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Information and broadcasting.
State department of information and broadcasting.
Media Education
Media topics
    Media topics

  1. What can the format of a press release be? Answer
  2. How do you write a press release in English? Answer
  3. What should a media professional in the state and around the world know about media? Answer

    Departments in state and around the world relevant to media.
  4. What are the departments in the state and around the world relevant to media? Answer

    News Media Reports
  5. News media report and letter: What is the difference? Answer

    Media Law.
  6. What should you know about media law? Answer

    Media Technology.
  7. What should you know about media technology? Answer

    Teaching through media.
  8. What can be taught through media? Answer

    Media Reports.
  9. What are the most common media reports? Answer
What should a media professional in the state and around the world know about media?
Annotation or definition of media.
Accuracy, credibility of news reports, and verification.
Degrees in Journalism and Media.
Departments in state and around the world relevant to media.
Economy and Budget.
Emergency News
English language.
Identifying media resources circulating false news.
Journalism and Media.
Media and human thinking and behavior.
Media law.
Media professionals.
Media Reports.
Media technology.
Media with other names.
Networking with other media around the world.
News Reading in English
Newspaper Printing - Newspaper Printers
Publication Ban
State department of information and broadcasting.
Teaching about media.
Teaching through media.
Workers in Media.

Annotation or definition of media.
What are media?
Word media is plural of medium.

Media, medium, and mediums: What is the difference?
Media is the plural of medium.
Media are the collective communication outlets or tools that are used to store and deliver information or data.
The medium is an intervening substance through which signals can travel as a means for communication.
Medium is a noun.
Academics now use the 'mediums' as plural.

What is media education?
Media education is the process of teaching, learning about media, and teaching through media.

Is there a difference between teaching, learning about media, and teaching through media?

What is the difference between teaching, learning about media, and teaching through media?

Teaching, learning about media
About media

Teaching and learning about media include the whole range of publicly disseminated communications media: computer and Internet publications, television, the cinema, video, radio, photography, advertising, newspapers and magazines, recorded music.

Teaching through media

Teaching through media means using computers, Internet, television, and other media to teach school subjects – for example, English, math, science, social studies. Media also are used for college teaching and university guidelines – for example, professions, abilities, products, subjects, and services.

Internet news reports are included in electronic media.

Departments in state and around the world relevant to media.
What are the departments in the state and around the world relevant to media?
State department of information and broadcasting.

