What best describes your needs?
Parenting advice for existing parents Parenting advice for those who plan to be parents Do you need this advice for yourself or someone else? If someone else what are his, her, or their details? What is included in parenting advice? |
BirthDo you have proper family planning guidelines for you before the birth?What and where can one get proper family planning guidelines for the birth and after the birth? Here are further guidelines. |
What describes the child? Child born out of criminal conspiracy. Child born with special needs. Child born without any controversy (i.e., normal). Further details must be included with the issues. Child born out of criminal conspiracy: Who all are involved? Do all involved know there is no statute of limitation for such criminal activities? What punishments did they get? What further punishments are justified? Child born with special needs: What describes the child born with special needs? Child born without any controversy (i.e., normal). Birth to next 365 days.What should be the next 365 days of parenting or caregiver?18 things that must be around. Feeding Changing diapers Bathing Monitoring crawling, sitting, walking, and talking. Playing What 18 things must be around? This book authored by Doctor Asif Qureshi for every existing or future mom A baby bathtub A tube of Aquaphor Baby monitor Baby rattles Cotton swaddle sleep sack Diaper changer/target cart Diaper Genie Different pacifiers Exercise for yourself Pacifier clips Pack 'n play Podcasts Rock 'n' play Stroller and car seat combo Support cushion White cotton toys Zippered pajamas Food What food will you give your newborn for the first 24 hours? Breastfeeding is recommended. Suckle at the breast about 50 minutes after birth. Your baby needs to be fed 8 times in the first 24 hours. When breastfeeding, try different positions for feeding until you feel comfortable. |
How do you know if you are providing the child nutritious food every day?
Here are further guidelines. Newborn Nutrition Breastfeeding and Bottle-feeding Which is better, breastfeeding or formula-feeding? What is in an infant formula, and how do I choose the right one? Can I make my own infant formula? So, what types of formula should parents give to their babies? Find a local Pediatrician in your town What are the main types of infant formula? What infant formula preparations are available? What is an Infant Formula? How do parents know what formula to feed to their infant? Do infants fed infant formulas need to take additional vitamins and minerals? Do "house brand" or generic infant formulas differ nutritionally from name brand formulas? What does the "use by" date mean on infant formula product labels? What are counterfeit infant formulas? How can I avoid buying such products? I have seen bottled water marked for use in preparing infant formula. What does this mean? Are there approved recipes for homemade infant formulas? How do I report a problem or illness caused by an infant formula? Which is better, breastfeeding or formula-feeding? Human milk is the preferred feeding for all infants. This includes premature and sick newborns, with rare exceptions. Pediatricians generally advise that full-term, healthy infants exclusively breastfeed when possible for the first 12 months of life and, thereafter, for as long as mutually desired. Advantages of breastfeeding include: (1) breast milk is nutritionally sound and easy to digest; (2) breastfeeding is believed to enhance a close mother-child relationship; and (3) breast milk contains infection-fighting antibodies (immunoglobulins) that may reduce the frequency of diarrhea, gastroenteritis, otitis media (ear infections), and other respiratory infections in the infant. Please see the Breast Feeding article for more information. Some parents choose formula-feeding either because of personal preference or because medical conditions of either the mother or the infant make breastfeeding ill-advised. Parents need not feel guilty for choosing formula-feeding. Infant formulas are a time-tested, perfectly acceptable alternative to breastfeeding. Even though formula-fed babies do not receive infection-fighting antibodies from the breast milk, they still will have received a four- to six-month supply of these antibodies through the maternal bloodstream prior to delivery. Remember also that the majority of breastfeeding infants end up on a combination of breast- and formula-feedings before their first birthday. Some common reasons for choosing formula-feeding include: * There is an inadequate supply of maternal breast milk. * The baby is sucking inefficiently. * Parents are unable to quantify the amount of breast milk received by the baby. Some parents want to know exactly how much their baby is receiving at each feeding, and formula/bottle-feeding allows exact measurement. * A significant reason for not breastfeeding is concern about transferring certain drugs the mother is taking due to a medical problem through the breast milk to the infant. Examples of medications that are considered unsafe for the baby include cimetidine (Tagamet), cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan), lithium (Lithobid), gold salts, methotrexate (Rheumatrex, Trexall), metronidazole (Flagyl), cyclosporine, and bromocriptine (Parlodel). Numerous other medications have not yet been adequately studied in the context of breastfeeding and the possible effects on the baby. Mothers may choose bottle-feeding rather than risk any potential effect on the baby. * An increasing number of mothers must return to work shortly after their baby's delivery. Formula-feeding offers a practical alternative for mothers who may not be able to breastfeed due to work schedules. Formula-fed babies often need to eat less frequently than do breastfed babies because breast milk moves through the digestive system more quickly. Thus, breastfed babies may become hungry more frequently. * A benefit of bottle-feeding is that the entire family can immediately become intimately involved in all aspects of the baby's care, including feedings. The mother can therefore get more rest, which can be critically important, especially if the pregnancy and/or delivery were especially difficult. What is in an infant formula, and how do I choose the right one? o Breastfeeding and Formula Feeding + It's important to know whether you will breastfeed or bottle-feed your baby prior to delivery, as the breasts' ability to produce milk diminishes soon after childbirth without the stimulation of breastfeeding. Breast milk is easily digested by babies and contains infection-fighting antibodies and cholesterol, which promotes brain growth. Formula-fed babies actually need to eat somewhat less often since formula is less readily digested by the baby than human milk. This article explores the advantages and disadvantages of both forms of feeding. More o Iron Deficiency + Iron is a mineral our bodies need. Iron deficiency is a condition resulting from not enough iron in the body. It is the most common nutritional deficiency and the leading cause in the US. Iron deficiency is caused due to increased iron deficiency from diseases, nutritional deficiency, or blood loss and the body's inability to intake or absorb iron. Children, teen girls, pregnant women, and babies are at most risk for developing iron deficiency. Symptoms of iron deficiency include feeling weak and tired, decreased work or school performance, slow social development, difficulty maintaining body temperature, decreased immune function, and an inflamed tongue. Blood tests can confirm an iron deficiency in an individual. Treatment depends on the cause of the deficiency. Proper diet that includes recommended daily allowances of iron may prevent some cases of iron deficiency. Parenting and Newborn Resources * What You Should Never Put in a Baby's Bottle Infant Formulas * Iron deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency and the leading cause of anemia in the United States. * Iron deficiency is due either to increased need for iron by the body or a decreased absorption or amount of iron taken in. * Signs of iron deficiency include fatigue, decreased work and school performance, slow cognitive and social development during childhood, difficulty maintaining body temperature, decreased immune function, and glossitis (an inflamed tongue). * Blood tests establish the diagnosis of iron deficiency. * Dietary changes or iron supplements are possible treatments for iron deficiency. What is iron and why do we need it? Iron is a mineral needed by our bodies. Iron is a part of all cells and does many things in our bodie... What is in an infant formula, and how do I choose the right one? This information can help "demystify" the myriad of choices available to a parent when considering options at the pharmacy or grocery store. A small percentage of newborn infants will require a specialized formula (for example, premature infants, infants with metabolic diseases, or infants with intestinal malformations). These children's unique dietary requirements should be an item of individual discussion between the parents and the infant's pediatrician and will not be addressed here. In order to achieve appropriate growth and maintain good health, infant formulas must include proper amounts of water, carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals. Each of these components is discussed below. The three major classes of infant formulas are 1. milk-based formulas, which are prepared from cow milk with added vegetable oils, vitamins, minerals, and iron. These formulas are suitable for most healthy full-term infants and should be the feeding of choice when breastfeeding is not used, or is stopped before 1 year of age. 2. soy-based formulas, which are made from soy protein with added vegetable oils (for fat calories) and corn syrup and/or sucrose (for carbohydrate). These formulas are suitable for infants who cannot tolerate the lactose (lactose intolerant, see below) in most milk-based formulas or who are allergic to the whole protein in cow milk and milk-based formulas. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends the use of soy formulas for the above infants as well as for infants of parents seeking a vegetarian-based diet for a term infant. These formulas are not recommended for low-birth-weight or preterm infants or for the prevention of colic or allergies. 3. special formulas for low-birth-weight (LBW) infants, low-sodium formulas for infants that need to restrict salt intake, and "predigested" protein formulas for infants who cannot tolerate or are allergic to the whole proteins (casein and whey) in cow milk and milk-based formulas Water Water is an important part of a baby's diet because water makes up a large proportion of the baby's body. When properly prepared, all infant formulas are approximately 85% water. Infant formulas are available in three forms: liquid ready-to-use, liquid concentrate, and powder concentrate. Liquid ready-to-use formulas do not require the addition of water, while the liquid and powder concentrates require the addition of water. It is of prime importance for parents to read, understand, and follow the manufacturer's directions when adding water to liquid and powder concentrates. Adding too much water to these concentrates or adding water to ready-to-use formulas can lead to water intoxication in the baby. In severe cases, water intoxication can cause low blood sodium levels, irritability, coma, and even permanent brain damage. Conversely, failing to adequately dilute the concentrates with water causes the formulas to be too concentrated, or "hypertonic." Hypertonic formulas can induce diarrhea and dehydration. In extreme cases, ingestion of overly hypertonic formulas can lead to kidney failure, gangrene of the legs, and coma. Therefore, parents should not adjust the amount of water that is added to concentrates to either "fatten the baby up" or "put the baby on a diet." Instead, parents should discuss their concerns regarding the baby's calorie intake with his/her pediatrician. Carbohydrates Carbohydrates (glucose, lactose, sucrose, galactose, etc.) are sugars or several sugars linked together. Carbohydrates provide energy (calories) for the brain tissues, muscles, and other organs. Lactose is a carbohydrate consisting of glucose linked to galactose. Lactose is the major carbohydrate in human breast milk, cow milk, and in most milk-based infant formulas. While most infants will thrive on a formula that contains lactose, some infants are lactose intolerant. Lactose intolerance is due to a lactase enzyme deficiency (low levels of enzyme activity) in the small intestine. Lactase enzymes are necessary for "digesting" lactose by breaking the link between glucose and galactose. The intestines can then absorb the smaller glucose and galactose molecules. In infants who are lactase deficient, the undigested lactose cannot be absorbed. This, in turn, can cause diarrhea, cramps, bloating, vomiting, and gas. Lactase deficiency is more common in premature infants than in full-term babies. Lactase deficiency can also develop temporarily during recovery from viral gastroenteritis (commonly referred to as the "stomach flu"). Finally, lactase deficiency can be inherited (rarely). For infants with lactose intolerance, formulas that contain no lactose can be used. Lactofree is an example of a milk-based formula that contains corn-syrup solids rather than lactose as its carbohydrate calorie source. Many soy-protein formulas also do not contain lactose and are suitable for lactose intolerant infants. In addition to corn-syrup solids, other examples of carbohydrates contained in lactose-free formulas include sucrose (table sugar), tapioca starch, modified cornstarch, and glucose polymers (short chains of glucose molecules). Proteins Proteins contain different amino acids that are linked together. Proteins provide both calories and the amino-acid building blocks that are necessary for proper growth. The protein in human milk provides between 10%-15% of an infant's daily caloric need. Casein and whey are the two major proteins of human milk and most milk-based formulas. (Immunoglobulins, a type of protein unique to breast milk, provide infection-fighting immunity and are not considered as a nutritional source and are not efficiently metabolized.) While formulas from different manufacturers may vary slightly in the relative proportion of these two proteins, healthy babies generally thrive on any milk-based formula brand. Some 0.5%-7.5% of infants have a true allergy to the cow proteins that are in milk-based formulas. Infants with true cow milk allergy can develop abdominal pain, diarrhea, rectal bleeding, skin rash, and wheezing when given milk-based formulas. These symptoms will disappear as soon milk-based formula is removed from the diet. Allergy to cow-milk protein is different from lactose intolerance. Treatment of cow-milk-protein allergy involves using formulas that contain no cow milk or using formulas that contain "predigested" casein and whey proteins. The predigesting process breaks the whole proteins into smaller pieces or into amino acids. The amino acids and smaller protein pieces are hypoallergenic (do not cause allergy). Soy-protein formulas contain no cow milk and are reasonable alternatives for infants with true cow-milk allergy. Since most soy-protein formulas also contain no lactose, they are also suitable for infants with lactose intolerance. The carbohydrates in soy-protein formulas are sucrose, corn-syrup solids, and cornstarch or glucose polymers. Certain infants have allergy to both cow-milk proteins and soy proteins. These infants require a formula in which the cow-milk protein (casein) has been "predigested" and specific amino acids added to provide a formula that can provide proper nutrition. The decision to utilize one of these specialized formulas should be made in consultation with the infant's pediatrician. Fat Fat in human milk and formula provides a significant percentage of the total daily caloric needs for a growing infant. Formula manufacturers utilize many different vegetable oils for fat, including corn, soy, safflower, and coconut oils. Some formulas contain "predigested" fats known as medium chain triglycerides (MCT). These are analogous to the "predigested proteins" discussed above. Because of their unique application, formulas containing MCT are not routinely recommended for healthy infants and children. There is a significant amount of research into determining the ideal concentration and ratios of fatty acids such as arachidonic acid (ARA) and docosahexanoic acid (DHA) for infant nutrition. Some studies have suggested that these may have a positive effect on short-term cognitive function. More research is needed to clarify this issue, and you should discuss this with your infant's pediatrician before supplementing. Vitamins Vitamins are organic substances that are essential in minute quantities for the proper growth, maintenance, and functioning of the baby. Vitamins must be obtained from food because the body cannot produce them. The exception is vitamin D, which can be produced by the skin when it is exposed to the sun. There are four fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K) and several water-soluble vitamins. These include the B vitamins, B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B6 (pyridoxine), and B12 (cobalamin), as well as folate and vitamin C and pantothenic acid, and biotin. These vitamins have been added to infant formulas to ensure proper nutrition. Unless otherwise directed by their pediatricians, routine vitamin supplementation is not necessary for healthy full-term infants taking formulas. High doses of certain vitamins can have adverse effects. For example, high doses of vitamin A can cause headaches, vomiting, liver damage, brain swelling, and bone abnormalities. High doses of vitamin D can lead to high levels of calcium in the blood and kidney and heart damage. Therefore, high doses of vitamins should not be given to infants and young children without supervision by their pediatricians. Minerals Minerals (calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, iodine, copper, and zinc) and