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How do you answer a question?
Do you need to give a spoken or written answer?
What should be first word of a declarative sentence?
What should be last word of a declarative sentence?
How should you end a declarative sentence?
Spoken answers you limit to few sentences.
How do you write an answer?
It depends on the type of question.
Multiple choice question,
Yes no, Question word question,
For question word question you write answer in a declarative sentence.

What should be first word of a declarative sentence?
What should be last word of a declarative sentence?
How should you end a declarative sentence?
What should be last sentence of an answer?
What is the best way to conclude an answer?

If a stranger asks you any question, make sure you get the answer to these questions:
Why are you asking?
How will this help you?
How is it important in the present context?

Once you are asked a question, you need an answer. You can answer with yes or no. You can answer by selecting multiple choices options. You can answer with s statement. How does one write an English sentence?

What is a statement?

You can add more questions with a statement.