North American States

  1. Alabama (AL)

  2. Alaska (AK)

  3. Arizona (AZ)

  4. Arkansas (AR)

  5. Alberta (AB)

  6. British Columbia (BC)

  7. California (CA)

  8. Colorado (CO)

  9. Connecticut (CT)

  10. Delaware (DE)

  11. Florida (FL)

  12. Georgia (GA)

  13. Hawaii (HI)

  14. Idaho (ID)

  15. Illinois (IL)

  16. Indiana (IN)

  17. Iowa (IA)

  18. Kansas (KS)

  19. Kentucky (KY)

  20. Louisiana (LA)

  21. Maine (ME)

  22. Maryland (MD)

  23. Massachusetts (MA)

  24. Michigan (MI)

  25. Minnesota (MN)

  26. Mississippi (MS)

  27. Missouri (MO)

  28. Montana (MT)

  29. Manitoba (MB)

  30. Mexico (MX)

  31. Nebraska (NE)

  32. Nevada (NV)

  33. New Hampshire (NH)

  34. New Jersey (NJ)

  35. New Mexico (NM)

  36. New York (NY)

  37. North Carolina (NC)

  38. North Dakota (ND)

  39. New Brunswick (NB)

  40. Newfoundland and Labrador (NL)

  41. Northwest Territories (NT)

  42. Nova Scotia (NS)

  43. Nunavut (NU)

  44. Ohio (OH)

  45. Oklahoma (OK)

  46. Oregon (OR)

  47. Ontario (ON)

  48. Pennsylvania (PA)

  49. Prince Edward Island (PE)

  50. Quebec (QC)

  51. Rhode Island (RI)

  52. South Carolina (SC)

  53. South Dakota (SD)

  54. Saskatchewan (SK)

  55. Tennessee (TN)

  56. Texas (TX)

  57. Utah (UT)

  58. Vermont (VT)

  59. Virginia (VA)

  60. Washington (WA)

  61. West Virginia (WV)

  62. Wisconsin (WI)

  63. Wyoming (WY)

  64. Yukon (YT)
    Asian States

  65. Albania

  66. Andorra

  67. Armenia

  68. Austria

  69. Azerbaijan

  70. Arkhangelsk Oblast

  71. Anhui Province

  72. Afghanistan

  73. Assam

  74. Arunachal Pradesh

  75. Andhra Pradesh

  76. Andaman and Nicober Islands

  77. Bangladesh

  78. Bhutan

  79. Brunei

  80. Belarus

  81. Belgium

  82. Bosnia and Herzegovina

  83. Bulgaria

  84. Bihar

  85. Bahrain

  86. Chechnya

  87. Croatia

  88. Cyprus

  89. Czech Republic

  90. Cambodia

  91. Chukotka Autonomous Okrug

  92. Chhattisgarh

  93. Daman and Diu

  94. Dadra and Nagar Haveli

  95. Denmark

  96. England

  97. Estonia

  98. East Timor

  99. Finland

  100. Fujian Province

  101. France

  102. Gujarat

  103. Goa

  104. Georgia

  105. Germany

  106. Gibraltar

  107. Greece

  108. Gansu Province

  109. Guangdong Province

  110. Guangxi Province

  111. Guizhou

  112. Heilongjiang

  113. Hong Kong

  114. Hubei

  115. Hainan Province

  116. Henan Province

  117. Hunan Province

  118. Himachal Pradesh

  119. Hungary

  120. Inner Mongolia

  121. Indonesia

  122. Iran

  123. Iraq

  124. Iceland

  125. Ireland

  126. Italy

  127. Islamabad

  128. Japan

  129. Jeddah

  130. Jiangxi Province

  131. Jordan

  132. Jiangsu

  133. Jiangxi

  134. Jilin

  135. Jharkhand

  136. Kashmir

  137. Karnataka

  138. Kerala

  139. Kazakhstan

  140. Korea - North

  141. Korea - South

  142. Kyrgyzstan

  143. Kuwait

  144. Kaliningrad Oblast

  145. Lakshadweep

  146. Latvia

  147. Liechtenstein

  148. Lithuania

  149. Luxembourg

  150. Laos

  151. Lebanon

  152. Liaoning Province

  153. Liaoning

  154. Manipur

  155. Mizoram

  156. Maharashtra

  157. Madhya Pradesh

  158. Meghalaya

  159. Malaysia

  160. Maldives

  161. Magadan Oblast

  162. Mongolia

  163. Myanmar

  164. Macedonia

  165. Malta

  166. Medina

  167. Mecca

  168. Moldova

  169. Monaco

  170. Montenegro

  171. NCT of Delhi

  172. Nagaland

  173. Netherlands

  174. Northern Ireland

  175. Norway

  176. Ningxia

  177. Nepal

  178. Oman

  179. Orissa

  180. Puducherry

  181. Punjab

  182. Peshawar

  183. Philippines

  184. Poland

  185. Portugal

  186. Palestine

  187. Qinghai Province

  188. Qinghai

  189. Qatar

  190. Rajasthan

  191. Romania

  192. Sikkim

  193. Syria

  194. Singapore

  195. Sri Lanka

  196. Scotland

  197. Serbia

  198. Slovakia

  199. Slovenia

  200. Spain

  201. Sweden

  202. Switzerland

  203. Shaanxi Province

  204. Shandong

  205. Shanxi

  206. Sichuan

  207. Taiwan

  208. Tajikistan

  209. Thailand

  210. Tibet

  211. Tripura

  212. Tamil Nadu

  213. Turkey

  214. Turkmenistan

  215. Ukraine

  216. Uzbekistan

  217. Uttarakhand

  218. United Arab Emirates

  219. Uttar Pradesh

  220. Vietnam

  221. Vatican City

  222. Wales

  223. West Bengal

  224. Xinjiang

  225. Yunnan

  226. Yemen

  227. Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

  228. Zhejiang

  229. Algeria

  230. Angola

  231. Burundi

  232. Benin

  233. Burkina Faso

  234. Botswana

  235. Cape Verde

  236. Côte d'Ivoire

  237. Comoros

  238. Cameroon

  239. Central African Republic

  240. Chad

  241. Canary Islands

  242. Ceuta

  243. Democratic Republic of the Congo

  244. Djibouti

  245. Egypt

  246. Eritrea

  247. Ethiopia

  248. Equatorial Guinea

  249. Gabon

  250. Gambia

  251. Ghana

  252. Guinea

  253. Guinea-Bissau

  254. Kenya

  255. Liberia

  256. Lesotho

  257. Madagascar

  258. Malawi

  259. Mauritius

  260. Mayotte

  261. Mozambique

  262. Mali

  263. Mauritania

  264. Madeira

  265. Melilla

  266. Morocco

  267. Niger

  268. Nigeria

  269. Namibia

  270. Réunion

  271. Rwanda

  272. Republic of the Congo

  273. São Tomé and Príncipe

  274. Saint Helena

  275. Senegal

  276. Sierra Leone

  277. Seychelles

  278. Somalia

  279. South Africa

  280. Swaziland

  281. South Sudan

  282. Sudan

  283. Tanzania

  284. Togo

  285. Tunisia

  286. Uganda

  287. Western Sahara

  288. Zambia

  289. Zimbabwe

  290. Northern Territory

  291. South Australia

  292. Queensland

  293. New South Wales

  294. Victoria (Australia)

  295. Western Australian

  296. Tasmania

  297. New Zealand

  298. Acre (Asif Province)

  299. Alagoas

  300. Amapá

  301. Amazonas

  302. Bahia

  303. Buenos Aires Province

  304. Ceará

  305. Chubut Province

  306. Córdoba Province

  307. Goiás

  308. Bolivia

  309. Chile

  310. Colombia

  311. Ecuador

  312. Falkland Islands

  313. French Guiana

  314. Guyana

  315. Paraguay

  316. Peru

  317. Río Negro

  318. Santa Cruz

  319. Santa Fe Province

  320. Salta Province

  321. South Georgia

  322. Suriname

  323. Uruguay

  324. Venezuela

News Media Reports
News media report and letter: What is the difference?

We will focus on the body of a letter and a news media report.

The body of the letter starts with a statement like this:

Why am I writing to you?
I am writing about the protest report.

I will quote some examples.

When, where, and what has happened?
On Monday, January 26, 2015, from dawn to dusk in Kashmir, Asia, protests and shutdowns were witnessed.

Why did this happen?
How did this happen?
Who all are involved?
Who reported the incident?
Who witnessed the incident?
What medium of communication was utilized?
What other facts are relevant to the incident?
What statements were issued?
What questions remain unanswered?

You can add further declarative, imperative, and exclamatory questions after this.

A news media report communicates the day, date, time, location, type of incident and further details of the incident.
On Monday, January 26, 2015, from dawn to dusk in Kashmir, Asia, protests and shutdowns were witnessed.
You can add more declarative sentences, imperative, and exclamatory questions after this.

Media report is like presenting a legal brief .

You can write a letter to the editor.
The press release will be displayed most of the time without, for example: I am writing about the protest report. The only body of the letter that is newsworthy will be displayed.

It is better to precisely write a press release and forward.
Editing is required for this document.
Do not edit this document. Display precisely this press release.
If the English grammar for the document is correct, most likely press release will be displayed .

Who should print this global newspaper worldwide in all states around the world in North American states, Asian states, African states, Australian states, and South American states?

Media Education and News reports Difference

What is the difference between media education and news reports or media reports?

News reports reveals answers to these questions.
What has happened today?
What has happened in the past relevant to the present or future?

Media education is the process of teaching, learning about media, and teaching through media.

Media Law.
What should you know about media law?
Truth with sound reasoning prevails in media law.

Media Technology.
What should you know about media technology?
Computer and Internet (most important).
Content or programs production in English language .
Television technology.
Radio technology.
Printing technology.
Media storage technology.
Q: Which is better: traditional TV or World wide web/internet TV?
Q: Have you recently missed any of your favorite shows?
Q: Isn't it better to have World wide web/internet TV?
Q: What resources should TV offer to enhance these courses?
Q: What is the television media's annual budget?
NBC, CNN, ABC, CBC, BBC, Doordarshan, PTV, etc.
What's your annual budget?
Q: What has been the pattern over the last 10 years?
Q: How are programs selected?
Q: Who selects and approves programs?
Q: Who should select and approve programs?
Q: What should be taken into consideration when selecting and approving programs?
Q: Why mislead the viewers?

Globe Magazine
    Q: Would you like to print Globe Magazine in your city/district/county?
    Q: What type of layout can you print?
    Q: What is involved in the process of magazine printing?
    Q: What are the various sizes of magazines?
    Q: What is the latest technology available in magazine printing?
    TV program/programme
Globe Broadcasting
More facts are at www.qureshiuniversity.com. What latest technologies are required in the media?
Here are further guidelines.

