the way from one place to another is called NAVIGATION. Moving of an
aircraft from one point to another
is the most important part for any kind of mission. Plotting on the
paper or on the map a course towards a specific area of the earth , in
the passed, used to be
a task assigned to a specialised member of the aircraft's crew such a
navigator. Such a task was quite complicated and not always accurate.
Since it depended on the observation , using simple maps and
geometrical instruments for calculations. Today, aerial navigation has
become an art which
nears to perfection. Both external Navaids (Navigational Aids) and
on-board systems help navigate any aircraft over thousand of miles with
such accuracy that
could only be imagined a few decades ago. |
The Method of Navigation
There are three main methods of air navigation. There are: 1. Pilotage , 2. Dead Reckoning , 3. Radio.
Pilotage or Piloting is
the most common method of air navigation. This method, the pilot keeps
on course by following a series of landmarks on the ground.
Usually before take-off, pilot will making pre-flight planning , the
pilot will draws a line on the aeronautical map to indicate the
desired course. Pilot will nots
various landmarks , such as highways , railroad tracks, rivers ,
bridges . As the pilot flies over each of landmark , pilot will checks
it off on the chart or map. If the plane
does not pass directly over thelandmark , the pilot will know that he
has to correct the course.
Dead Reckoning is
the primary navigation method used in the early days of flying. It is
the method on which Lindberg relied on his first trans-Atlantic flight.
A pilot used this
method when flying over large bodies of water, forest, deserts. It
demands more skill and experience than pilotage does. It is based on
time, distance, and
direction only. The pilot must know the distance from one point to the
next, the magnetic heading to be flown. Pilot works on the pre-flight
plan chart , pilot
plan a route in advance. Pilot calculate the time to know exactly to
reach the distination while flying at constant speed. In the air, the
pilot uses compass to keep
the plane heading in the right direction. Dead reckoning is not always
a successful method of navigation because of changing wind direction.
It is the fundamental of VFR flight.
Radio Navigation
is used by almost all pilots. Pilots can find out from an aeronautical
chart what radio station they should tune to in a particular area.
They can then tune their radio navigation equipment to a signal from
this station. A needle on the navigation equipment tells the pilot
where they are flying to or
from station, on course or not .
see sample of aeronautical chart , preflight plan chart : click here |
Pilots have various navigation aids that help them takeoff,fly, and land
safely. One of the most important aids is a series of air route traffic
control , operated throughout the world.
Most of the traffic control uses a radar screen to make sure all the
planes in its vicinity are flying in their assigned airways. Airliners
carry a special type of radar receiver and transmitter called a
transponder. It
receives a radar signal from control center and immediately bounces it
back. When the signal got to the ground, it makes the plane show up on
the radar screen.
Pilots have special methods for navigating across oceans. Three commonly
used methods are:
1. Inertial GuidanceThis system has computer and other special devices that tell pilots where are the plane located.
2.LORAN Long
Range Navigation The plane has equipment for receiving special radio
signals sent out continuous from transmitter stations. The signals will
indicate the plane
3.GPS Global
Positioning System. is the only system today able to show your exact
position on the earth any time, anywhere, and any weather. The system
receiver on the aircraft will
receives the signals from sattelites around the globe. |
ADF Automatic Direction Finder. An aircraft radio navigation which senses and indicates the direction to a Low/Medium Frequency
non-directional radio beacon (NDB) ground transmitter. |
DME Distance Measuring Equipment. Ground and aircraft equipment which provide distance information and primary serve
operational needs of en-route or terminal area navigation. |
EAT Estimated Approach Time |
Electronic Flight Instrument System , in which multi-function CRT
displays replace traditional instruments for providing flight,
navigation and aircraft system information, forming a so-called " glass
cockpit ". |
ETA Estimated Time of Arrival |
GPS Global Positioning System . A navigation system based on the transmission of signals from satellites provided and maintained
by the United States of America and available to civil aviation users. |
HDG Heading. The direction in which an aircraft's nose points in flight in the horizontal plane, expressed in compass degrees
(eg. 000 or 360 is North, 090 is East) |
Horizontal Situation Indicator. A cockpit navigation display, usually
part of a flight-director system, which combines navigation and
heading. |
IFR Instrument Flight Rule . prescribed for the operation of aircraft in instrument meteorological condition. |
Instrument Landing System . consists of the localizer, the glideslope
and marker radio beacons (outer, middle, inner). It provides
horizontal and vertical guidance for the approach. |
Inertial Navigation System. It uses gyroscopes and other electronic
tracking systems to detect acceleration and deceleration,
and computes an aircraft's position in latitude and longitude. Its
accuracy, however, declines on long flights. Also called IRS, or
Inertial Reference System. |
KNOT (kt)
Standard Unit of speed in aviation and marine transportation, equivalent
to one nautical mile per hour. One knot is equal
to 1.1515 mph., and one nautical mile equals to 6,080 feet or 1.1515
miles. One knot is equal to one nautical mile per one hour. |
LORAN C Long Range Navigation is a Long-Range low frequency Radio Navigation. Its range is about 1,200 nm by day to 2,300 nm. by night. |
MAGNETIC COURSE Horizontal direction, measured in degrees clockwise from the magnetic north. |
MACH NUMBER Ratio of true airspeed to the speed of sound. Mach 1 is the speed of sound at sea level. Its values is approximately 760 mph. |
Non-Directional Beacon. A medium frequency navigational aid which
transmits non-directional signals , superimposed with a Morse code
identifier and received by an aircraft's ADF. |
RMI Radio Magnetic Indicator. A navigation aid which combines DI ,VOR and /or ADF display and will indicate bearings to stations,
together with aircraft heading. |
Area Navigation. A system of radio navigation which permits direct
point-to-point off-airways navigation by means of an on-board computer
creating phantom VOR/DME transmitters termed waypoints. |
TACtical Air Navigation. Combines VOR and DME and used by military
aircraft only.System which uses UHF frequencies , providing information
about the bearing and
distance from the ground station we have tuned into. |
Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System. Radar based airborne
collision avoidance system operating independently of ground-based
equipment. TCAS-I
generates traffic advisories only. TCAS-II provides advisories and
collision avoidance instructions in the vertical plane. |
Airborne receiver / transmitter which receives the interrogation signal
from the ground and automatically replies according to mode and code
selected. Mode A and
B wre used for identification, using a four digit number allocated by
air traffic control. Mode C gives automatic altitude readout from an
encoding altimeter. |
VFR Visual Flight Rules. Rules applicable to flights in visual meteorological conditions. |
VHF Very High Frequency. Radio frequency in the 30-300 Mhz band, used for most civil air to ground communication. |
Very High Frequency Omnidirectional Range. A radio navigation aid
operating in the 108-118 Mhz band. A VOR groun station transmits a two-
phase directional
signal through 360 degrees. The aircraft's VOR receiver enables a
pilot to identify his radial or bearing From/To the ground station .
VOR is the most commonly used radio navigation aid in private flying. |
VORTAC A special VOR which combines VOR and DME for civil and military used . System provides information about
the bearing and distance from the ground station we have tuned into. |
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