trace elements (manganese, chromium, selenium, and molybdenum) are included in most formulas. Therefore, there is no evidence that mineral supplementation is necessary for healthy formula-fed, full-term infants. Several years ago, it was recommended that infants from birth to 4 months of age receive a lower quantity of iron compared with those from 4 to 12 months of age. As such, several milk-based formulas such as Similac (Abbot Nutrition—formerly Ross) and Enfamil (Mead Johnson Pharmaceuticals) were marketed under two varieties—"low iron" and "high iron." Multiple studies on iron requirements for all infants have since been performed, and in 1999, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommended against the use of any "low iron" formula for infants, due to the fact that these formulas are nutritionally deficient. Pediatricians currently recommend that all children receive the standard iron content found in most formulas. Both the FDA and the AAP have encouraged the infant-formula makers to discontinue production of "low iron" products, without success. This is due to the fact that many parents still purchase these because of a belief that iron in formula causes gastrointestinal side effects, including increased gas and constipation. Many studies have conclusively shown this not to be the case. * Which is better, breastfeeding or formula-feeding? * What is in an infant formula, and how do I choose the right one? * Can I make my own infant formula? * So, what types of formula should parents give to their babies? * Infant Formulas Glossary * Infant Formulas Index * Find a local Pediatrician in your town Can I make my own infant formula? The FDA and AAP recommend against homemade infant formulas. This is due to the fact that these formulas do not meet all of an infant's nutritional needs. In addition, cow-milk protein that has not been cooked or processed appropriately is difficult for an infant to digest and may damage an infant's immature kidneys. Today's infant formula is a very controlled, state-of-the-art product that cannot be duplicated at home. So, what types of formula should parents give to their babies? * Most infants and children will thrive on a cow-milk-based, lactose-containing formula such as Similac (Abbott Nutrition), Enfamil (Mead Johnson Pharmaceuticals), or Good Start (Nestle). * Some infants may be lactose intolerant (not allergic) and will better tolerate a lactose-free milk-based formula such as Enfamil Lactofree (Mead Johnson Pharmaceuticals) or Similac Lactose-Free (Abbott Nutrition). For children who are recovering from infectious diarrhea and gastroenteritis, the short-term use of lactose-free formulas may help decrease cramps and diarrhea. This should only be a temporary change, and reintroduction to standard formulas is recommended. * Some parents of lactose-intolerant infants may prefer to use soy-protein-based formulas such as Isomil (Abbott Nutrition), Prosobee (Mead Johnson Pharmaceuticals), and Allsoy (Nestle). Infants who are allergic to cow-milk protein can also use soy-based formulas. * For infants who are allergic to cow-milk protein and soy protein (approximately 35% of infants allergic to cow-milk protein are also allergic to soy proteins), the "predigested" protein formulas including Pregestimil (Mead Johnson), Nutramigen (Mead Johnson), and Alimentum (Abbott Nutrition) can be used. * Unique medical conditions may require a specific formula recommendation by the pediatrician. This applies to children with some common genetic deficiencies such as PKU, and for premature and low-birth-weight infants. * Generic infant formulas are also available and are often made by the same manufacturers that produce the brand name products. Whether you are considering brand name or generic products, check the expiration dates on the packages, and compare ingredient lists to be sure you are purchasing products with the same ingredients. * Homemade infant __________. * Equipment you'll need * How to sterilise equipment * Making up the formula * General safety tips * Giving the bottle * Getting the formula to flow * How much formula? Equipment you’ll need * 4-6 large bottles, rings, caps and several teats. Teats are either made from latex (brown) or silicone (clear) and either is fine. Choose any bottle or teat you like, as none is better than another. Teats are graded according to the age of the baby, but this is not based on anything scientific. Try teats with bigger or smaller holes until you find the one that you and your baby are happy with. * A bottle brush to clean the bottles and teats. * Sterilising equipment. Until your baby is six months old, her immune system isn’t strong enough to fight off some infections, so disinfecting her bottle equipment will reduce the chance of her getting sick. If you have trouble getting clean water or access to a refrigerator, keep sterilising even when your baby is older than six months. How to sterilise equipment When you’ve finished feeding, dismantle bottles, teats and rings and rinse everything in cold water straight away. Then before you sterilise for the next feed, wash it all in hot, soapy water and rinse thoroughly. Squirt water through the teat to clear the little hole. There are several ways you can sterilise your bottle equipment. Boiling * Put all the utensils in a large pot. * Fill the pot with water until the utensils are covered. * Put the pot on the stove, bring it to the boil and boil for five minutes. * Store equipment you are not going to use straight away in a clean container in the fridge. * Boil cleaning implements such as bottle brushes every 24 hours. Safety when boiling water If you have older children, you might want to use this method when they’re asleep or out of the house to reduce the risk of scalding them. To avoid scalding yourself, let the equipment cool in the pot until you can touch it. Using chemicals * You can also sterilise your bottles with an antibacterial solution that comes in liquid or tablet form. This is a type of bleach that is diluted with water so it’s safe for your baby but strong enough to kill bacteria. * Follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully when you make up the solution to make sure it’s the right strength. * Wash with warm soapy water and rinse thoroughly. Then completely submerge everything and leave it all in the solution for the recommended time before using. Equipment may be left in the solution for 24 hours when not in use. Safety when using chemicals * Store the concentrate and solution well out of the reach of children. * You can only keep the solution for 24 hours once it’s made up, so after this time throw it away, thoroughly scrub the container and equipment in warm soapy water and make up some new solution. * If you use chemical sterilisers you need plastic or glass equipment (that includes the container you use to mix the solution), rather than metal which will eventually be eaten away by the solution. Steam sterilisers Steam sterilisers are automatic units that ‘cook’ your equipment at a temperature high enough to kill bacteria. Put your clean equipment into the unit, add water according to the manufacturer's instructions and switch on. The unit switches itself off when the job is done. Microwave steam sterilisers These are like steam sterilisers, but you put them in the microwave oven. Making up the formula First, boil some water. Start with water fresh from the tap (not water that has been sitting around in a jug or kettle; it’s more likely to have dirt or insects in it) and bring it to the boil either in an electric jug or on the stove top. You don’t need to keep the water boiling any longer than 30 seconds. Let the water cool down to room temperature before you add the powder or liquid. To prepare the bottle 1. Pour the amount of cooled, boiled water you need into the bottle. 2. Using the scoop from the formula tin, measure the required number of scoops into the bottle. Level off each scoop (you can do this with a knife or other implement). 3. Seal the bottle with a cap and disc. Swirl first so powder doesn’t block the teat, and then shake the bottle gently to mix it. 4. If you are not using the formula right away, store it in the back of the fridge where it is coldest, not in the door where it is warmer. Doctors recommend that you only make up formula when you want to use it rather than making it up ahead of time. 5. Throw out any mixed, refrigerated formula you haven’t used after 24 hours. General safety tips * Wash your hands and work surfaces before preparing formula. * Put formula into the fridge as soon as it is made if you’re not using it right away. * Storing half-empty bottles for future use is risky as they quickly become contaminated once they have been sucked on. Throw away the contents of used but unfinished bottles after about an hour. * Check the expiry date on tins of formula and discard them if they are out of date. Discard any opened tin of formula after one month. * The safest way to transport formula is to take the cooled, boiled water and the powdered formula in separate containers and mix them when needed. * If you need to transport prepared formula or expressed breastmilk it must be icy cold when you leave the house. Carrying it in a thermal baby bottle pack will keep it cold. * It can be bad for your baby to 'prop' a bottle and walk away leaving baby to manage on her own. The milk may flow too quickly and she may breathe it into her lungs – that could cause a lung infection or (much less likely) drowning. Babies who feed a lot on their own are at greater risk of ear infections (milk can flow through to her ear cavity, which can cause ear infections). Holding, cuddling and talking to your baby while she’s feeding will help her develop and grow. To find out more about this, see Connecting and communicating. Giving the bottle * Giving babies cold formula is not harmful but babies seem to prefer formula warmed to room temperature. If she doesn’t mind cold formula, feel free to serve it cold. * Standing the bottle in warm to hot water is the safest way of warming the milk. Bottle warmers are convenient and safe as long as they have a thermostat control. (Leaving the bottle in the warmer more than 10 minutes may cause bacteria to breed in the formula. These bacteria are a common cause of diarrhoea.) * Microwaves aren't the safest way to warm milk, as they don’t warm milk evenly, and ‘hot spots’ in the formula may burn your baby’s mouth. Closed bottles can also explode in the microwave. * Check the temperature of the feed by shaking a little milk from the teat onto the inside of your wrist. * Make yourself comfortable, cuddle your baby close to you, holding her gently but firmly. It’s better for her to be on a slight incline so any air bubbles rise to the top, making burping easier. * Put the teat against her lips. She will open her mouth and start to suck. Keep the neck of the bottle at an angle so it is filled with the milk mixture. When she stops sucking strongly or when she has drunk about half the milk, gently remove the bottle and see if she wants to burp. * If she goes to sleep unwrap her, put her over your shoulder, rub her back and stroke her head, legs and tummy to wake her up. A nappy change is a good way to wake her up if that doesn’t work. Wait until she is properly awake before offering her the rest of the milk. Getting the formula to flow * To test the flow, hold the bottle upside down when it is filled with the milk mixture at room temperature – the milk should drip steadily but not pour out. * If you have to shake it vigorously it is too slow and your baby might go to sleep before she drinks what she needs. * A little leakage at the corners of her mouth while she feeds is nothing to worry about – as she gets older this will stop. * If you have trouble finding the perfect teat, go for a faster teat rather than a slow one. How much formula? All babies drink variable amounts and may have some feeds close together and others further apart. There is no set amount of food or number of feeds a baby should have. The following is only a guide – you can also use the chart on the formula tin: * Commonly, babies have 6-7 feeds every 24 hours – researchers recommend you feed your baby whenever she is hungry. Information about the quantity for age on formula tins is a guide only and may not necessarily suit your baby. Some babies never drink the 'required amount' for their age and size, and others need more. Plenty of wet nappies, consistent weight gains that are not excessive and a thriving, active baby mean all is well. What are the main types of infant formula? * Cow's milk formulas. Most infant formula is made with cow's milk that's been altered to resemble breast milk. This gives the formula the right balance of nutrients — and makes the formula easier to digest. Most babies do well on cow's milk formula. Some babies, however — such as those allergic to the proteins in cow's milk — need other types of infant formula. * Soy-based formulas. Soy-based formulas can be useful if you want to exclude animal proteins from your child's diet. Soy-based infant formulas may also be an option for babies who are intolerant or allergic to cow's milk formula or to lactose, a sugar naturally found in cow's milk. However, babies who are allergic to cow's milk may also be allergic to soy milk. * Protein hydrolysate formulas. These are meant for babies who have a milk or soy allergy. Protein hydrolysate formulas are easier to digest and less likely to cause allergic reactions than are other types of formula. They're also called hypoallergenic formulas. In addition, specialized formulas are available for premature infants and babies who have specific medical conditions. Why use formula instead of regular milk? What infant formula preparations are available? Infant formulas come in three forms. The best choice depends on your budget and desire for convenience: * Powdered formula. Powdered formula is the least expensive. Each scoop of powdered formula must be mixed with water. * Concentrated liquid formula. This type of formula also must be mixed with water. * Ready-to-use formula. Ready-to-use formula is the most convenient type of infant formula. It doesn't need to be mixed with water. It's also the most expensive option. What is an Infant Formula? Infant formulas are liquids or reconstituted powders fed to infants and young children. They serve as substitutes for human milk. Infant formulas have a special role to play in the diets of infants because they are often the only source of nutrients for infants. For this reason, the composition of commercial formulas is carefully controlled and FDA requires that these products meet very strict standards. How does FDA regulate Infant Formulas? The safety and nutritional quality of infant formulas are ensured by requiring that manufacturers follow specific procedures in manufacturing infant formulas. In fact, there is a law -- known as the Infant Formula Act -- which gives FDA special authority to create and enforce standards for commercial infant formulas. Manufacturers must analyze each batch of formula to check nutrient levels and make safety checks. They must then test samples to make sure the product remains in good condition while it is on the market shelf. Infant formulas must also have codes on their containers to identify each batch and manufacturers must keep very detailed records of production and analysis. Does FDA have nutrient specifications for infant formulas? FDA regulations list specifications for minimum amounts of 29 nutrients and maximum amounts for 9 of those nutrients. All formulas marketed in the United States must meet these nutrient requirements. As more information becomes available about infants' nutrient needs, FDA's nutrient specifications for infant formulas may be modified to incorporate that information. Does FDA approve infant formulas before they are marketed? The law does not require that FDA approve infant formulas but instead requires companies to provide certain information to FDA before they market new infant formulas. Manufacturers must provide assurances that they are following good manufacturing practices and quality control procedures and that the formula will allow infants to thrive. If such assurances are not provided, FDA will object to the manufacturer's marketing of the formula; however, the manufacturer may market the new infant formula over FDA's objection. How do parents know what formula to feed to their infant? A wide selection of different types of infant formulas is available on the market. Parents should ask their infant's health care provider if they have questions about selecting a formula for their infant. Do infants fed infant formulas need to take additional vitamins and minerals? Infants fed infant formulas do not need additional nutrients unless a low-iron formula is fed. If infants are fed a low-iron formula, a health care professional may recommend a supplemental source of iron, particularly after 4 months of age. FDA's nutrient specifications for infant formulas are set at levels to meet the nutritional needs of infants. In addition, manufacturers set nutrient levels for their label claims that are generally above the FDA minimum specifications and they add nutrients at levels that will ensure that their formulas meet their label claims over the entire shelf-life of the product. Do "house brand" or generic infant formulas differ nutritionally from name brand formulas? All infant formulas marketed in the United States must meet the nutrient specifications listed in FDA regulations. Infant formula manufacturers may have their own proprietary formulations but they must contain at least the minimum levels of all nutrients specified in FDA regulations without going over the maximum levels, when maximum levels are specified. Some ingredient statements on infant formula labels include ingredients in addition to nutrients and familiar components such as milk. Why are those ingredients added? Ready-to-feed and concentrated liquid formulas often contain ingredients such as lecithin, carrageenan, and mono- and diglycerides added to ensure that the formula doesn't separate during shelf-life. What does the "use by" date mean on infant formula product labels? The "use by" date on infant formulas is a date, selected by the manufacturer based on tests and other information, to inform retailers and consumers about the quality of the infant formula. Until that declared date, the infant formula will contain no less than the amount of each nutrient declared on the product label and will otherwise be of acceptable quality. The "use by" date is required by FDA regulations on each container of infant formula. What are counterfeit infant formulas? How can I avoid buying such products? Counterfeit infant formulas are infant formula products that have been diverted from normal distribution channels and relabeled. Diverted products may be relabeled with counterfeit labels to misrepresent the quality or identity of a formula. For example, if an infant formula is past the "use by" date, a counterfeit label may bear a false "use by" date to obscure the fact that the product may no longer contain the amounts of nutrients listed on the label and may otherwise not be of acceptable quality. As a second example, an infant formula may be relabeled to disguise the true content of the product. Infants who are intolerant to certain ingredients and are fed such a counterfeit formula could experience serious adverse health consequences. To protect infants, parents or other caregivers should always look for any changes in formula color, smell, or taste. Parents should make sure the lot numbers and "use by" dates on the containers and boxes are the same (if buying by the case), check containers for damage, and call the manufacturer's toll-free number with any concerns or questions. I have seen bottled water marked for use in preparing infant formula. What does this mean? Are there approved recipes for homemade infant formulas? How do I report a problem or illness caused by an infant formula? |