Media and human thinking and behavior.
How do the media affect how people think and behave?
Nonfiction media help to improve thinking and behavior of people.
Fiction media harms the communities and creates law and order issues.
Fiction media has to be banned with punishments.

Teaching through media.
What can be taught through media?
School education (English, math, science, social studies).
Professional education (611 professions).
What are directives for media in the state and outside the state?
Circulate products, services, and directives from various essential departments in the state to public.

Do not circulate directives of any bad charactered, badly behaved, harmful, or fraudulently placed individuals involved in felony or misdemeanor in the state and outside the state.

Media must know they belong to the state department of information and broadcasting.
All printers, machines, and office resources are state resources. They must know media law. If the media violates media law, they can get punished.

If you have any news reports from around the world, please forward them to admin@qureshiuniversity.com or Fax 7733379107 Chicago, Illinois.
What is News?
News is the communication of selected information on current events which is presented by print, broadcast, Internet, or word of mouth to a third-party or mass audience.

Here are further guidelines.

How does the news media decide what is newsworthy and what is not?
1. Emergency News
2. Significance
3. Proximity
4. Prominence
5. Human Interest
6. Timing

What should media, including newspapers, do before circulating statement of any person involved in public service or activities?
Does he or she have answers to relevant questions?
Does he or she practice answers to relevant questions?

What is good human character?
What is good human behavior?
How do you define state economy?
How do you define a state budget?
What are the essential ingredients of an economy?
What is the Essential Commodities Act?
What is the Essential Services Maintenance Act?
What is the Fair Housing Act?
What standard and reference of the English language do you follow?
Where is this standard and reference of the English language displayed?
These are basic questions.
There are many more.
What will happen if media, including newspapers, do not verify these parameters?
The public may be misled.
The public may be harmed.
Individuals may be harmed.
Media, including newspapers, may be party to harms.
Q: What is media?
A: Media is not only a mirror of the society but also an instrument for social change and progress. It informs and educates the society and acts as an agent of communication between various sections of the society.

World wide media: Don't publish statements of so-called world leaders unless you see and deliberate with them face to face, with questions and answers.

Q: What are various types of media?
1. Electronic media, including TV, radio, Internet.
2. Print media - newspapers, magazines, books.
3. Nonfiction movies that impart good character, good behavior, situation-specific, industry-specific civilized education. This can be on a DVD, video cassette, or relayed via TV or Internet.

Q: What should be the media's focus to help communities?
A: Media should bring truth to people.
Media should focus on planning and development of the state.
Media should bring global perspective to people.
Media should discard sports sections.
Media should focus on health and well-being of people.
Media should focus on education.

Q: Can frivolous media reports harm communities?
A: Yes.

Q: What should media look forward to?
A: If media improves its quality, it can replace schools, colleges and universities.

Q: What should be presented on TV, Internet and movies?
A: It should be based precisely on curriculum in schools, colleges, and universities. TV and movie producers: Take a school, college, or university book and make a movie or TV program out of it.

Take a look at this.

Q: How do you detect a false news report?
A: A meeting report comes up, without prior information or planning of the meeting. The day, date, time, duration, actual participants, place, and language details aren't available. There is no independent verification of the proceedings.

Q: Should you praise government if it is incompetent, came to power with fraud, has bad character, behaves badly, and inflicted intentional harms?
A: No.

Be aware of these self-created, vested interests, maliciously engineered praise for ministers, members of parliaments, legislators, and people at the helm of affairs.
For example:
This delegation appealed to this legislator.
This person praised this legislator.

Q: How do ministers, fraudulently planted legislators, and the state administration control newspapers and media?
A: If they don't circulate false malicious advertisements in their favor, their resources are stopped. They don't permit them to bring out true facts with sound reasoning.

Home office

Q: What can you do in a home office?
A: You can upload materials to the Internet.
You can complete work that does not need public meetings.
Reporters can communicate from a remote location via e-mail and telephone.
An editor can submit material for printing.

Q: What can you not do at a home office?
A: You cannot make your home office a location of public meetings.

Here are further guidelines.
Accuracy, credibility of news reports, and verification.

How should you ensure accuracy and credibility of news reports with verification from various sources?
Should you circulate news reports without verification from various sources?
Here are further guidelines.
Ban publications of these criminals.

When can a ban on publication be imposed for various individuals?
Criminal activities, bad character, bad behavior, came to specific position with fraud, or involved in various criminal activities.

What are the names, photographs, with brief profile of various criminals?

Here are further guidelines.

What are directives for media in the state and outside the state?
Circulate products, services, and directives from various essential departments in the state to public.

Do not circulate directives of any bad charactered, badly behaved, harmful, or fraudulently placed individuals involved in felony or misdemeanor in the state and outside the state.

Media must know they belong to the state department of information and broadcasting.
All printers, machines, and office resources are state resources. They must know media law. If the media violates media law, they can get punished.
Degrees in Journalism and Media.

Bachelor's degree
Master's degree
Doctoral degree

What is the curriculum difference among a journalist and various media workers?
What is the work-related difference among various media workers?
Here are further guidelines.
Economy and Budget.

Why is it essential for media to know about the state economy and state budget?
Here are further guidelines.
Emergency News

    What is breaking news?
    Any emergency news is breaking news.
    Take a look at this.
    Any news that fits in one of these emergencies is emergency news.
English language.

Why is English language media the most popular worldwide?
Here are further guidelines.
Identifying media resources circulating false news.

What are various media resources circulating false news?
Here are further guidelines.
Journalism and Media.

Is there a difference between journalism and media?
What is the difference between journalism and media?
Here are further guidelines.
Media Law.

What media law should you know?
Here are further guidelines.
Media with other names.

What are other names for media?
Press, mass communication, etc.
Here are further guidelines.
What statement should the media circulate from the state and outside the state?
Select the head of the department and his/her associates who have the duty to serve in the state.
Here is a list of departments.
Here are guidelines for writing relevant reports.
Media Associations
Networking with other media around the world.

What is networking around the world the best media resource?
Why is networking around the world the best media resource?
Here are further guidelines.
News Reading in English
What does reading the news in English look like?
Here are further guidelines.
Newspaper Printing - Newspaper Printers
What size is the newspaper?
What is a Broadsheet?
What is involved in the process of newspaper printing?
Here are further guidelines.
What questions should be answered before you circulate news of any prize?
Here are further guidelines.
Publication Ban

What should the media know about a publication ban?
What individuals have a media ban up to today?
What individuals have a travel ban up to now?
Here are further guidelines.

What is printer?
What are the different printing methods?
    Here are further guidelines.
State department of information and broadcasting.

