
How many residents are in the state as of today?
Where are they located in the state?
How many residents are out of state?
In what state or place are they located?
What is the profile of their assets in and outside the state?

How many residents are there in the state as of September 13, 2011?

How many residents are there in the state more than 18 years of age as of September 13, 2011?

How many residents of the state more than 18 years of age have basic skills of the English language (understanding, written, spoken), math, science, and social studies?

How many residents are there in the state?

How many own a dwelling in the state?

How many do not own a dwelling in the state?

If they do not own a dwelling in the state, how many own at any other location outside the state?

How many will each state accommodate per year?

How many years of records are available at __________ _________?