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ClothesHave you got proper clothes relevant to age and climate?Here are further guidelines. |
What is a day care center? Day care, daycare, child day care, or childcare is the care of a child during the day by a person other than the child's legal guardians, typically performed by someone outside the child's immediate family. What does it take to run a daycare? Day care center licensing requirements are set at the state level and may vary slightly depending on your state. •Licensing Requirements. A day care center must be licensed before opening. •Safety Requirements. •Location Requirements. •Staffing Requirements. •Training and Certification. •Activities and Equipment. •Other Requirements. |
DisciplineWhat is the difference between discipline and abuse? How should you discipline a child or adolescent? Be responsive and cooperate with your children as often as possible. Set clear, high expectations. Use minimal coercion and minimal rewards. Reiterate values. Use discipline before getting angry. Use teaching and explanation to discipline, including getting your children to take the other person’s perspective and feel concern for a victim. Include your children in family decision-making and problem-solving. Use logical consequences. Provide age-appropriate opportunities for responsibility. Here are further guidelines. |
Everyday discussionAre you discussing with him or her relevant questions in the English language every day? If you do not know the English language, get relevant questions translated from the English language to your language. Here are further guidelines. |
EducationDo not wait for a child to begin elementary education on his or her 5th birthday in elementary school. Elementary school education of a child starts at home. Have you told the child, adolescent, or elders to visit www.qureshiuniversity.com in case of any education needs? Have you updated your state department of education that courses are needed like those at www.qureshiuniversity.com? Here are further guidelines. |
FriendsWho should be his or her friends? Why should they be his or her friends? Do his or her friends and their families know - relevant to age - about good character, good behavior, insight of rights, state economy, state planning and development, and state budget? Here are further guidelines. |
HousingHave you fixed a location for housing from birth and while the child grows? Here are further guidelines. |
HygieneHave you listed hygiene topics? Here are further guidelines. |
Monthly progressWhat and where is the monthly progress you should look forward to for the child? What should happen if this monthly progress does not occur? Consult a medical doctor or a pediatrician as soon as possible. Here are further guidelines. |
Medical doctor or pediatrician adviceDoes having a license to practice medicine or license to be a pediatrician guarantee that he or she can answer relevant questions? No, it does not. How should parents select a medical doctor or pediatrician for their children? If they are not able to answer relevant questions, declare publicly that you seek advice from those able to advise in question-and-answer format. Here are further guidelines. |
Parenting advice by agesWhat age-specific parenting should you know? Here are further guidelines. |
Parenting classesWho needs parenting classes? If you do not have answers to relevant questions of parenting, you need parenting classes. Here are further guidelines. |
Potty trainingWhat are various potty training guidelines? When is bedwetting abnormal? Why are there different potty training guidelines? Various cultures, communities impart different potty training as per culture or community practices. Not every region has toilet paper. Here are further guidelines. |
Parenting resourcesDo you know any parenting resource better than this resource? |
PoliticsAre you educating him or her of the values of good character, good behavior, insight of rights, state planning and development with a global perspective, state economy, and state budget? Here are further guidelines. |
SafetyHave you updated yourself and him or her about safety? What are various safety guidelines? Do not mingle or associate with strangers. Ask relevant questions while dealing with any issue. Here are further guidelines. |
Speech and LanguageHow do speech and language develop? What are the milestones for speech and language development? What is the difference between a speech disorder and a language disorder? What are voice, speech, and language? What types of speech and language disorders affect school-age children? How may a speech-language disorder affect school performance? How do parents and school personnel work together to insure that children get the speech-language support they need? Here are further guidelines. |
SleepHow much sleep do children need? Here are further guidelines. |
SchoolWhat should be his or her normal day before going to school? What should be his or her normal day after going to school at school and at home? Does the school have a quality curriculum in the English language relevant to the English language, math, social studies, and science? Does the school have quality teachers able to answer relevant questions? Here are further guidelines. |
Social SkillsWhat are Social Skills? |
What should parents not do? Do not admire fiction movie stars. Do not discuss fiction movie stars. Your kids will be educated in fantasy and fiction. Your kids will face problems in real world. Here are further guidelines. |
Table manners or Dastarkhan mannersWhat are the do's and dont's of table manners? Here are further guidelines. |
Telephone conversationsAt what age should children begin telephone conversations? What should be taught to children about telephone conversations? Here are further guidelines. |
3 - 4 year old children:
Is your child ready to interact with peers, but needs support? |
Is there a difference between human organ system functions and abilities? Yes. What is the difference between human organ system functions and abilities? Human pulse, blood pressure, temperature, consciousness, and respiratory rate are signs of human organ system functions. These signs exist from birth onwards. These are signs of human organ system functions; they are not abilities. Abilities are learned gradually after birth. This example will make you understand. English language reading abilities. English language speaking abilities. English language understanding abilities. English language writing abilities. If an individual does not have English language reading, speaking, understanding, and writing abilities, that does not mean there is impairment of human organ system functions. These are all learned abilities. If an individual is educated properly, he or she will learn these abilities. What should be goals of your school education? Learn abilities. General abilities are learned at school. Professional abilities are learned in professional training programs. At this resource, www.qureshiuniversity.com, there are general abilities guidelines and professional abilities guidelines. How many abilities does an individual learn from birth up to 18 years? 739 |
Abilities |
What should a doctor of medicine know about human abilities? Is there a difference between human organ system functions and abilities? What is the difference between human organ system functions and abilities? How many organ systems does the human body have? What are the organ systems of the human body? What are the vital signs of human organ systems functions? What are the differences between abilities of a newborn and abilities of an 18-year-old human? What abilities must an 18-year-old human have? What should you know about human abilities relevant to age? What should you know about human organ systems’ functions? How is a human body organized? What are the human organs and their function? Is there a difference between human body functional capacity evaluation and fitness for duty? What is the difference between human body functional capacity evaluation and fitness for duty? What are the signs of the 11 human organ systems’ functions? When is fitness for duty required? What are Essential Skills? What is ability?(What is skill?) What is technique? What are skills? Why are skills important? What are the different types of skills? What is ability, and where do individual differences in ability come from? What are the various types of cognitive ability? What are the various types of emotional ability? What are the various types of physical ability? What is intelligence? Can we Increase our Intelligence? What is IQ (Intelligence Quotient)? How does cognitive ability affect job performance and organizational commitment? What is abilities assessment? How are abilities assessed? What do physical ability tests look like? What about Functional Capacity Evaluations? What is spatial ability? Why is spatial ability important? What is a Skills Center? What do you have to do to improve your skills? What are other names for self-care abilities? What are other names for transferable skills? What English grammar should you know relevant to abilities? What should a doctor of medicine know about Human organ systems and functions? What organs comprise make this human organ system? What are the functions of this human organ system? What are various self-care abilities? At what age should self-care abilities be learned? Is a human born with abilities or are abilities learned? What abilities should every child learn before age 5? What abilities should every child learn before age 12? What abilities should every human learn before age 18? What are various abilities relevant to specific professions? What are the vital signs of human organ systems functions? What are vital signs? What should be included in the levels of consciousness? What is body temperature? What is the pulse rate? What is the respiration rate? What is blood pressure? What special equipment is needed to measure blood pressure? |
| ||||
Alphabetical order | ||||
Add, subtract, multiply, and divide real numbers. | ||||
Analytical Ability | ||||
Abilities | ||||
Abilities (text format) | ||||
Ability to delegate | ||||
Auditory Processing | ||||
Basic Skills (Essential skills) | ||||
Behavioral Interview Questions | ||||
Career Skills | ||||
Complaint Solving Skills | ||||
Creativity techniques | ||||
Credibility | ||||
Computer Skills | ||||
Communication Skills | ||||
Complex Problem Solving Skills | ||||
Conflict Resolution Skills | ||||
Counselling Skills | ||||
Decision-making | ||||
Essential Skills | ||||
English Language Abilities | ||||
English language reading abilities. | ||||
English language speaking abilities. | ||||
English language understanding abilities. | ||||
English language writing abilities. | ||||
Economy and Budget | ||||
Facilitation Skills | ||||
General Skills | ||||
Hard skills | ||||
Influencing | ||||
Initiative | ||||
Interpersonal Skills | ||||
Labor skills | ||||
Learning Skills | ||||
Life Skills | ||||
Leadership Skills | ||||
Leadership Skills Course | ||||
Listening Skills | ||||
Learning Skills | ||||
Logic and Reasoning | ||||
Management Skills | ||||
Meeting | ||||
Memory | ||||
Negotiation | ||||
Numeracy Skills | ||||
Networking | ||||
Oral Communication | ||||
Organization Skills | ||||
People Skills | ||||
Personal Skills | ||||
Politeness Guidelines | ||||
Planning | ||||
Presentation Skills | ||||
Processing Speed | ||||
Project management | ||||
Resource Management Skills | ||||
Secretarial Skills | ||||
Self-awareness | ||||
Self-confidence | ||||
Self-care abilities | ||||
School Skills | ||||
Social skills | ||||
Soft skills | ||||
Stress Management | ||||
Study Skills | ||||
Systems Skills | ||||
Technical Skills | ||||
Team Management Skills | ||||
Teamwork | ||||
Transferable Skills Checklist | ||||
Technical/Manual Skills | ||||
Time-management | ||||
Visual Processing | ||||
Willingness to learn | ||||
Writing in the English language | ||||
Workplace Essential Skills |
Child development is a process every child goes through. This process involves learning and mastering skills like sitting, walking, talking, skipping, and tying shoes. Children learn these skills, called developmental milestones, during predictable time periods. Children develop skills in five main areas of development:
A developmental milestone is a skill that a child acquires within a specific time frame. For instance, one developmental milestone is learning to walk. Most children learn this skill or developmental milestone between the ages of 9 and 15 months. Milestones develop in a sequential fashion. This means that a child will need to develop some skills before he or she can develop new skills. For example, children must first learn to crawl and to pull up to a standing position before they are able to walk. Each milestone that a child acquires builds on the last milestone developed. To find out more information about age-appropriate developmental milestones click on a specific age below. If you are concerned your child has not met a developmental milestone, click here to learn more. What are typical milestones, or skills, children learn at different ages? We now know that our brains are not fully developed at birth. In fact, a baby's brain weighs about one quarter (1/4) of what an adult's brain weighs! The brain grows very rapidly during the first several years of life. During this time, your child is learning all sorts of new skills. Because children usually acquire developmental milestones or skills during a specific time frame or "window", we can predict when most children will learn different skills. The pages below describe the types of skills children usually learn at different ages. If you are concerned your child has not met a developmental milestone, click here to learn more. Childhood Development:
What if my child does not meet a developmental milestone? Each child is an individual and may meet developmental milestones a little earlier or later than his peers. You may have heard people say things like, "he was walking before he turned 10 months, much earlier than his older brother" or "she didn't say much until she was about 2 years old and then she talked a blue streak!" This is because each child is unique and will develop at his or her own pace. However, there are definitely blocks of time when most children will meet a milestone. For example, children learn to walk anytime between 9 and 15 months of age. So, if your child is 13 months of age and not yet walking, there is no need to worry if he is crawling and pulling to a stand. He has acquired the skills he needs to learn to walk and may begin walking soon. However, if you have a child 15 months of age who is not yet walking, it would be a good idea to talk with your child's pediatrician to make sure there aren't any medical or developmental problems since age 15 months is outside of the normal "window" or time frame in which children learn to walk. How can I help my child meet these developmental milestones? As parents, we all want our children to succeed and be the best they can be. We know from research that two factors influence how your child succeeds and grows: genes and environment. One of the factors that influence our child's development is their genetic makeup or "genes." Some people refer to this as "nature." Genes are the genetic material we pass onto our children. Children are born with their "genes" in place. These genes act like a blueprint for what characteristics a child may have. For example, genes determine if a child will have blue eyes or brown eyes; they also determine if he will be left- or right-handed. The other factor that influences child development is the environment. This includes experiences children have in their home, school and community environments. Some people refer to this as "nurture." The environment can either improve or harm a child's genetic blueprint. For example, malnourished children who live in third world countries may not reach their IQ potential because of the impact of their environment on their brain development. We often think we need to run out and buy special toys, music and games to stimulate our child's development, but we have to remind ourselves that it is more important to provide the following, every-day activities you can do with your child to encourage brain development.