What should be the skills and knowledge of the head of the state department of information and broadcasting?
Here are further guidelines.
What should happen if media, including newspapers, circulate a statement by any person who does not know and practice basics of good character, good behavior, insight of rights, state economy, state budget, state planning and development, and tries to get involved in public issues in or outside the state?

Any media, including newspapers, trying to glorify these criminals will face punishment. Closure of media or newspapers or replacement of editor, director, or producer is one option.

What should police, military, and lawyers include in the charges?

Reinforcing people involved in various harms.
Q: How does one write a news story?
Do you want to educate people via your print media?
Take a look at this
Qureshi University

Some advertisements have been displayed without researching or knowing the facts.

Q: What research is necessary before an advertisement?
Q: Did you come across any advertisement that I didn't hear and see?
Q: Did you come across any advertisement that I should have heard and seen?
Q: Where and when did the advertisement appear?
Q: Why didn't it appear online?
Q: Who is involved?
Q: Do we need such centers or institutions?
A: No
World wide media: Don't publish statements of so-called world leaders unless you see and deliberate with them face to face, with questions and answers.
Worldwide Media
    Please be legally correct. Don't write "Kashmir", India, USA, Pakistan, Saudia Arabia, Instead, write
    Federal Administration, led by (name of the person), The then Federal administration lead by (name of the person)
    Federal administration unfairly managed by _______
    Federal administration unfairly controlled by ___________
    Federal administration unfairly administered by ________
    State administration unfairly administered by _______
    Disputed region unfairly controlled by _______
    Disputed region unfairly administered by _______
    City/County administration unfairly controlled by ________
    City/County administration unfairly managed by _______
    Once harms and claims are submitted, those party to harms will have to fulfill remedies and damages, plus punishments.
World newspapers, magazines, and broadcasting in English, sorted by state or continent
    North America
    South America

    Do you have any recommendations?
The following media have been found to circulate false news.

From June 5-14, 2010, GK online www.greaterkashmir.com was not displayed.
Was it due to editor, server problem, or both?
What were the reasons for this problem?
GK online is a public resource.
It is not private property.
Do we need more editors or an independent server?
What is being done to educate more new editors?
There should be at least six editors and six server operators.
Good character, good behavior, skills, and knowledge of rights, economy, and budget are essential.
What is being done to educate server operators?
Which server should be used?
The following media have been found to maintain criminal silence.
The following media have been found to circulate credible news.
(more coming soon)

Q: What is a monopoly?
Q: How do you detect a communication block?
Q: How do you detect a complete mail block?
Q: How do you detect a partial postal mail block?
Q: How do you detect a partial email block?
Q: Would you like to print Globe News in your city/district/county?
Q: What type of layout can you print?
Q: If you have any questions, please e-mail me at globe@humanservicesglobe.com
Q: How do you detect an area specific mail block?
Q: How do you detect a postal mail block?
Q: What role does customs play in postal sabotage?
Q: What is being done to punish such sabotage?
Q: How should those who sabotage be punished?
Official language of Kashmir

English and Kashmiri

Official language of America, Asia, Australia, Latin America, Africa.


Media Reports.
What are the most common media reports?
Here are further guidelines.
  1. Award Report

  2. Community Alert

  3. Condolence Report

  4. Emergency News

  5. Health care and the media

  6. Incident Report

  7. Meeting Report

  8. Protest Report

  9. Recommendations Report

  10. Statement of a person or persons

  11. Weather News

What can the format of a press release be?
1. Table format in English
2. Essay format in English
3. Professional question-and-answer format in English

How do you write a press release in English?
Human Services Globe, No one can beat our quality, service and price, Globe News, Obstruction of Justice, Resignations, Conspiracy after conspiracy, Arrests, Jail, of culprits, removal from office, Violation of rights, Conspiracies, Votergate 2004, World Security, News, Breaking News | Latest News And Media | Current News

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Dr. Asif Qureshi, 56, scored 100% on the United States Citizenship test in 2023.
All US lawmakers must score 100% on the United States Citizenship test on or after December 16, 2023.

Saturday, December 16, 2023 7:36PM

United States Congress members, White House executives, Department of State executives, ambassadors, executive staff abroad, state court members, and United States Supreme Court members must take the United States Citizenship test on or after December 16, 2023, at www.qureshiuniversity.com/us.html: Can you score 100%?

Who must forward grants for this newspaper in the United States to enhance the United States Citizenship test in 2023 and beyond?

Essay format report: What are various examples?

Press Release
Press Release in American English
The circumstances of the issue included a medical consultation. The consequences/response/results of the issue included a pleasant consultation. The issue happened at 5304 North Broadway, Chicago, Illinois 60640 United States. The issue happened at 9:30 AM on November 27, 2023. The location was managed properly. The location was approximately 250 square meters in size. The location was adjacent to Jewel Osco in Chicago, Illinois, 60640 United States. The issue lasted 60 minutes. The population living in the area is predominantly American. The prominent participants were Dr. Asif Qureshi, Kimberly Remski, and others. The issue started in a pleasant manner. The issue ended in a pleasant manner.

Dr. Asif Qureshi, who can guide more than 1000 different professions including teachers, lawyers, engineers, specific physicians, and law enforcement, has authored more than 5 non-fiction books relevant to schools, colleges, and universities. Dr. Asif Qureshi is the founder of the Global University and has displayed guidelines for various executive professionals and department executives at www.qureshiuniversity.com/departments.html.

Dr. Asif Qureshi elaborated on these issues. He said that he had elaborated on guidelines for press releases in English. He said that he had elaborated on these guidelines in English relevant to the table format, essay format, and professional question-and-answer format in English. He said that he had authored guidelines relevant to executive professionals and executives of various departments that took 8 hours per day for 23 years in Chicago, Illinois, United States.

Dr. Asif Qureshi said, “I write in American English. We need to have a debate on these topics. They are getting big salaries without fixing these issues. Regional variations exist in English. Regional variations exist in English between American English and British English. On or before April 20, 2024, at least 17 types of variations existed between American English and British English. What you are reading at these resources is American English.”

Finally, Dr. Asif Qureshi asked, “Who is responsible for standardizing these variations in America and worldwide? Who has the answer? Who is willing to give an answer? Who has the duty and responsibility to answer? Why can American lawmakers not fix these issues on or before April 22, 2024? What executive remuneration, salary, and income (for example, at least $75,000 per year) as well as retroactive credits and credits that will count toward his retirement are required for Dr. Asif Qureshi? What did you understand from the issues submitted on or before April 22, 2024, relevant to his executive remuneration, income, salary, retroactive credits, and credits that will count toward his retirement?”

