Submitted to
American College of Physicians

Asif S. Qureshi
5042 N Winthrop Ave #237
Chicago, IL 60640.

Induced cardiac arrhytmias, case reports, Military Science, political science

Geographic coordinates:
Latitude 34 08 N
Longitude 74 51 E

Latitude 25 00 N
Longitude 45 00 E

Latitude 38 00 N
Longitude 97 00 W

Induced brain haemoraahge other haemorrages Induced case scenerios and reproducable ---- and military applications

A person gives confidential history of political dynamics. Develops sudden onset of spark in the chest. After that gap of some period again develops sudden onset of another spark in the chest. Person explains this as someone giving invisible shocks to him. After that develops vertigo. He is seen by medical doctors and ECG reflects cardiac arrhythmias with heart block. He is put on temporary pacing and doesn't respond. Eventually dies. Similar scenerio is repeated
elsewhere, Latitude 25 00 N
Longitude 45 00 E

The way confidentail history is given in above scenerio, same way same person is called and is asked if he has experienced similar situation elsewhere and same can be repeated in this scenerio.Political dynamics, more details are avialable. This person doesn't repond to pacing and dies.

Medical doctors who apparently managed these cases, were trained in Asia, American board certified and others, in civilian case managements, however were ignorant about military science and political science applications in real world and their harmful applications or benefits. secret Existance of such gagets, American heart association, department of Justice, World health organization, United Nations and others are encouraged to ask George herbert Bush, in case he is unwilling, we can prove this with other methods.

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I do not know yet

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I do not know yet

Do advanced Avionics, Mind control technology, Action potential, Mind reading devices, Pulse modulated mind control, Wide area network high resolution, nanotechnology, space dopplers with range from North pole to South pole, west to east and others bring into question new challenges, mandatory need for Advanced research for Medical Doctors?