Here are further guidelines. Here are further guidelines. |
Communication | The exchange of thoughts and ideas by speech or writing |
Multicultural Awareness | The ability to understand and work with diversity |
Multilingual | The ability to communicate in a language other than one's own |
Management skills | The ability to guide or organize other people in order to implement various _______ and initiative and resolve conflicts among others |
Teamwork/Cooperation | Cooperative effort within a group in order to achieve a desired goal |
Creativity | To give rise to imaginative or artistic abilities as well as the ability to find novel solutions to problems |
Ability to Adapt | The ability to change and adjust to a new situation |
Empathy | The ability to understand or feel another person's ideas and emotions |
Stress Management (Relaxation) | Control over the stressors that face each person, and the effects of stress |
Work Ethic | A principle of correct or good conduct to attain a level of integrity in one's work ability |
Self Discipline | Training or control over one's conduct for personal improvement as well as the ability to forgo immediate pleasure for long term goals |
Responsibility | The desire to achieve personal accountability |
Discriminative thinking | The ability to discern factual from opinionated information |
Grammar skills | The effective use of grammatical rules and guidelines in order to express one's ideas in correct form |
Analytical Reasoning | The ability to use the defined principles of logic and effectively engage in abstract thinking to achieve mastery or understanding |
Economic/Business | Sense Use of principles governing business and economic relationships |
Mathematical skills | Ability to use and apply the basic theories of the associative properties and arrangements of numbers and basic understanding of math and its uses |
Computer Skills | Ability to use computer technology effectively, including word-processing and spreadsheets |
Telecommunication | Communication occurring between two or more distant sources (fax machines, etc.) |
Analytical Skills |
Behavioral Skills |
Behavioral Skills (supervisors) |
Communication Skills (List) |
Communication Skills (Top 10) |
Customer Service Skills (List) |
Customer Service Skills (Top 10) |
Efficiency Skills |
Entrepreneurial Skills |
General Skills |
Hard Skills |
Helping Skills |
Interpersonal Skills |
Leadership Skills (List) |
Management / Leadership Skills |
Management Skills |
Monitoring Performance |
Organizational Skills |
Problem Solving Skills |
Presentation Skills |
Personal Skills |
Research Skills |
Resource Management Skills |
Social Media Skills |
Soft Skills (List) |
System Skills |
Teaching Skills |
Technical Skills |
What are Directives? What is delegation? Who is allowed to delegate authority? Who decides what authority to delegate or sub-delegate? How long does a delegated authority last? How do I make an amendment? What are some common examples of delegation? What do I need to know about the delegation regulation? How do orders and delegation differ? Who can delegate, which acts can be delegated and who can accept delegation? Pick the right person best suited for the task. Make sure the person can work independently. Make sure the person understands exactly what it is you want them to do. Determine what tasks will need more monitoring than others. Once the project or task is completed, carefully review. Here are further guidelines. |
What are skills? A skill is the learned ability to carry out a task with pre-determined results often within a given amount of time, energy, or both. In other words the abilities that one possesses. Skills can often be divided into domain-general and domain-specific skills. For example, in the domain of work, some general skills would include time management, teamwork and leadership, self motivation and others, whereas domain-specific skills would be useful only for a certain job. What are cognitive skills? Attention Skills Auditory Processin Executive Functions English language reading abilities. English language speaking abilities. English language understanding abilities. English language writing abilities. Logic and Reasoning Motor Memory Perception Processing Speed Visual Processing Cognitive abilities are brain-based skills we need to carry out any task from the simplest to the most complex. They have more to do with the mechanisms of how we learn, remember, problem-solve, and pay attention rather than with any actual knowledge. For instance, answering the telephone involves at least: perception (hearing the ring tone), decision taking (answering or not), motor skill (lifting the receiver), language skills (talking and understanding language), social skills (interpreting tone of voice and interacting properly with another human being). Mental functions or cognitive abilities are based on specific neuronal networks or brain structures. For instance memory skills rely mainly on parts of the temporal lobes and parts of the frontal lobes (behind the forehead). Attention Skills: A student's ability to attend to incoming information can be observed, broken down into a variety of sub-skills, and improved through properly coordinated training. We train and strengthen the three primary types of attention: •Sustained Attention: The ability to remain focused and on task, and the amount of time we can focus. •Selective Attention: The ability to remain focused and on task while being subjected to related and unrelated sensory input (distractions). •Divided Attention: The ability to remember information while performing a mental operation and attending to two things at once (multi-tasking). Executive Functions Abilities that enable goal-oriented behavior, such as the ability to plan, and execute a goal. These include: Flexibility: the capacity for quickly switching to the appropriate mental mode. Theory of mind: insight into other people’s inner world, their plans, their likes and dislikes. Anticipation: prediction based on pattern recognition. Problem-solving: defining the problem in the right way to then generate solutions and pick the right one. Decision making: the ability to make decisions based on problem-solving, on incomplete information and on emotions (ours and others’). Working Memory: the capacity to hold and manipulate information “on-line” in real time. Emotional self-regulation: the ability to identify and manage one’s own emotions for good performance. Sequencing: the ability to break down complex actions into manageable units and prioritize them in the right order. Inhibition: the ability to withstand distraction, and internal urges. Memory: The ability to store and recall information: Long-Term Memory: The ability to recall information that was stored in the past. Long-term memory is critical for spelling, recalling facts on tests, and comprehension. Weak long-term memory skills create symptoms like forgetting names and phone numbers, and doing poorly on unit tests. Short-Term / Working Memory: The ability to apprehend and hold information in immediate awareness while simultaneously performing a mental operation. Students with short-term memory problems may need to look several times at something before copying, have problems following multi-step instructions, or need to have information repeated often. Logic and Reasoning: The ability to reason, form concepts, and solve problems using unfamiliar information or novel procedures. Deductive reasoning extends this problem-solving ability to draw conclusions and come up with solutions by analyzing the relationships between given conditions. Students with underdeveloped logic and reasoning skills will generally struggle with word math problems and other abstract learning challenges. Symptoms of skill weaknesses in this area show up as questions like, "I don't get this", "I need help...this is so hard", or "What should I do first?" Auditory Processing: The ability to analyze, blend, and segment sounds. Auditory processing is a crucial underlying skill for reading and spelling success, and is the number one skill needed for learning to read. Weakness in any of the auditory processing skills will greatly hinder learning to read, reading fluency, and comprehension. Students with auditory processing weakness also typically lose motivation to read. Motor Ability to mobilize our muscles and bodies. Ability to manipulate objects. Visual Processing: The ability to perceive, analyze, and think in visual images. This includes visualization, which is the ability to create a picture in your mind of words or concepts. Students who have problems with visual processing may have difficulty following instructions, reading maps, doing word math problems, and comprehending. Perception Recognition and interpretation of sensory stimuli (smell, touch, hearing, etc.) Processing Speed: The ability to perform simple or complex cognitive tasks quickly. This skill also measures the ability of the brain to work quickly and accurately while ignoring distracting stimuli. Slow processing speed makes every task more difficult. Very often, slow processing is one root of ADHD-type behaviors. Symptoms of weaknesses here include homework taking a long time, always being the last one to get his or her shoes on, or being slow at completing even simple tasks. English grammar relevant to abilities
What should you know about human organ systems’ functions? Human organ systems functions exist from birth. How is a human body organized? Cells are the basic unit of life. Tissues are clusters of cells that perform a similar function. Organs are made of tissues that perform one specific function. Organ systems are groups of organs that perform a specific purpose in the human body. The purpose of the 11 organ systems is for the human body to maintain homeostasis. Organs and Functions What are the human organs and their function? Adrenal glands - Fight or flight emergency explosive action and mental clarity. Appendix - No longer in direct use, theorized to help Immune system. Bladder - Temporally collects liquids from food waste. Brain - A neural network of interdependent systems to send signals to muscles. Epidermis - protect against pathogens, oxidant stress (UV light) and chemicals. Esophagus - Muscular tube through which food travels to the stomach. Eyes - Conversion of photons into a data stream for the optic nerve. Gall bladder - Fat conversion/digestion with high powered chemicals. Heart - Pump to move blood around the body. Kidney - Regulate acidity, blood pressure, salt/water balance, signal hormones. Large intestine - Absorb water and last remaining nutrients from waste. Liver - Filter out the blood of impurities and toxins. Lungs - Absorption of Oxygen and release of Carbon Dioxide. Mouth - Temporary storage area for food while it is evaluated and crushed. Ovaries - In Females, secrete estrogen, progesterone and create ovums. Pancreas - Break down the carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids in food. Parathyroid - Control the amount of calcium in the blood and within the bones. Pleura - Lubricant and structure to convert muscle movements to inhale/exhale. Prostate gland - In Males, Assist in the preparation of semen. Rectum - About 12cm of temporary storage site for feces. Small intestine - Primary absorption of nutrients and minerals in food. Spine - Bendable support structure for upper body, protects wires from brain to lower body. Spleen - Secondary backup systems to regulate blood and immune system. Stomach - Dissolve and churn eaten foods with acids. Testes - In Males, create sperm containing the DNA code to build another human. Thyroid gland - Configuration for energy storage, dial in sensitivity to hormones. Tongue - Evaluate and reposition food in the mouth and push down esophagus. Uterus - Hold and supply nutrients to the ovum while it grows into a human. Organs/Structures
How many organ systems does the human body have? The human body has 11 organ systems. What are the organ systems of the human body? Take a look at this. Organ Systems of the Body Brain & central nervous system (nervous system) Circulatory System Digestive System Endocrine System Integumentary system Lymphatic (immune) system Muscular system Reproductive System Respiratory System Skeletal System Urinary system |
Brain & Central Nervous System (Nervous system) | Nerve Cells (Neurons) Support Cells (Neuroglia) Neurophysiology Spinal Cord (Central Nervous System) Brain (Central Nervous System) Nerves (Peripheral Nervous System) Sensory System Motor System | The nervous system consists of the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord) and the peripheral nervous system. The brain is the organ of thought, emotion, memory, and sensory processing, and serves many aspects of communication and controls various systems and functions. The special senses consist of vision, hearing, taste, and smell. The eyes, ears, tongue, and nose gather information about the body's environment. | Neuroscience, Neurology (disease), Psychiatry (behavioral), Ophthalmology (vision), Otolaryngology (hearing, taste, smell) |
Circulatory System | Heart, blood vessels, blood | Rapid flow of blood throughout the body’s tissues | Cardiology (heart), hematology (blood) |
Digestive System | Mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, intestines, salivary glands, pancreas, liver, gallbladder | Digestion and absorption of organic nutrients, salts, and water | Gastroenterology |
Endocrine System | All glands secreting hormones: Pancreas, testes, ovaries, hypothalamus, kidneys, pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal, intestinal, thymus, and pineal | Regulation and coordination of many activities in the body | Endocrinology |
Integumentary system | Skin | Protection against injury and dehydration; defense against foreign invaders; regulation of temperature | Dermatology |
Lymphatic (immune) system |
The main function of the lymphatic system is to extract, transport and metabolize lymph, the fluid found in between cells. Immune system White blood cells, lymph vessels and nodes, spleen, thymus, and other lymphatic tissues Defense against foreign invaders; return of extracellular fluid to blood; formation of white blood cells | The lymphatic system is very similar to the circulatory system in terms of both its structure and its most basic function (to carry a body fluid). | Oncology, immunology |
Muscular system |
(listed by action site): Muscles that act on the arm (or humerus bone) Muscles that act on the shoulder (or scapula bone) Muscles that act on the forearm (or radius & ulna bones) Muscles that act on the wrist & hand (or carpals, metacarpals & phalanges) Muscles that act on the ant. thigh (or anterior femur bone) Muscles that act on the post. thigh (or posterior femur bone) Muscles that act on the leg (or tibia and fibula bones) Muscles that act on the anke & foot (or tarsals, metatarsals, and phalanges) Muscles that act on the back (or posterior vertebral column) Muscles that act on the neck & head (or vertebral column and skull) Muscles that act on the abdomen (or anterior vertebral column) Muscles that act on the mandible (for mastication or chewing) Muscles that act on the face (for facial expression; now adding) Muscles that act on the chest (for breathing; now drawing) Cartilage, ligaments, tendons, joints, skeletal muscle | Support, protection, and movement of the body | Orthopedics (bone and muscle disorders and injuries) |
Reproductive System |
Male: Testes, penis, and associated ducts and glands