Dr. Asif Qureshi elaborated on the issues. The circumstances of the issues included the deprivation of rights under the color of law, discrimination, exclusion, and similar harms. I have asked for an executive job relevant to my abilities, experience, and research. I have asked for a program director position at a minimum and the Central Intelligence Agency director or better at a maximum. I feel exhausted after so many reminders and as a result of their lack of problem solving relevant to their executive jobs. On or after May 18, 2024, administrative executives and lawmakers have to fix these issues on their own. I have asked for retroactive credits that will count in my retirement. I have asked for reimbursement for the last 25 years, 1999 to 2024. The guidelines that I have developed for executives of the departments have been displayed at www.qureshiuniversity.com/departments.html. Payment, salary, and grant amounts: 10,000 per month. Job title: Program director or director of human resources or Central Intelligence Agency director or chairman of the United States Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions or the equivalent or better is a relevant job title for Dr. Asif Qureshi. Here are further guidelines: https://www.qureshiuniversity.com/departments.html. Additional committee assignments: Chairman of the United States Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary, the United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, the United States Senate Committee on Appropriations, the United States Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, and many more. President of the reformed United Nations. Here are further guidelines: https://www.qureshiuniversity.com/legislativeserviceworld.html

Dr. Asif Qureshi elaborated on the issues as follows: The executive officers or lawmakers and associates in the United States may not be problem solvers on or after May 22, 2024. I have been harmed. We have been harmed. People have been harmed. We need to allocate a budget to address these issues. We need to be problem solvers. We need to care for real. We need to call or remind them via the internet. This is a service by publication. We need to differentiate between problem solvers and problem creators. We need to educate others. We need to fix these issues. We need to get more resources. We need to hope for the best. We need to identify problem creators. We need to join human rights debates. We need to keep this executive research from Dr. Asif Qureshi in the government archives. We need to list the issues and fix them. We need to monitor solutions and remedies. We need to plan for the future. We need to promote problem solvers in public administration. We need to recognize how regulations and professional licensing, including those of specific physicians and lawyers, have changed due to the internet.

We need to research continuously at executive levels relevant to issues at this point. We need to serve to enhance human rights. We need to transform to ensure better public administration. We need to take issues seriously. We need to update progress regularly via the internet. We need to value professional questions and answers from Dr. Asif Qureshi relevant to at least 19 specific types of physicians, 33 types of lawyers, specific teachers, engineers, and law enforcement via the internet. This has taken 23 years of research in Chicago, Illinois, United States. We need to write or author more professional questions and answers in American English. We need to zoom in and out to fix the issues.

They need to answer questions relevant to the issues. They need to agree on human rights. They need to decide a plan relevant to the issues. They need to do more for human rights. They need to improve problem solving relevant to their executive job. They need to resolve issues already submitted to them. They need to learn problem solving. They need to learn problem solving relevant to their executive jobs.

I am a problem solver at the executive level. He/She/It/Amy needs to learn problem solving. We need problem solvers at the executive level. The participants have created problems for others at the executive level. You need to find problem solvers at the executive level. We need problem solvers relevant to public administration. I can guide more than 1000 different professions, including teachers, lawyers, engineers, specific physicians, and law enforcement. I can guide 19 specific types of physicians. I have authored more than 5 non-fiction books. I can guide 33 types of lawyers. I can guide 60 categories of skills. The guidelines that I have developed for executives of the departments have been displayed at www.qureshiuniversity.com/departments.html.

See the list of more action verbs: https://www.qureshiuniversity.com/actionverbs.html. See the examples of at least 12 tenses and 6 main verb combinations. See questions patterns: How had, how have, and how will you have resolved these issues?

Finally, Dr. Asif Qureshi asked, “What did you understand? What are the issues? Who has the answer? Who is willing to answer? Who has the duty and responsibility to answer? Who was responsible for fixing these issues? Who is responsible for fixing these issues? Who will be responsible for fixing these issues? How did you resolve these issues? How have you resolved these issues? How will you have resolved these issues? How do you plan to resolve these issues? How will you plan to resolve these issues? How do you monitor the progress of the solutions and remedies? How soon will these issues be resolved? To whom did you assign these responsibilities? To whom have you assigned these responsibilities? To whom will you assign these responsibilities? Whom do you nominate to resolve these issues? What do you understand by right to remedies? What if solutions and remedies are sabotaged or delayed? What teams need to be nominated? Which new departments need to be established to fix these issues? Which departments need to be divested due to various harms? Which entities need to be assigned? Which entities or locations are responsible for resolving these issues? Which entities need to resolve these issues? Whose responsibilities need to be divested? Where are the solutions and remedies? When will these issues be resolved? Why did executive officers and lawmakers show the deselection of duties and responsibilities? Why have executive officers and lawmakers shown the deselection of duties and responsibilities? Why will executive officers and lawmakers not show a dereliction of duties and responsibilities? Why are government executives not improving their problem-solving skills? Why will executive officers need to resolve these issues on their own? Why are government executives not improving their problem-solving skills with their own efforts? Why do executive officers and lawmakers need to be reminded? Why will executive officers and lawmakers not resolve these issues on their own? Why have the issues still not been fixed?”


Performance monitoring of executive employees of the government
Opening of medical emergency location in Chicago, Illinois, United States

Sunday, February 11, 2024 7:36PM

Chicago, Illinois, United States–The circumstances of the issue included starting a medical emergency center at 5227 North Broadway, Chicago, Illinois, United States on or after August 10, 2023. The consequences of/response to the issue included negligence and dereliction of duty on the part of those responsible for these issues. The issue started many years ago and has been ongoing for more than 6 months. As of February 11, 2024, no progress has been made on the issue, which was originally identified at 5:30 PM on February 11, 2023. This lack of progress at the location through February 11, 2024, has been verified. The approximately 2500-square-meter location is adjacent to Jewel Osco located in Chicago, Illinois, United States. The population living in the area is predominantly American. The prominent person who has taken the initiative to ensure the community and public well-being is Dr. Asif Qureshi.

Walter Reed Medical Center, 8901 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, Maryland 20889. Take a look at this: https://walterreed.tricare.mil/Academics/Graduate-Medical-Education. Take a look at this: https://www.airforcemedicine.af.mil/Organizations/Physician-Education-Branch/ On or before February 12, 2024, they had not elaborated on executive research questions and answers the way Dr. Asif Qureshi has displayed at these resources: www.qureshiuniversity.com/physicians.html. Director, Walter Reed Medical Center, 8901 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, Maryland 20889 and similar entities: What executive remuneration, compensation, income, retroactive credits, and reimbursement does Dr. Asif Qureshi deserve?

