Multiple Choice Our bodies exhale what percentage of Oxygen? # 11 – 15% # O 15 – 16% # ? 18 – 20% # ? 17 – 20% Correct: 15 – 16% # Oxygen is carried throughout our bodies on cells called: 1. ? osteocytes 2. ? White blood cells 3. ? Red blood cells 4. ? leukocytes Correct: Red blood cells # Factors that can cause inadequate oxygen perfusion are: 1. ? Bronchitis 2. ? Gas bubble 3. ? All of the these 4. ? Respiratory muscle paralysis Correct:All of the these # Which airway adjunct can be used if the patient has a gag reflex? 1. ? Nasal cannula 2. ? Pharyngeal lumen airway 3. ? Oropharyngeal airway 4. ? Nasopharyngeal airway Correct:Nasopharyngeal airway # The majority of gas exchange (oxygen and carbon dioxide) takes place in the: 1. ? Alveoli 2. ? Bronchioles 3. ? Pleura 4. ? Lungs Correct:Alveoli # What technique should be used in opening a patient`s airway when trauma is suspected? 1. ? Jaw-thrust maneuver 2. ? Head-lift maneuver 3. ? Hyperextension 4. ? Sellick`s maneuver Correct: Jaw-thrust maneuver # Without oxygen, cells begin to die in: 1. ? 4 - 6 minutes 2. ? 1 -2 minutes 3. ? 6 - 8 minutes 4. ? 10 - 15 minutes Correct: 4 - 6 minutes # Once inspiration is initiated, stretch receptors in the smooth muscle of the lungs become activated. This is called: 1. ? Einthoven`s reflex 2. ? Starling`s law 3. ? Hering-Breuer reflex 4. ? Sellick`s reflex Correct: Hering-Breuer reflex # Normal respiration is a(n) ______ process. 1. ? Sympathetic 2. ? Parasympathetic 3. ? Active 4. ? Passive Correct: Passive # The main respiratory center is in the: 1. ? Dura Mater 2. ? Medulla 3. ? Pituitary 4. ? Frontal lobe Correct: Medulla