Female: Ovaries, uterine tubes, uterus, vagina, mammary glands Production of sperm; transfer of sperm to female | Production of eggs; provision of a nutritive environment for the developing embryo and fetus | Gynecology (women), andrology (men), sexology (behavioral aspects) embryology (developmental aspects), obstetrics (partition) |
Respiratory System | Nose, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, intestines, salivary glands | Exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen; regulation of hydrogen-ion concentration | Pulmonology |
Skeletal System |
Lower Limbs Ribs and Sternum Skull Upper Limbs Vertebrae | Orthopedics (bone and muscle disorders and injuries) | |
Urinary system | The urinary system consists of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. | It removes water from the blood to produce urine, which carries a variety of waste molecules and excess ions and water out of the body. | Nephrology (function), urology (structural disease) |
Circulatory System: Cardiovascular organs: heart, blood vessels, blood Digestive System: Primary organs: mouth, stomach, intestines, rectum Other organs: teeth, tongue, liver, pancreas Endocrine System: Endocrine structures: pituitary gland, pineal gland, thymus, ovaries, testes, thyroid gland Integumentary System Integumentary structures: skin, nails, hair, sweat glands Lymphatic: Lymphatic organs: lymph vessels, lymph nodes, thymus, spleen, tonsils Nervous System: Structures: brain, spinal cord, nerves Reproductive System: Male organs: testes, scrotum, penis, vas deferens, prostate Female organs: ovaries, uterus, vagina, mammary glands Respiratory System: Respiratory organs: lungs, nose, trachea, bronchi Muscular System Muscles Skeletal System: Structures: bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, cartilage Urinary/Excretory Systems Structures: kidneys, urinary bladder, urethra, ureters |
The human body is composed of interactive systems. Most organs in the body are necessary, a few like tonsils are not. There are specific functions for each of the organs in the systems, but they cannot operate by themselves. Below is a chart that will help you review the different systems with your students.
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Is there a difference between human body functional capacity evaluation and fitness for duty? Yes. What is the difference between human body functional capacity evaluation and fitness for duty? Functional capacity evaluation measures 11 human organ system functions relevant to age. Fitness for duty measures general abilities and professional abilities relevant to a profession. Functional Capacity Evaluation measures 11 human organ system functions relevant to age. 1.What is the health status of this individual relevant to age? Here is an example. 100% mentally fit. 95% physically fit. What are the signs of the 11 human organ systems’ functions? At birth, breathing effort, heart rate, muscle tone, response to smell or foot slap, skin color. After birth, various signs of organ system functions are visible relevant to age. Here is a list in alphabetical order. Ability to hear, see, talk (consciousness): Normal/abnormal Breathing: Normal/abnormal Blood pressure: Normal/abnormal Eating: Normal/abnormal Emotion: Angry, polite, hostile Getting started after sleep: Problem/no problem Learning: Problem/no problem Medicolegal issues (survival needs, harms from others, or stress) Pain: Yes (evaluate severity/no pain) Performing manual tasks: Problem/no problem Pulse: Normal/abnormal Respiratory rate: Normal/abnormal Sitting: Normal/abnormal Skin: Normal/abnormal Sleeping: Normal/abnormal Stools: Normal/abnormal Temperature: Normal/abnormal Urination: Normal/abnormal Walking: Normal/abnormal Working These signs of human organ systems functions are all relevant to age. An 18-year-old human should have normal function of all these signs of human organ systems. Abilities relevant to specific profession or professions need fitness for duty analysis. See fitness for duty details. In case of any issues or problem, see further details. Caring for oneself (eating, dressing, toileting, etc.) 2. What work is available? Is the individual mentally and physically fit relevant to a specific profession? Fitness for duty measures general abilities and professional abilities relevant to a profession. Fitness for duty Various examples have been quoted. When is fitness for duty required? Fitness of duty can be required while an individual is on existing duty or when an individual needs to be placed at a specific position, including executive, senior, supervisor, and entry level. What can be reasons a person is not fit for specific work/duty/profession? Illiterate. Personality disorder (liar, etc). Harmful to self or others. Lack of knowledge of specific profession. Insufficient knowledge of specific profession. Criminal traits. Lack of desire for public service. Fitness for duty 1 . What is the profile of the individual and where is this individual now whose fitness of duty is required? Take a look at this. http://www.qureshiuniversity.com/aboutthefounder.html 2. How would you rate the human organ system’s functions of this individual for mental fitness and physical fitness on the scale of 1-100? 100% mentally fit. 95% physically fit. 3. For what profession does this individual need to be fit for duty? Governor of the state. Head of the state. 4. Does the fitness for duty require analysis for executive, senior, supervisory, or entry-level professional duties in the state or outside the state? Executive 5. Is this individual able to understand, read, write, and speak the English language? Yes. 6. How would you rate this individual’s English language abilities on a scale of 1–10, with 10 being the best? 8-10. 7. How would you rate the truthfulness of this individual on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the best? 10. 8. How would you rate this individual’s politeness (speech, manners, behavior) in the last five years on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the best? 10. 9. Does the individual have general abilities and professional abilities relevant to a specific profession or professions? Take a look at this. www.qureshiuniversity.com/professionsworld.html Everything is displayed at this location. 10. Can this individual guide one profession or many professions? Many professions. 11. What is the proof that this individual can guide one profession or many professions? Here are various facts. www.qureshiuniversity.com/professionsworld.html 12. Can this individual guide a teacher, lawyer, engineer, or doctor? Yes. 13. Can this individual answer questions relevant to the existing duty of a specific profession or professions? Yes. 14. Does this individual have specific technical abilities? Yes. 15. Is this individual able to answer relevant questions from time to time relevant to existing duty? Yes. 16. How would you describe this individual’s fitness for existing duty and further placement? Fit for existing duty. Recommendations for further placement. These are basic questions; there are many more. These questions are answered under the pretext of fitness for duty. |
What is ability? A natural or acquired skill or talent. Synonyms: aptitude, capability, capacity, competence, competency, comprehension, dexterity, endowment, facility, faculty, intelligence, might, potentiality, qualification, resourcefulness, skill, strength, talent, understanding What is technique? A systematic procedure, formula, or routine by which a task is accomplished. What are the different types of skills? Take a look at this. http://www.qureshiuniversity.com/skillsworld.html This resource has guidelines for thousands of skills ranging from general purpose skills to work-specific skills. |
What body system helps humans turn the food they eat into energy? (Digestive.) What body system helps humans breathe? (Respiratory.) What body system controls other body systems? (Nervous.) What body system provides structure for the body? (Skeletal.) What body system allows us to move? (Muscular.) What body system includes a transport system (blood) and a pump (the heart) that keeps the transport system moving? (Circulatory.) Can you think of two body systems that work together? (Examples include the respiratory and circulatory, muscular and skeletal, digestive and circulatory, and nervous and any other system.) What part of the nervous system is essential for it to work properly? (Brain.) What event could disrupt one or more body systems? (Injury or disease could disrupt one or more body systems.) What parts of the respiratory system would need to be blocked to not allow any air into this system? (The mouth, nose, or trachea.) |
What is the person's level of functioning? What treatments or interventions can maximize functioning? What are the outcomes of the treatment? How useful were the interventions? How would I rate my capacity in mobility or communication? What health care and other services will be needed? How well do we serve our clients? What basic indicators for quality assurance are valid and reliable? How useful are the services we are providing? How _____-effective are the services we provide? How can the service be improved for better outcomes at a lower _____? What are the needs of persons with various levels of disability - impairments, activity limitations and participation restrictions? How can we make the social and built environment more accessible for all person, those with and those without disabilities ? Can we assess and measure improvement? Body Functions are physiological functions of body systems (including psychological functions). Body Structures are anatomical parts of the body such as organs, limbs and their components. Impairments are problems in body function or structure such as a significant deviation or loss. Activity is the execution of a task or action by an individual. Participation is involvement in a life situation. Activity Limitations are difficulties an individual may have in executing activities. Participation Restrictions are problems an individual may experience in involvement in life situations. Environmental Factors make up the physical, socal and attitudinal environment in which people live and conduct their lives. Body Structure (s) 0 no change in structure 1 total absence 2 partial absence 3 additional part 4 aberrant dimensions 5 discontinuity 6 deviating position 7 qualitative changes in structure, including accumulation of fluid 8 not specified 9 not applicable Body Function: Mental Functions Sensory Functions and Pain Voice and Speech Functions Functions of the Cardiovascular, Haematological, Immunological and Respiratory Systems Functions of the Digestive, Metabolic, Endocrine Systems Genitourinary and Reproductive Functions Neuromusculoskeletal and Movement-Related Functions Functions of the Skin and Related Structures Structure: Structure of the Nervous System The Eye, Ear and Related Structures Structures Involved in Voice and Speech Structure of the Cardiovascular, Immunological and Respiratory Systems Structures Related to the Digestive, Metabolic and Endocrine Systems Structure Related to Genitourinary and Reproductive Systems Structure Related to Movement Skin and Related Structures Activities and Participation Learning and Applying Knowledge General Tasks and Demands Communication Mobility Self Care Domestic Life Interpersonal Interactions and Relationships Major Life Areas Commmunity, Social and Civic Life What is abilities assessment? You have to prove your performance in the real world. You should have abilities/skills relevant to the real world. Always show abilities, skills, and knowledge relevant to specific profession or professions in the real world, particularly through advertising or media. You must prove your competence in the real world. You should be able to answer relevant questions in the real world from time to time relevant to your profession. How are abilities assessed? Unlike tests of skills, personality, interests or values – all of which are influenced by changes over time – abilities are assessed through the actual performance of manual and mental tasks which measure how easily the test-taker can perform those tasks. What is spatial ability? Spatial ability is the capacity to understand and remember the spatial relations among objects. This ability can be viewed as a unique type of intelligence distinguishable from other forms of intelligence, such as verbal ability, reasoning ability, and memory skills. Spatial ability is not a monolithic and static trait, but made up of numerous subskills, which are interrelated among each other and develop throughout your life. Why is spatial ability important? Visual-spatial skills are of great importance for success in solving many tasks in everyday life. What is a Skills Center? What do you have to do to improve your skills? Here are further guidelines. |
Personal Skills List
Self-Management Skills: Active Adept Alert Ambitious Analytical Assertive Authentic Broadminded Businesslike Calm Candid Capable Careful Caring Clear thinking Composed Competent Competitive Confident Conscientious Considerate Consistent Constructive Cooperative Courageous Creative Critical Curious Deliberate Dependable Detail oriented Determined Diplomatic Disciplined Dynamic Eager Economical Effective Efficient Empathic Energetic Enterprising Enthusiastic Exceptional Experienced Expressive Fair minded Far-sighted Firm Flexible Friendly Generous Gracious Helpful Honest Humorous Imaginative Independent Industrious Ingenious Innovative Insightful Intuitive Inventive Likeable Logical Loyal Mature Meticulous Motivated Optimistic Organized Outgoing Outstanding Patient Perceptive Persevering Persistent Pioneering Pleasant Poised Polite Positive Practical Precise Productive Progressive Punctual Purposeful Rational Realistic Reasonable Reflective Reliable Resourceful Respectful Responsible Self-confident Self-controlling Self-reliant Sense of humor Sensible Sincere Sociable Spontaneous Stable Strong-willed Sympathetic Tactful Teachable Tenacious Thinks quickly Thoughtful Trustworthy Understanding Versatile Visionary Wholesome |