Dr. Asif Qureshi elaborated on the issue, stating, "I think I need to remind Walter Reed Medical Center, United States Department of Health executives, the Illinois Department of Public Health executives, and similar entities as well as the Advisory Board of the Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council (https://dph.illinois.gov/resource-center/advisory-boards.html) about this issue. They need to further elaborate on this issue. Further details about professional guidelines from Dr. Asif Qureshi are available at www.qureshiuniversity.com/physicians.html and www.qureshiuniversity.com/professionsworld.html. They need to be reminded about other issues also. Healthcare is going from bad to worse in Illinois and the United States. We need universal healthcare.”

Dr. Asif Qureshi then asked, “What did you understand? What are the issues? Who from the government must approve the budget for these public services? How do you plan to resolve the issues elaborated on in this document? Who must communicate and follow up on progress and solutions? What do you understand by ‘universal healthcare’? How do you monitor the progress and performance of executive employees of this government department? How soon should I expect a response from you? Who has the answer? Who has the duty and responsibility to answer? Who is responsible for immediately approving the budget for these issues?”

Dr. Asif Qureshi, who is concerned about the deficiency of skills, knowledge, and problem solving among government executives relevant to their executive job, can guide more than 1000 different professions, including teachers, lawyers, engineers, specific physicians, and law enforcement. The issues stemming from the irreparable harms created by the government executives due to their lack of problem-solving skills relevant to their executive government job need to be fixed via the internet.

Dr. Asif Qureshi elaborated on the issue, stating, “I can guide 19 specific types of physicians. I can guide 33 types of lawyers. I can guide 60 categories of skills. I can guide more than 1000 different professions, including teachers, lawyers, engineers, and law enforcement. I have authored more than 5 non-fiction books. I spend 8 hours per day, 56 hours per week, doing executive research. I author questions relevant to issues. I find and write answers relevant to the questions I authored. On or before February 11, 2024, other schools or higher learning establishments in the United States have not displayed similar professional questions and answers. A relevant job title for Dr. Asif Qureshi is program director, state director of human resources, Central Intelligence Agency director, or chairman of the United States Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, or the equivalent.”

Finally, Dr. Asif Qureshi asked, “What compensation do I deserve? What income do I deserve ? What resources do I deserve? What compensation and income do other similar entities get in Illinois and the United States? What retroactive executive credits must Dr. Asif Qureshi get for 23 years of executive research in Chicago, Illinois, United States, as displayed at www.qureshiuniversity.com/departments.html?”

Emergency News
Aviation Emergency News.

What are the day, date, time, location, and details of the incident?
On Monday, January 26, 2015, at 1PM, a Greek fighter jet crashed in Spain, killing 10 people. The F-16 fighter jet is reported to have crashed shortly after taking off.

What caused this air crash?
The cause of the air crash is under investigation.

Verification of News Report

How do you verify a news report?
I am calling to verify news report.
On January 26, 2015, a Greek fighter jet crashed in Spain, killing 10 people: Is that correct? What are the sources of these facts?

The air crash could not be verified because the phone number at the Barcelona Airport was unavailable. A call to 93 297 11 39 was answered: You have reached a nonworking number.

How do you call from Chicago, Illinois, to Spain?
011 International code
34 regional code
Airport Number 93 297 11 39
It rings but no one answers the telephone call.

Email questions are awaiting a response.

Human Healthcare issues.
What are the human healthcare issues at this point?
Stress is harming the residents.
Substandard health care providers are harming residents.

Healthcare Service quality assessment.

How do you assess the quality of health care in an area?
Answer these relevant questions.

What area is been elaborated?
Walkable distance from 5042 N. Winthrop Ave., Chicago, Illinois 60640.

How is health care service in this area?
Physicians are not competent.
Counselors for stress are not available.
Emergency medical professionals are not able to provide proper service.
Healthcare facilities are available but competent staff, including competent physicians, is not available.
Medication available is of good quality.
This holds true from 1999-2015.

Condolence Report
What should be included in a condolence press release?
Was the death natural old age death or premature death?
What was the day, date, time, location, profile, background, and circumstances of the individual’s death?
How old was the individual?
What do I remember about this individual?
How did this individual enhance public services?

Thank God healthcare services prolonged her life up to now.
Sooner or later, everyone must go.

I send my heartfelt condolences to your family.
Thinking of you in your time of loss.

Incident Report
Snowfall (Public health emergency)
March 3, 2015, snowfall in Kashmir, Asia.
On Tuesday, March 3, 2015, at 2 pm, recommendations were issued by Asif Qureshi, founder of Qureshi University and the Global Democratic Party from Chicago, Illinois, North America.

Heavy snowfall was reported on March 3, 2015, in Kashmir, Asia.

How do you manage such a public health emergency?
Media is the best method to reach out to the public.
The public must report any harms immediately through media.
Roads and buildings department in the state must fix issues immediately.
Air transportation must be replaced with aircraft certified to fly in extreme conditions.
Contact details of various departments, officers must be publicly available.

What harms and damages have occurred because of this incident?
Buildings and houses were damaged.
Road links were blocked.
Air transport was badly affected, with flights cancelled due to bad weather.
Power supply was badly affected.
There was fear of flooding, avalanches, and landslides.

At some locations, three feet snowfall was reported.

What is a winter storm?
Mix of rain, wind, snowfall, and ice.

Was this an individual emergency or public health emergency?<
Public health emergency.

How could this be prevented?
You cannot prevent snowfall from happening.
You can reduce harms/damage by proper weather forecasting.
You can reduce harms/damage by public service ready to manage such public heath emergencies ahead of time.
At least 40 departments in the state and outside the state must be ready to manage such situations.

Questions departments in the state and outside need to answer ahead of time.
When is snowfall expected?
In what area is snowfall expected?
How much snowfall is expected?
What departments in the state and outside the state must be ready to manage such a situation?
How many workers are expected to manage such situation in the state or outside the state?
What areas are safe?
What areas are not safe?
Who has the duty to manage such emergencies in the state and outside the state?

Directives must go ahead through media in this situation, particularly the Internet.

All essential government departments, employees, and the public in Kashmir and outside Kashmir must be reminded to follow guidelines at this resource: www.qureshiuniversity.com.

If you have any issues, questions, let me know through media or email, call, fax, or forward a postal mail.

Meeting Report
How should you write a meeting report?

When, where, and what type of meeting was there?
A meeting was organized on March 7, 2015 in the meeting room at Bezazian Library, 1226 W. Ainslie Street, Chicago, Illinois 60640 relevant to social media.

How long did the meeting last?
According to participants, the meeting lasted from 11AM to 1PM.

How many people participated in the meeting?
About 14 people participated in the meeting.

Who were prominent in the meeting?
Prominent among participants were Asif Qureshi, founder of Qureshi University and the Global Democratic party, as well as Mr. Mark from the library staff.

