrhagic) A36.9
- Diphyllobothriasis(intestine) B70.0
- Diplacusis H93.22-
- Diplegia(upper limbs) G83.0
- Diplococcus, diplococcal - see condition
- Diplopia H53.2
- Dipsomania F10.20
- Dipylidiasis B71.1
- Direction, teeth, abnormal, fully erupted M26.30
- Dirofilariasis B74.8
- Dirt-eating child F98.3
- Disability, disabilities
- Disappearance of family member Z63.4
- Disarticulation - see Amputation
- Discharge(from)
- Discitis, diskitis M46.40
- Discoid
- Discoloration
- Discomfort
- Discontinuity, ossicles, ear H74.2-
- Discord(with)
- Discordant connection
- Discrepancy
- Discrimination
- Disease, diseased - see also Syndrome
- Disfigurement(due to scar) L90.5
- Disgerminoma - see Dysgerminoma
- DISH(diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis) - see Hyperostosis, ankylosing
- Disinsertion, retina - see Detachment, retina
- Dislocatable hip, congenital Q65.6
- Dislocation(articular)
- Disorder(of) - see also Disease
- Disorientation R41.0
- Displacement, displaced
- Disproportion
- Disruptio uteri - see Rupture, uterus
- Disruption(of)
- Dissatisfaction with
- Dissecting - see condition
- Dissection
- Disseminated - see condition
- Dissociation
- Dissociative reaction, state F44.9
- Dissolution, vertebra - see Osteoporosis
- Distension, distention
- Distoma hepaticum infestation B66.3
- Distomiasis B66.9
- Distomolar(fourth molar) K00.1
- Disto-occlusion(Division I) (Division II) M26.212
- Distortion(s) (congenital)
- Distress
- Distribution vessel, atypical Q27.9
- Districhiasis L68.8
- Disturbance(s) - see also Disease
- Diuresis R35.8
- Diver's palsy, paralysis or squeeze T70.3
- Diverticulitis(acute) K57.92
- Diverticulosis K57.90
- Diverticulum, diverticula(multiple) K57.90
- Division
- Divorce, causing family disruption Z63.5
- Dix-Hallpike neurolabyrinthitis - see Neuronitis, vestibular
- Dizziness R42
- DMAC(disseminated mycobacterium avium- intracellulare complex) A31.2
- DNR(do not resuscitate) Z66
- Doan-Wiseman syndrome(primary splenic neutropenia) - see Agranulocytosis
- Doehle-Heller aortitis A52.02
- Dog bite - see Bite
- Dohle body panmyelopathic syndrome D72.0
- Dolichocephaly Q67.2
- Dolichocolon Q43.8
- Dolichostenomelia - see Syndrome, Marfan's
- Donohue's syndrome E34.8
- Donor(organ or tissue) Z52.9
- Donovanosis A58
- Dorsalgia M54.9
- Dorsopathy M53.9
- Double
- Douglas' pouch, cul-de-sac - see condition
- Down syndrome Q90.9
- DPD(dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase deficiency) E88.89
- Dracontiasis B72
- Dracunculiasis, dracunculosis B72
- Dream state, hysterical F44.89
- Dreschlera(hawaiiensis) (infection) B43.8
- Drepanocytic anemia - see Disease, sickle-cell
- Dresbach's syndrome(elliptocytosis) D58.1
- Dressler's syndrome I24.1
- Drift, ulnar - see Deformity, limb, specified type NEC, forearm
- Drinking(alcohol)
- Drip, postnasal(chronic) R09.82
- Droop
- Drop(in)
- Dropped heart beats I45.9
- Dropsy, dropsical - see also Hydrops
- Drowned, drowning(near) T75.1
- Drowsiness R40.0
- Drug
- Drunkenness(without dependence) F10.129
- Drusen
- Dry, dryness - see also condition
- DSAP L56.5
- Duane's syndrome H50.81-
- Dubin-Johnson disease or syndrome E80.6
- Dubois' disease(thymus gland) A50.59
- Dubowitz' syndrome Q87.1
- Duchenne-Aran muscular atrophy G12.21
- Duchenne-Griesinger disease G71.0
- Duchenne's
- Ducrey's chancre A57
- Duct, ductus - see condition
- Duhring's disease(dermatitis herpetiformis) L13.0
- Dullness, cardiac(decreased) (increased) R01.2
- Dumb ague - see Malaria
- Dumbness - see Aphasia
- Dumdum fever B55.0
- Dumping syndrome(postgastrectomy) K91.1
- Duodenitis(nonspecific) (peptic) K29.80
- Duodenocholangitis - see Cholangitis
- Duodenum, duodenal - see condition
- Duplay's bursitis or periarthritis - see Tendinitis, calcific, shoulder
- Duplication, duplex - see also Accessory
- Dupré's disease(meningism) R29.1
- Dupuytren's contraction or disease M72.0
- Durand-Nicolas-Favre disease A55
- Durotomy(inadvertent) (incidental) G97.41
- Duroziez's disease(congenital mitral stenosis) Q23.2
- Dutton's relapsing fever(West African) A68.1
- Dwarfism E34.3
- Dyke-Young anemia(secondary) (symptomatic) D59.1
- Dysacusis - see Abnormal, auditory perception
- Dysadrenocortism E27.9
- Dysarthria R47.1
- Dysautonomia(familial) G90.1
- Dysbarism T70.3
- Dysbasia R26.2
- Dysbetalipoproteinemia(familial) E78.2
- Dyscalculia R48.8
- Dyschezia K59.00
- Dyschondroplasia(with hemangiomata) Q78.4
- Dyschromia(skin) L81.9
- Dyscollagenosis M35.9
- Dyscranio-pygo-phalangy Q87.0
- Dyscrasia
- Dysendocrinism E34.9
- Dysentery, dysenteric(catarrhal) (diarrhea) (epidemic) (hemorrhagic) (infectious) (sporadic) (tropical) A09
- Dysequilibrium R42
- Dysesthesia R20.8
- Dysfibrinogenemia(congenital) D68.2
- Dysfunction
- Dysgenesis
- Dysgerminoma
- Dysgeusia R43.2
- Dysgraphia R27.8
- Dyshidrosis, dysidrosis L30.1
- Dyskaryotic cervical smear R87.619
- Dyskeratosis L85.8
- Dyskinesia G24.9
- Dyslalia(developmental) F80.0
- Dyslexia R48.0
- Dyslipidemia E78.5
- Dysmaturity - see also Light for dates
- Dysmenorrhea(essential) (exfoliative) N94.6
- Dysmetabolic syndrome X E88.81
- Dysmetria R27.8
- Dysmorphism(due to)
- Dysmorphophobia(nondelusional) F45.22
- Dysnomia R47.01
- Dysorexia R63.0
- Dysostosis
- Dyspareunia(female) N94.1
- Dyspepsia R10.13
- Dysphagia R13.10
- Dysphagocytosis, congenital D71
- Dysphasia R47.02
- Dysphonia R49.0
- Dysphoria, postpartal O90.6
- Dyspituitarism E23.3
- Dysplasia - see also Anomaly
- Dyspnea(nocturnal) (paroxysmal) R06.00
- Dyspraxia R27.8
- Dysproteinemia E88.09
- Dysreflexia, autonomic G90.4
- Dysrhythmia
- Dyssomnia - see Disorder, sleep
- Dyssynergia
- Dysthymia F34.1
- Dysthyroidism E07.9
- Dystocia O66.9
- Dystonia G24.9
- Dystonic movements R25.8
- Dystrophy, dystrophia
- Dysuria R30.0