What are other names for transferable skills? Transferable skills are known by a variety of terms - key skills, core skills, soft skills, generic skills, generic competences. Transferable skills have been defined quite simply as "skills developed in one situation which can be transferred to another situation". They are the kinds of skills which are necessary for effective performance by individuals, not only in the workplace but in life in general. Some examples of such skills include team working, communication skills, problem solving and planning skills. What are transferable skills? Transferable skills are skills that you can take with you from one situation to another, from one job to another. Transferable skills (also called “life skills”) may be defined as a set of qualities that can be applied to any field or career, regardless of where they were first learned. Your transferable skills are often: Acquired through a class (e.g., an English major who is taught technical writing) Acquired through experience Working With People Working With Things Working With Data/Information Checklist of Transferable SkillsAdapt to Situations: Learn a new task and/or work in a different area with different co- workers. Analyze: Break a problem down to see what is really going on. Assemble Products: Put things together with your hands. Calculate Numbers: Use a calculator, cash register or computer to answer numerical questions. Communicate: Speak and/or write well and get your ideas across to other easily. Confident: Believe in and feel good about yourself. Considerate: Always think about how others may feel about things, especially before you say or do things that my affect them. Creativity: Use your imagination to come up with new ideas or to solve problems. Decision Making: Make good judgements about what to do in a difficult situation, even when the supervisor is not present. Delegate: Assign tasks to others to complete. Dependable: Can be counted on to do what you said you would do (i.e. show up for work on time, do your job duties well, etc). Efficient: Perform tasks in the fastest and simplest ways that they can be done. Energetic: Lots of energy to use at work and at play. Explain: Tell others why you do certain things they way you do or why you think the way you do. Flexible: Can carry out many different responsibilities, sometimes with very little advanced notice. Handle Complaints: Deal effectively with complaints made by customers or constructive criticism from your _________. Helpful: Enjoy helping people solve their problems. Interpret: Look at things and make sense of them, figure out what makes things work,why there is a problem, etc. Learn Quickly: Do new things and carry out new responsibilities easily by watching other or by following instructions. Listen: Listen/pay attention to what others are saying, without daydreaming or forming judgement about them. Loyal: Committed and devoted to things/people that mean a lot to you (i.e. your best friend, your job/supervisor). Motivate Others: Help keep others' spirits up and encourage them to do their best. Operate Equipment: Turn equipment on and off as well as how to use it safely and wisely. (If you don't know how to operate certain things, you always ask for help.) Order Goods/Supplies: Keep track of items and how to order them. Organize: Arrange people/plan events/put things in order so that they run smoothly. Pleasant: Nice person for others to talk to and be with. Precise: Make sure that things are done accurately, correctly and exactly. Punctual: Always on time for things. Record Data: Write thorough and accurate notes/numbers. Resourceful: Thing of new, creative and different ways to do things when there are no obvious solutions available. Self-assured: Feel very confident and positive about yourself and your abilities. Service Customers: Be friendly, patient and polite with customers and try your best to service their needs/wants. Set Goals: Set goals for yourself to achieve and plan ways to achieve them. Supervise: Watch others to make sure that everything is ok and/or that they are doing their jobs well. Take Instructions: Follow instructions well, ask questions when you do not fully understand instructions. Think Ahead: Plan your day and keep problems/accidents from happening. Time Management: Plan your time so that you don't forget to do things, you're almost always/always on time, and you know how to prioritize and give yourself enough time to do the things that you need to do. Trouble-shoot: Figure out what the problem is, why there is a problem, or prevent a problem before it happens. Trustworthy: Can be trusted to get the job done, to look after things or keep secrets that are very important to other people. Transferable SkillsThese skills are general skills that can be useful in a variety of jobs. For example, writing clearly, good language skills, or the ability to organize and prioritize tasks would be desirable in many jobs. These are called transferable skills because they can be transferred from one job-or even career-to another. Key Transferable Skills o Meeting deadlines o Planning o Speaking in public o Controlling budgets o Supervising others o Accepting responsibility o Instructing others o Solving problems o Managing budgets o Managing people o Meeting the public o Negotiating o Organizing or managing projects o Written communications Dealing with data o Analyze data or facts o Investigate o Audit records o Keep records o Budget o Locate answers or information o Calculate, compute o Manage money o Classify data o Negotiate o Compare, inspect, or record facts o Count, observe, compile o Research o Detail-oriented o Synthesize o Evaluate o Take inventory Working with people o Administer o Patient o Negotiate o Persuade o Confront others o Teach o Pleasant o Counsel people o Sensitive o Demonstrate o Sociable o Tolerant o Diplomatic o Supervise o Help others o Tactful o Insightful o Interview others o Instruct o Listen o Trust o Understand o Outgoing o Kind Using Word, Ideas o Research o Articulate o Inventive o Logical o Ingenious o Write clearly o Design o Develop/Create o Edit o Correspond with others o Remember information o Communicate verbally o Create new ideas o Speak in public Leadership o Arrange social functions o Motivate people o Competitive o Negotiate agreements o Decisive o Plan o Delegate o Run meetings o Direct others o Self-controlled o Explain things to others o Self-motivated o Get results o Solve problems o Mediate problems o Take risks Creative, Artistico Artistic o Music appreciation o Play instruments o Perform, act o Drawing, art o Expressive o Dance, body movement o Present artistic ideas Other Transferable Skills o Using my hands, dealing with things o Assemble or make things o Build, observe, and inspect things o Construct or repair buildings o Operate tools and machinery o Drive or operate vehicles o Good with my hands o Use complex equipment o Endure long hours o Follow directions o File records o Learn quickly Creative, Artistic SkillsArtistic Draw, sketch, render Expressive Music Appreciation Perform, act Play Instruments Present artistic ideas Analytical SkillsAnalyze data or facts Audit records Budget Calculate, compute Classify data Compare, inspect, record facts Count, observe, compile Detail-oriented Evaluate Investigate Locate answers/information Negotiate Research Synthesize Take inventory Key Transferable SkillsAccept responsibility Control budget Increase sales or efficiency Instruct other Manage people Meet deadlines Meet the public Negotiate Organize/manage projects Plan Solve problems Speak in public Supervise others Written communications Leadership Arrange social functions Competitive Decisive Delegate Direct others Explain things to others Get results Mediate problems Motivate people Negotiate agreements Plan Run meetings Self-controlled Self motivated Solve problems Take risks Other Transferable Skills: Assemble or make things Build, observe, inspect things Construct or repair buildings < br> Drive or operate vehicles Good with my hands Operate tools/machinery Repair things Use complex equipment Use my hands Using Words and Ideas: Articulate Communicate verbally Correspond with others Create new ideas Design Edit Inventive Logical Remember information v Research Speaking in public Write clearly Working with People: Administer Care for Confront others Counsel people Demonstrate Diplomatic Help others Kind Listen Negotiate Outgoing Patient Persuade Pleasant Sensitive Sociable Supervise Tolerant Tough Trust Understand Job Content Skills - what have you done?Adapting new procedure Administering programs Advising people Analyzing data Analyzing problems Assembling apparatus Becoming actively involved Being thorough Budgeting expenses Calculating numerical data Checking for accuracy Coaching individuals Comparing results Compiling statistics Conducting meetings Coordinating schedules/times Coping with deadlines Delegating responsibility Determining/defining problems Developing plans for projects Dispensing information Drafting reports Editing work Encouraging others Evaluating programs Expressing ideas orally to individuals or groups Finding/gathering information Handling complaints Handling detail work Imagining new solutions Inspecting physical objects Interacting with people at various levels Interviewing prospective employees Investigating problems Knowledge of concepts and principles Listening to others Locating missing information Maintaining accurate records Maintaining emotional control under stress Making decisions Managing an organization Managing people Mediating between people Meeting new people Motivating others Negotiating, arbitrating conflicts Operating equipment Organizing files Organizing tasks Performing numeric analysis Persuading others Picking out important information Planning agendas/meetings Planning organizational needs Preparing written communications Prioritizing work Promoting events Proposing ideas Providing customer service Public speaking Reading volumes of materials Recommending course of action Recommending ideas Rehabilitating people Relating to the public Running meetings Screening telephone calls Selling ideas/products Setting up demonstrations Setting work/committee goals Teaching/Training Individuals Thinking in a logical manner Taking independent action Personal Development and Personal Empowerment Self-Motivation and Emotional Intelligence Time Management and Removing Distractions to help you achieve more Avoiding Stress Anger Management Relaxation Techniques Assertiveness Building Confidence and Self-Esteem Verbal Communicationo Speak well in public appearances o Confront and express opinions without offending o Interview people to obtain information o Handle complaints ___in person ___over phone o Present ideas effectively in speeches or lecture o Persuade/influence others to a certain point of view o Sell ideas, products or services o Debate ideas with others o Participate in group discussions and teams o Perform Nonverbal Communication o Listen carefully and attentively o Convey a positive self image o Use body language that makes others comfortable o Develop rapport easily with groups of people o Establish culture to support learning o Express feelings through body language o Promote concepts through a variety of media o Believe in self worth o Respond to non-verbal cues o Model behavior or concepts for others Written Communication o Write technical language, reports, manuals o Write poetry, fiction plays o Write grant proposals o Prepare and write logically written reports o Write copy for sales and advertising o Edit and proofread written material o Prepare revisions of written material o Utilize all forms of technology for writing o Write case studies and treatment plans o Demonstrate expertise in grammar and style Train/Consult o Teach, advise, coach, empower o Conduct needs assessments o Use a variety of media for presentation o Develop educational curriculum and materials o Create and administer evaluation plan o Facilitate a group o Explain difficult ideas, complex topics o Assess learning styles and respond accordingly o Consult and recommend solutions o Write well organized and documented reports Analyze o Study data or behavior for meaning and solutions o Analyze quantitative, physical and/or scientific data o Write analysis of study and research o Compare and evaluate information o Systematize information and results o Apply curiosity o Investigate clues o Formulate insightful and relevant questions o Use technology for statistical analysis Research o Identify appropriate information sources o Search written, oral and technological information o Interview primary sources o Hypothesize and test for results o Compile numerical and statistical data o Classify and sort information into categories o Gather information from a number of sources o Patiently search for hard-to-find information o Utilize electronic search methods Plan and Organize o Identify and organize tasks or information o Coordinate people, activities and details o Develop a plan and set objectives o Set up and keep time schedules o Anticipate problems and respond with solutions o Develop realistic goals and action to attain them o Arrange correct sequence of information and actions o Create guidelines for implementing an action o Create efficient systems o Follow through, insure completion of a task Counsel and Serve o Counsel, advise, consult, guide others o Care for and serve people; rehabilitate, heal o Demonstrate empathy, sensitivity and patience o Help people make their own decisions o Help others improve health and welfare o Listen empathically and with objectivity o Coach, guide, encourage individuals to achieve goals o Mediate peace between conflicting parties o Knowledge of self-help theories and programs o Facilitate self-awareness in others Interpersonal Relations o Convey a sense of humor o Anticipate people's needs and reactions o Express feelings appropriately o Process human interactions, understand others o Encourage, empower, advocate for people o Create positive, hospitable environment o Adjust plans for the unexpected o Facilitate conflict management o Communicate well with diverse groups o Listen carefully to communication Leadership o Envision the future and lead change o Establish policy o Set goals and determine courses of action o Motivate/inspire others to achieve common goals o Create innovative solutions to complex problems o Communicate well with all levels of the organization o Develop and mentor talent o Negotiate terms and conditions o Take risks, make hard decisions, be decisive o Encourage the use of technology at all levels Management o Manage personnel, projects and time o Foster a sense of ownership in employees o Delegate responsibility and review performance o Increase productivity and efficiency to achieve goals o Develop and facilitate work teams o Provide training for development of staff o Adjust plans/procedures for the unexpected o Facilitate conflict management o Communicate well with diverse groups o Utilize technology to facilitate management Economy and Budget o Calculate, perform mathematical computations o Work with precision with numerical data o Keep accurate and complete ______ records o Perform accounting functions and procedures o Compile data and apply statistical analysis o Create computer generated charts for presentation o Use computer software for records and analysis o Forecast, estimate o Appraise and analyze o Create and justify organization's budget to others Administrative o Communicate well with key people in organization o Identify and purchase necessary resource materials o Utilize computer software and equipment o Organize, improve, adapt office systems o Track progress of projects and troubleshoot o Achieve goals within budget and time schedule o Assign tasks and sets standards for support staff o Supervise o Demonstrate flexibility during crisis o Oversee communication, email and telephones Create and Innovate o Visualize concepts and results o Intuit strategies and solutions o Execute color, shape and form o Brainstorm and make use of group synergy o Communicate with metaphors o Invent products through experimentation o Express ideas through art form o Remember faces, accurate spatial memory o Create images through, sketches, sculpture, etc. o Utilize computer software for artistic creations Construct and Operate o Assemble and install technical equipment o Build a structure, follow proper sequence o Understand blueprints and architectural specs o Repair machines o Analyze and correct plumbing or electrical problems o Use tools and machines o Master athletic skills o Landscape and farm o Drive and operate vehicles o Use scientific or medical equipment 76 Transferable Skills Information Management Skills: Ability to ...