What issues were discussed in the meeting?
The main issues were various products and services in essential ingredients of the economy. Social media was prominent among the deliberations.

What was special or prominent about the meeting?
A video screen 90 Inches by 90 Inches on the wall displayed direct contents from a computer Internet feed.

The organizer was asked by Asif Qureshi, founder of Qureshi University and the Global Democratic party, to display the search engine globe.bz and the education resource www.qurehsiuniversity.com on the big screen.

Take a look at this: www.globe.bz
What is it?
It is a search engine.

Take a look at this.
This is an educational resource, declared Asif Qureshi, founder of Qureshi University and the Global Democratic party. The contents of www.globe.bz and www.qureshiuniversity.com were displayed on the large screen on the wall.
What recommendations were circulated?
It was recommended by Asif Qureshi founder of Qureshi University and the Global Democratic party, that presentations of search engine www.globe.bz and education resources such as www.qureshiuniversity.com from computer and Internet should be displayed on a 90 inch x 90 inch screen in a room or hall in schools, colleges, and universities worldwide.


How should the publicly displayed meeting report look?

On March 7, 2015, a meeting was held in the meeting room of Bezazian Library, 1226 W. Ainslie Street, Chicago, Illinois 60640 relevant to social media.

According to participants the meeting lasted from 11AM to 1PM.
About 14 people participated in the meeting.
Prominent among participants were Asif Qureshi, founder of Qureshi University and the Global Democratic party, and Mr. Mark of the library staff.

Various issues were discussed in the meeting, with the main ones being various products and services in essential ingredients of the economy.
Social media was prominent among the deliberations.

A 90 inch x 90 inch video screen on the wall displayed direct contents from computer Internet via projector.

The organizer was asked by Asif Qureshi, founder of Qureshi University and the Global Democratic party to display the search engine globe.bz and the education resource www.qurehsiuniversity.com, and it was done.

Take a look at this: www.globe.bz
What is it?
It is a search engine.

Take a look at this.
This is an educational resource, declared Asif Qureshi, founder of Qureshi University and the Global Democratic party. The contents of www.globe.bz and www.qureshiuniversity.com were displayed on the screen.

At the meeting, Asif Qureshi founder Qureshi University and Global Democratic Party, recommended that this type of presentations of search engine www.globe.bz and education resources such as www.qureshiuniversity.com be implemented in schools, colleges, and universities worldwide.

Protest Report
How should you write a protest report?

When and where did the protest take place?
On Monday, January 26, 2015, the Kashmir, Asia protest shutdown was witnessed.

Why was the protest done?
The world knows the reasons and issues relevant to Kashmir, Asia.

How was the protest done?
The day was marked by a complete strike in Kashmir, Asia.
All establishments and roads looked deserted look and people remained indoors.

Who participated in the protest?
Almost all civilized people participated in the protest in Kashmir, Asia.

What should others know about Kashmir, Asia?
I am looking for nominations for a caretaker administration.
Your nominations are encouraged, declared Asif Qureshi, founder of Qureshi University and the Global democratic party.

Here is a precise sample report that gets presented in the media.

On January 26, 2015, in Kashmir, Asia, protests and shutdown were witnessed.
The world knows the reasons and issues relevant to Kashmir, Asia.
Almost all civilized people participated in the protest in Kashmir, Asia, directly or indirectly.
The day was marked by a complete strike in Kashmir, Asia.
All establishments and roads appeared deserted and people remained indoors.
I am looking for nominations for a caretaker administration.
Your nominations are encouraged, declared Asif Qureshi founder Qureshi University and Global democratic party.

Recommendations Report
Recommendations on February 17, 2015
On Tuesday, February 17, 2015, at 2 pm, recommendations were issued by Asif Qureshi, founder of Qureshi University and the Global Democratic Party from Chicago, Illinois, North America.

Matters related to the appointment of Corrections Classification Officers in the Tihar and Rohini jails in Delhi.

Corrections Classification Officers should be truthful, well behaved, have abilities in the English language, possess a comprehensive knowledge of criminal law relevant to the public in the state and outside the state.

Why is there a need for the appointment of Corrections Classification Officers in the Tihar and Rohini jails in Delhi?

On February 10, 2015, a report was released relevant to detainees in the Tihar Jail and Rohini Jail and relevant to detainees from Kashmir.

Whose names have been elaborated on?

Names from Tihar Jail

Jail One

Muzaffar Ahmad Dar of Chichloora, Magam, Kashmir
Mushtaq Ahmad Lone of Kanelwan, Anantnag, Kashmir
Muhammad of Narwal, Kashmir
Muhammad Sidiq Ganai of Hathi Shah Sopore, Kashmir
Muhammad Rafiq Shah of Alasteng Srinagar, Kashmir
Ameer Abbas Dev of Asarabad Kishtwar, Kashmir
Muhammad Ghulam Jeelani Liloo, of Botapora Sopore, Kashmir

Jail Two

Mahmood Topiwala of Mamar Kangan, Kashmir
Shafaqat Ali Tuggu of Noorbagh Sopore, Kashmir
Tariq Ahmad Dar of Solina, Srinagar, Kashmir

Jail Three

Mohammad Shafi Shah of Bandipora, Kashmir
Waseem Akram Malik of Kishtwar, Kashmir
Mohammad Farooq Dagga of Kupwara, Kashmir

Jail Four

Latief Ahmad of Srinagar, Kashmir
Ghulam Ahmad Khaja of Poonch, Kashmir
Mohammad Rafiq of Poonch, Kashmir
Ahtisham Farooq Malik of Sopore, Kashmir

Jail Eight

Muhammad Aslam of Thana Mandi Rajouri, Kashmir
Tawseef Ahmad Pir of Sopore, Kashmir
Mohammad Hussain Fazili of Srinagar, Kashmir

Names from Rohini Jail, about nine km from Tihar

Talib Hussain of Bandipora, Kashmir
Ghulam Mohammad Bhat of Bandipora, Kashmir

Questions Corrections Classification Officers in the Tihar and Rohini jails should be able to answer:
What do you know about the inmate classification system?
What inmate classification system has been assigned to each individual in the report?
Why were they transferred from Kashmir?
What are the profiles of administrators at the Tihar and Rohini Jails?
What is the track record of good character and good behavior of each individual named for the last 35 years?
What facilities and services are available at the Tihar and Rohini jails?
What resources, medical, and legal help are detainees getting?
How many correctional officers are at the jails?
What are their profiles?
What plans have correctional officers constructed for the detainees?
What is the staff profile of the Tihar and Rohini jails?
What are the profiles of the judges, lawyers, and other officers who are involved in processing the cases of each individual?
What is the custody level of each individual?
Are records available for these individuals online?
Are these individuals a threat to public safety?
If so, in what ways are they a threat to public safety?