Compile and rank information Apply information creatively to specific problems or tasks Synthesize facts, concepts and principles Understand and use organizing principles Evaluate information against appropriate standards
Set realistic goals Follow through with a plan or decision Manage time effectively Predict future trends and patterns Accommodate multiple demands for commitment of time, energy and resources Assess needs Make and keep a schedule Set priorities
Make decisions that will maximize both individual and collective good Appreciate the contributions of art, literature, science and technology to contemporary society Identify one's own values Assess one's values in relation to important life decisions Ability to ...
Maintain group cooperation and support Delegate tasks and responsibilities Interact effectively with peers, superiors, and subordinates Express one's feelings appropriately/understand the feelings of others Use argumentation techniques to persuade others Make commitments to people Be willing to take risks Teach a skill, concept or principle to others Analyze behavior of self and others in group situations Demonstrate effective social behavior in a variety of settings and under different circumstances Work under time and environmental pressures
Apply a variety of methods to test the validity of data Identify problems and needs Design an experiment plan or model that systematically defines a problem Identify information sources appropriate to special needs or problems Formulate questions relevant to clarifying a particular problem, topic or issue
Use various forms and styles of written communication Speak effectively to individuals or groups use media formats to present ideas imaginatively Express one's needs, wants, opinions and preferences without offending the sensitivities of others Identify and communicate value judgments effectively Describe objects or events with a minimum of factual errors Convey a positive self-image to others Ability to ...
Identify a general principle that explains interrelated experiences or factual data Define the parameters of a problem Identify reasonable criteria for assessing the value or appropriateness of an action or behavior Adapt one's concepts and behavior to changing conventions and norms Apply appropriate criteria to strategies and action plans Take given premises and reason to their conclusion Create innovate solutions to complex problems Analyze the interrelationships of events and ideas from several perspectives Ability to ...
Identify people who can contribute to the solution of a problem or task Identify resource materials useful in the solution of a problem Delegate responsibility o f completion of a task Motivate and lead people Organize people and tasks to achieve specific goals Ability to ...
Relate the skills developed in one environment (e.g., school) to the requirements of another environment (e.g., work) Match knowledge about one's own characteristics and abilities to information about job or career opportunities Identify, describe and assess the relative importance of one's needs, values, interests, strengths and weaknesses Develop personal growth goals that are motivating Identify and describe skills acquired through formal education and general life experiences Identify one's own strengths and weaknesses Accept and learn from negative criticism Generate trust and confidence in others Take risks Accept the consequences of one's actions "______" oneself to prospective _______ |
What are Interpersonal Skills? A List of Interpersonal Skills Includes: Verbal Communication - What we say and how we say it. Non-Verbal Communication - What we communicate without words, body language is an example. Listening Skills - How we interpret both the verbal and non-verbal messages sent by others. Negotiation - Working with others to find a mutually agreeable outcome. Problem Solving - Working with others to identify, define and solve problems. Decision Making – Exploring and analysing options to make sound decisions. Assertiveness – Communicating our values, ideas, beliefs, opinions, needs and wants freely. Interpersonal Skills—skills that are about your attitude, work ethic, reliability, flexibility, personal interaction with co-workers/customers/others. |
What is Negotiation? Negotiation is a method by which people settle differences. It is a process by which compromise or agreement is reached while avoiding argument. In any disagreement, individuals understandably aim to achieve the best possible outcome for their position (or perhaps an organisation they represent). However, the principles of fairness, seeking mutual benefit and maintaining a relationship are the keys to a successful outcome. Stages of Negotiation In order to achieve a desirable outcome, it may be useful to follow a structured approach to negotiation. For example, in a work situation a meeting may need to be arranged in which all parties involved can come together. The process of negotiation includes the following stages: 1.Preparation 2.Discussion 3.Clarification of goals 4.Negotiate towards a Win-Win outcome 5.Agreement 6.Implementation of a course of action 1. Preparation Before any negotiation takes place, a decision needs to be taken as to when and where a meeting will take place to discuss the problem and who will attend. Setting a limited time-scale can also be helpful to prevent the disagreement continuing. This stage involves ensuring all the pertinent facts of the situation are known in order to clarify your own position. In the work example above, this would include knowing the ‘rules’ of your organisation, to whom help is given, when help is not felt appropriate and the grounds for such refusals. Your organisation may well have _______ to which you can refer in preparation for the negotiation. Undertaking preparation before discussing the disagreement will help to avoid further conflict and unnecessarily wasting time during the meeting. Negotiation is a method by which people settle differences. It is a process by which compromise or agreement is reached while avoiding argument. In any disagreement, individuals understandably aim to achieve the best possible outcome for their position (or perhaps an organisation they represent). However, the principles of fairness, seeking mutual benefit and maintaining a relationship are the keys to a successful outcome. Specific forms of negotiation are used in many situations: international affairs, the legal system, government, industrial disputes or domestic relationships as examples. However, general negotiation skills can be learned and applied in a wide range of activities. Negotiation skills can be of great benefit in resolving any differences that arise between you and others. Our negotiation pages: Describe the common stages in the process of negotiation. Describe the different types of negotiation. Outline key points for successful negotiation. Explain the difference between interests and positions in the negotiation process. Recognise why effective communication is essential to negotiation. Why Negotiate? It is inevitable that, from time-to-time, conflict and disagreement will arise as the differing needs, wants, aims and beliefs of people are brought together. Without negotiation, such conflicts may lead to argument and resentment resulting in one or all of the parties feeling dissatisfied. The point of negotiation is to try to reach agreements without causing future barriers to communications. Stages of Negotiation In order to achieve a desirable outcome, it may be useful to follow a structured approach to negotiation. For example, in a work situation a meeting may need to be arranged in which all parties involved can come together. The process of negotiation includes the following stages: 1.Preparation 2.Discussion 3.Clarification of goals 4.Negotiate towards a Win-Win outcome 5.Agreement 6.Implementation of a course of action 1. Preparation Before any negotiation takes place, a decision needs to be taken as to when and where a meeting will take place to discuss the problem and who will attend. Setting a limited time-scale can also be helpful to prevent the disagreement continuing. This stage involves ensuring all the pertinent facts of the situation are known in order to clarify your own position. In the work example above, this would include knowing the ‘rules’ of your organisation, to whom help is given, when help is not felt appropriate and the grounds for such refusals. Your organisation may well have _______ to which you can refer in preparation for the negotiation. Undertaking preparation before discussing the disagreement will help to avoid further conflict and unnecessarily wasting time during the meeting. 2. Discussion During this stage, individuals or members of each side put forward the case as they see it, i.e. their understanding of the situation. Key skills during this stage are questioning, listening and clarifying. Sometimes it is helpful to take notes during the discussion stage to record all points put forward in case there is need for further clarification. It is extremely important to listen, as when disagreement takes place it is easy to make the mistake of saying too much and listening too little. Each side should have an equal opportunity to present their case. 3. Clarifying Goals From the discussion, the goals, interests and viewpoints of both sides of the disagreement need to be clarified. It is helpful to list these in order of priority. Through this clarification it is often possible to identify or establish common ground. 4. Negotiate Towards a Win-Win Outcome This stage focuses on what is termed a Win-Win outcome where both sides feel they have gained something positive through the process of negotiation and both sides feel their point of view has been taken into consideration. A Win-Win outcome is usually the best result. Although this may not always be possible, through negotiation, it should be the ultimate goal. Suggestions of alternative strategies and compromises need to be considered at this point. Compromises are often positive alternatives which can often achieve greater benefit for all concerned compared to holding to the original positions. 5. Agreement Agreement can be achieved once understanding of both sides’ viewpoints and interests have been considered. It is essential to keep an open mind in order to achieve a solution. Any agreement needs to be made perfectly clear so that both sides know what has been decided. 6. Implementing a Course of Action From the agreement, a course of action has to be implemented to carry through the decision. Failure to Agree If the process of negotiation breaks down and agreement cannot be reached, then re-scheduling a further meeting is called for. This avoids all parties becoming embroiled in heated discussion or argument, which not only wastes time but can also damage future relationships. At the subsequent meeting, the stages of negotiation should be repeated. Any new ideas or interests should be taken into account and the situation looked at afresh. At this stage it may also be helpful to look at other alternative solutions and/or bring in another person to mediate. Informal Negotiation There are times when there is a need to negotiate more informally. At such times, when a difference of opinion arises, it might not be possible or appropriate to go through the stages set out above in a formal manner. Nevertheless, remembering the key points in the stages of formal negotiation may be very helpful in a variety of informal situations. In any negotiation, the following three elements are important and likely to affect the ultimate outcome of the negotiation: 1.Attitudes 2.Knowledge 3.Interpersonal Skills Attitudes All negotiation is strongly influenced by underlying attitudes to the process itself, for example attitudes to the issues and personalities involved in the particular case or attitudes linked to personal needs for recognition. Knowledge The more knowledge you possess of the issues in question, the greater your participation in the process of negotiation. In other words, good preparation is essential. Do your homework and gather as much information about the issues as you can. Furthermore, the way issues are negotiated must be understood as negotiating will require different methods in different situations. Here are further guidelines. |
Organizational Skills—skills that demonstrate your abilities to get a job done, planning, develop new ways of doing things, initiate improvements to a job, assist others in getting a task done, efficiency on the job.