We stop it here. Once you get answers to these questions, we proceed again.

Statement of a person or persons
How does one write someone's statement as a news report?
He/she should use a specific combination of words while writing someone's statement as news report.
1. (Name of the person) has said that (Statement).
2. (Name of the person) said, “ (Statement)."
3. (Namw of the person) added that (Statement).
4. (Name of the person), in a statement issued in (Name of the place), called upon the people to remain vigilant and united at this crucial juncture.
5. (Name of the person) reiterated that “(Statement).”
6. "(Statement)," he/she said.
7. "(Statement),” he/she asserted.
8. "(Statement),” he/she added.
9. "(Statement)," he/she stated.
10. "(Statement),” he/she claimed.
11. "(Statement),” the statement said.
12. "(Statement),” the spokesperson said.
13. "(Statement),” insiders said.
14. (Statement), an official handout said.
15. "(Statement),” a statement issued here said.
16. “(Statement),” he/she says.
17. “(Statement),” (Name of the person) says.
18. "(Statement),”(Name of the person) said.
19. (Statement), (Name of the person) told a meeting.
20. "(Statement),” (Name of the person) added.
21. "(Statement),” (Name of the person) maintained.
22. "(Statement),” (Name of the person) adds.
23. "(Statement),” says (Name of the person) of (Place).
24. “(Statement)," it added.
25. "(Statement)," a ______ spokesperson told ______.
26. He added that (Statement).
27. He added, ”(Statement)."
28. He said the truth is that the (Statement)
29. He asked the people to ensure that the (Statement).
30. As one colleague said, “(Statement)."
31. In a statement issued here, (Designation), (Place),(Name of the person) said: “Statement)".
32. In a statement, a spokesman for the forum said, “(Statement)."
33. In addition, (Statement).
34. “(Question?),” he asked.

Do you think there are any other patterns?
What do you call this type of English language pattern?

January 30, 2015
Statement Report
On Friday, January 30, 2015 at 2 pm from Chicago, Illinois, Asif Qureshi, founder of Qureshi university and the Global democratic party, issued recommendations for the police in Kashmir, Asia. Addressing the police department in Kashmir and other similar departments in Kashmir and outside Kashmir through the Internet, he said the public is complaining that police in Kashmir are not providing services expected.

Asif Qureshi, founder of Qureshi University and the Global democratic, party has given priority to essential departments in Kashmir. Answers to these questions are essential. What is the profile of the station house officer at every police station in Kashmir? What educational programs have been established for Kashmir police? Answers to these questions must be displayed publicly. Here are further guidelines. http://www.qureshiuniversity.com/policetrainingworld.html.

Because of previous harms, it will take many years to fix the issues. Resources that do not belong to essential departments in Kashmir or have not gotten approval from essential departments in Kashmir should be closed. Do not look toward Western regions on this planet for your improvement because Western region communities on this planet are in shambles due to fraudulently placed harmful criminals. During the period 1999–2015, these findings have been recorded.

From paper napkin to an aircraft, all guidelines are at this resource www.qureshiouniversity.com. This is mainly for Kashmir. From professionals, products, subjects, and abilities to services, all guidelines are displayed at this resource. Go to this resource, www.qureshiuniversity.com, and you will get all guidelines. He said that competent officers in Kashmir are required in every department to enhance public services.

If you have any questions or issues, email, call, fax, or forward a postal mail. Investigators in Kashmir police are required with English language understanding, writing, reading, speaking abilities. Justified detentions and imprisonment with further punishments must go ahead.

Kashmir police must ensure that all essential departments are enhanced in Kashmir, ranging from aviation to Kashmir food and supplies — at least 39 essential departments in Kashmir. Local area prosecutors and defense attorneys must be evaluated for competence by asking them to give a presentation in the media.

Meanwhile, everyone must be encouraged to participate in enhancing various department in Kashmir. No questions can remain unanswered relevant to felonies or misdemeanors in Kashmir or outside Kashmir, even if any so-called executive is involved from Kashmir or other regions or America. A new attorney general of Kashmir must be nominated as soon as possible with two, three, four, or five subordinates who can guide others. Others who participated should be included.

People are being harmed. I have been harmed by their criminal activities. Police are the eyes and ears of justice. If the police lie, the system will collapse. Profiling of individuals in rallies and meetings by police is essential to ensure public safety.
Participants in rallies and meetings must be profiled ahead of time to ensure public safety. Products and services in essential ingredients of economy must be enhanced in Kashmir through various essential departments in Kashmir.

Question-and-answer format guidelines must be circulated by police for public guidelines through the media. Rallies and meetings in Kashmir that are justified must be protected by police. Social services must be enhanced. Telephone answering machines must be placed in every police station in Kashmir. This holds true from 1999 to 2015. Termination of services of police officers involved in criminal activities must go ahead, followed by further punishments depending on the type of criminal offense. Unjustified arrests and detentions can be prevented by further training of Kashmir police. Various essential departments in Kashmir need to be enhanced. We need to go ahead question by question. We need to go ahead issue by issue.

If you have any issues, questions, let me know through media or email, call, fax, or forward a postal mail.

Weather Report
How should you write a weather report? What is the day, date, location, surroundings, details of the weather report?
Day: Monday
Date: January 26, 2015
Time: local time 7PM
Location: In the vicinity of 5042 N. Winthrop Ave., Chicago, Illinois.
Temperature: Minus 3 degrees celsius Outside building, 5042 N. Winthrop Ave, Chicago, Illinois 60640. Inside building:15 degrees celsius.
Humidity: 83%
Pressure: 29.92 in
UV Index: 0
Cloud Cover: 98%
Ceiling: 1900 ft
Dew Point: 22° F
Visibility: 5 mi

You can present a weather report like that shown in the example.

On Monday, January 26, 2015, local time 7PM, in the vicinity of 5042 N. Winthrop Ave, Chicago, Illinois, the weather details were as follows:
Temperature inside the building 15 degrees celsius, outside the building -3° celsius (light snow, wind from west 7 miles per hour, barometer 29.92 in., Dew Point 22° F, Visibility 5 mi, with humidity of 85%.

January 26, 2015: Sunrise 7:09 AM, Sunset 4:58 PM, Length of day 9:48:58.

Media Professionals.
Workers in Media.
Q: What work do people in media do at this point?
What are various Media Professionals?
Correspondent (Reporter, Journalist)
Cinematography specialist
Director News
Music director
Magazine Journalist
News Editor
News reader
Photo Journalist
Principal Correspondent
Public relations specialist
Printing machine operators
Video Journalist

Last Updated: April 21, 2024