Secretarial Skills Secretarial Skills—write business letters, data entry, operate office machines including computers, keep inventory, order supplies, scheduling people or rooms. Technical/Manual Skills Technical/Manual Skills—skills that list your computer hardware and software abilities, machines you can operate, things you can put together, items you can handle, stack, lift, turn, repair or place ABILITY TO HANDLE CONFLICT : Can you handle stressful, tense situations and make th em come out right? What is intelligence? The ability to solve problems and to adapt to and learn from life’s everyday experiences The ability to solve problems The capacity to adapt and learn from experiences Includes characteristics such as creativity and interpersonal skills The mental abilities that enable one to adapt to, shape, or select one’s environment The ability to judge, comprehend, and reason The ability to understand and deal with people, objects, and symbols The ability to act pu rposefully, think rationally, and deal effectively with the environment As you think about what intelligence is, you should ask the following questions: To what extent is intelligence genetic? To what extent is intelligence stable? How do cognitive abiliti es interact with other aspects of functioning? Are there true sex differences? Is intelligence a global capacity (similar to “good health”) or can it be differentiated into various dimensions (called “factors” or “aptitudes”)? Are there a number of “intell igences”? How do you measure intelligence? Intelligence Quotient (IQ) : Measure of intelligence that takes into account a child’s mental and chronological age IQ Score = MA / CA x 100 Mental age (MA) : the typical intelligence level found for people at a given chronological age Chronological age (CA) : the actual age of the child taking the intelligence test People whose mental age is equal to their chronological age will always have an IQ of 100. If the chronological age exceeds mental age – below - averag e intelligence (below 100). If the mental age exceed the chronological age – above - average intelligence (above 100). The normal distribution: most of the population falls in the middle range of scores between 84 and 116. Very Superior I ntelligence ( gifted ) - Above 130 Superior Intelligence - 120 to 129 High Average Intelligence - 110 to 119 Average Intelligence - 90 to 109 Low Average Intelligence - 80 to 89 Borderline Intellectual Functioning - 71 to 79 Mild Mental Retardation - 55 to 70 Moderate Retardation - 40 to 54 Severe Mental Retardation - 25 to 39 Profound Mental Retardation - Below 25 Are IQ tests culturally biased? |
Pain Disability Questionnaire |
Cognitive Skills Attention: Intelligence: Language: Memory: Reasoning and Problem Solving: Speed of Processing: Memory Rote memorization Gist (e.g. recall the plot of Jane Eyre) Procedures (e.g. draw a right triangle) Attention Selective attention: filter out distractions, ignore irrelevant information Sustained attention: focus for long periods of time Divided attention: focus on more than one thing) Motor Fine motor control Hand-eye coordination Gross motor control Executive functions Plan Inhibit irrelevant or automatic responses Flexibility: change direction if not working; adopt multiple approaches Strategy use: ability to reflect on strategy and select appropriate strategy Automaticity: make skills automatic Language skills Listening skills: ability to take in and process auditory information Reading: recognition of sight words and decoding new words Comprehension: understanding what is read or said Formulation: ability to access and organize information to express it Thinking skills Reasoning about concrete items versus abstract ideas Creativity Analyzing/evaluating arguments Developing a logical argument Inductive reasoning: using specific examples/observations and forming a more general principal Deductive reasoning: use stated general premise to reason about specific examples Generate hypotheses: intuition, aesthetics, emotion Hypothesis testing: test ideas through experience or manipulation of variables Application: use knowledge in a new area Appreciation: recognition of value of something Responding to novelty: ability to react appropriately in a novel situation Self-reflection: ability to think about oneself in relation to the material Test Time Limit Arithmetic 5 Language Skills 5 Sample Test Questions Arithmetic This is a test of your ability to do arithmetic problems involving the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of whole numbers. Look at the examples below. Each is followed by four possible answers, plus None . You are to do each problem and then blacken the circle below the correct answer. If the correct answer is not given, mark None . Add, subtract, multiply, and divide real numbers. Examples 1. 2 + 3 = 4 5 6 7 None 2. 4 – 1 = 1 2 3 4 None 3. 19 x 2 = 21 17 37 43 None 4. 30 ÷ 2 = 15 16 12 10 None Remember, mark None if the correct answer is not given. 1. 5 2. 3 3. None 4. 15 Look at the sample sentence below. Part of the sentence is underlined. The underlined section may contain errors in spelling, punc tuation, capitalization, grammar, or usage. Following the sentence are three ch anges to replace the underlined section. Select the best answer and darken the circle in front of it. If the underlin ed section contains no error, darken the circle in front of No Change 1. The staff meeting will be held on Tusday Teusday Tuesday Tuesdey No Change Tuesday Cognitive Skills of the Brain Because the brain in the central hub for the all of the body’s functions, understanding how this organ works can be helpful in terms of understanding Traumatic Brain Injury. Cognitive Skills of the Brain Because the brain in the central hub for the all of the body’s functions, understanding how this organ works can be helpful in terms of understanding Traumatic Brain Injury. There are six components inside of the brain; the frontal lobe, parietal lobe, occipital lobe, temporal lobe, cerebellum and the brain stem. Read below to understand the functions of each part of the brain, the roles they play in the body’s overall health, and observed problems in behavior or well being if that particular part of the brain is injured. ![]() Frontal LobeThe frontal lobe links and integrates all components of behavior at the highest level. Emotion and social adjustment and impulse control are also localized here. Injury to parts of the frontal lobe may cause an inability to move part of the body or the whole side of the body. Speech may become halting, disorganized or be stopped except for single explosive words. Personality may change. Social rules of behavior may be disregarded. The executive functions, planning, abstract reasoning, impulse control, sustained attention and insight are all located here. The frontal lobe is highly susceptible to injury. Functions
Observed Problems
Parietal LobeThe parietal lobe is largely responsible for construction ability and language. Injury to the front parts of this lobe may cause someone to lose sensation on parts of the body. With an injury in this area, one may become disoriented. Recall of long term memories may be mixed up in time or sequencing. They may become easily lost or confuse left and right. They may have difficulty recognizing or naming what they see. Injury may also produce disorders in the ability to read, write or perform math calculations. This area also includes conscious sensation and voluntary motion.
Observed Problems
Occipital LobeInjury to this area usually results in “blindness” to part or all of the visual field. Usually people experience “holes” or “blind spots” in what they see. There may be problems picking things out of space or they may misperceive pictures or objects. Recognition of colors may also be disturbed. Functions
Observed Problems
Temporal LobeThe temporal lobe perceives and recognizes verbal material. It is among the most frequently injured parts of the brain during head injury. A person may have difficulty screening out distractions. Injury to the upper temporal area can cause someone to misunderstand what is said. They may make sounds like words but which are not recognizable as words at all. They may also misunderstand body language. Emotional changes such as unexplained panic or unexpected tearfulness may be noted. Left temporal area includes production of speech, naming and verbal memory. The right temporal area includes musical abilities, foreign languages, visual memory, and comprehension of the environment. Functions
Observed Problems
CerebellumObtaining a general understanding of the brain and its functions is important to understanding the rehabilitation process. It is very important, however, to understand that the rehabilitation professional is concerned with the whole person. The identification of individual problems gives the rehabilitation team areas in which to focus treatment plans, all of these plans are designed to work toward the rehabilitation of the whole person. Each problem area affects other areas and many times resolving one problem has a major impact on other problems. For example, reestablishing postural balance and eliminating dizziness greatly enhances concentration and attention which allows for improved cognition and problem solving. Functions
Observed Problems
Brain StemThe brain stem plays a vital role in basic attention, arousal, and consciousness. All information to and from our body passes through the brain stem on the way to or from our brain. Like the frontal and temporal lobes, the brain stem is located in an area near bony protrusions making it vulnerable to damage during trauma. Functions
Observed Problems
Here are further guidelines. Locus coeruleus The locus coeruleus (also spelled locus caeruleus or locus ceruleus) is a nucleus in the pons (part of the brainstem) involved with physiological responses to stress and panic. The locus coeruleus is the principal site for brain synthesis of norepinephrine (noradrenaline). The locus coeruleus and the areas of the body affected by the norepinephrine it produces are described collectively as the locus coeruleus-noradrenergic system or LC-NA system. Norepinephrine may also be released directly into the blood from the adrenal medulla. In adult humans (19-78) the locus coeruleus has 22,000 to 51,000 total pigmented neurons that range in size between 31,000 and 60,000 µm3 Connections Function Pathophysiology In stress In opiate withdrawal Rett syndrome Neurodegenerative diseases Here are further guidelines. |
Health Care |
Developmental Disabilities |
Learning Disabilities |
Doctor Consultation |
Functional Abilities Essential for Nursing Practice |
Functional Capacity Evaluations |
Age-specific physical abilities relevant to activities of everyday living. Profession-specific physical abilities. Physical Ability Tests What are examples of physical abilities relevant to activities of everyday living and age? What are examples of physical abilities relevant to job-specific physical abilities and age? Take a look at this. What are examples of physical abilities relevant to activities of everyday living and age? Basic ADLs What are activities of daily living (ADLs)? Bathing and showering (washing the body) Brushing teeth/combing/styling hair) Climbing stairs Dressing Eating/feeding (including chewing and swallowing) Functional mobility (moving from one place to another while performing activities) Getting started after sleep Personal hygiene and grooming Toilet hygiene (completing the act of Urinating/defecating) Sitting Walking Independent Needs Help Dependent Cannot Do Instrumental ADLs What are instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs)? Ability to use telephone Food Preparation Keeping track of Resources Laundry Managing medication Maintaining the home Shopping Using transportation Independent Needs Help Dependent Cannot Do Is there a difference between evaluation of physical abilities relevant to activities of everyday living and job-specific physical abilities? Yes. |
Muscular Tension Tests - Tasks requiring pushing, pulling, lifting Muscular Power Tests - Tasks requiring the individual to overcome some initial resistance (e.g., loosening a nut on a bolt) Muscular Endurance Tests - Tasks involving repetitions of tool use (e.g., removing objects from belts) Cardiovascular Endurance Tests - Tasks assessing aerobic capacity (e.g., climbing stairs) Flexibility Tests - Tasks where bending, twisting, stretching or reaching of a body segment occurs (e.g., installing lighting fixtures) Balance Tests - Tasks in which stability of body position is difficult to maintain (e.g., standing on rungs of a ladder) Basic Law Enforcement Academy Name:_______________ Date of Birth:_______________ Gende:_______________ Department:_______________ Date of Test:_______________ Class Session:_______________ TAC Officer(s):_______________ The Physical Ability Test score for each test item is recorded and added on the individual participant’s sheet. The passing score is 160, with the range of scores for each test between 30 and 50. Example: The below measures are merely for illustration and are only approximate values. Sit-Ups 34 = 40 Points. Push-Ups 38 = 50 Points (Note that 34 and above receives the same maximum points) 1.5-Mile Run 14:31 = 30 Points. 300 Meter Dash 60 sec. = 45 Points. Total Test battery score is 200 points. Physical Ability Testing Card 300 Meter Sprint (Seconds)71 63.5 56 Push Ups, Maximum (Repetitions)21 28 35 Sit Ups, 60 second (Repetitions)30 34 38 1.5 Mile Run (Minutes)14:31 14:02 13:35 Total |
Psychomotor ability is the capability or capacity to develop or learn a skill that involves both physical and psychological abilities. Psychomotor abilities are skills such as hand-eye coordination, balance, and reaction time that arise from a unity of cognitive and physical functions. Developing a psychomotor ability requires the development of both the cognitive and physical aspects of that ability. Many different skills and activities require the development of psychomotor abilities. Basic skills learned during early development, such as walking and jumping, required the development of such abilities. Many skills developed later in life for personal or professional reasons, such as typing on a keyboard or driving, also involve developing psychomotor abilities. Such abilities are based on applying a combination of more foundational psychomotor abilities, such as hand-eye coordination, multi-limb coordination, orientation, and control of movement speed. The cognitive, associative, and autonomic stages are the three main parts of the development of new psychomotor abilities. In the cognitive stage, the learner very deliberately attempts to direct his physical movements based on his conceptualized cognitive ideas, usually resulting in slow and awkward movements. The associative stage involves less thought and is marked by an increase in automatic movements. By the autonomic phase, the necessary movements have been committed to "muscle memory," and the learner no longer needs to think about them in order to perform them. The learner can still improve and refine the learned movements through practice, though, so it is not necessary to achieve perfection the first time. |
Can you name our five senses? Here are your five senses. Our five senses: Hearing Sight Smell Taste Touch How many senses does a human being have? We are taught that, as we stumble through the world, we have touch, taste, smell, hearing, and sight to guide us. It turns out that we have been underestimating ourselves. Scientists count between fourteen and twenty actual senses, most of which aren't taught in _______. See what information you're really working with. 1. The sense of pain 2. The sense of time 3. The sense of movement 4. The sense of where you are in the world 5. The sense of where your body is compared to itself 6. The sense of temperature 7. The sense of pressure 8. The sense of itchiness 9. The sense of hunger and thirst 10. The sense of when you have to go to the bathroom. Abilities — Sensory Abilities Abilities that influence visual, auditory and speech perception Auditory Attention — The ability to focus on a single source of sound in the presence of other distracting sounds. Depth Perception — The ability to judge which of several objects is closer or farther away from you, or to judge the distance between you and an object. Far Vision — The ability to see details at a distance. Glare Sensitivity — The ability to see objects in the presence of glare or bright lighting. Hearing Sensitivity — The ability to detect or tell the differences between sounds that vary in pitch and loudness. Near Vision — The ability to see details at close range (within a few feet of the observer). Night Vision — The ability to see under low light conditions. Peripheral Vision — The ability to see objects or movement of objects to one's side when the eyes are looking ahead. Sound Localization — The ability to tell the direction from which a sound originated. Speech Clarity — The ability to speak clearly so others can understand you. Speech Recognition — The ability to identify and understand the speech of another person. Visual Color Discrimination — The ability to match or detect differences between colors, including shades of color and brightness. What is your favorite smell? What is your favorite taste? What is your favorite sight? What is your favorite sound? What is your favorite touch? |
100 Very Cool Facts About The Human Body | ||||||||||||||||||
Human Body Systems100 trillion cells 206 bones 600 muscles 22 internal organs | ||||||||||||||||||
List of bones of the human skeletonA typical adult human skeleton consists of 206 bones. Anatomical variation may also result in the formation of more or fewer bones. More common variations include cervical ribs or an additional lumbar vertebra. The 206 Bones of the Human Body
Cranial nerve | Function |
1. Olfactory Nerve | Smell |
2. Optic Nerve | Vision |
3. Oculomotor Nerve | Eye Movement; Pupil Dilation |
4. Trochlear Nerve | Eye Movement |
5. Trigeminal Nerve | Somatosensory information (touch, pain) from the face and head; muscles for chewing |
6. Abducens Nerve | Eye Movement |
7. Facial Nerve | Taste |
8. Vestibulocochelear Nerve | Taste |
9. Glossopharyngeal Nerve | Taste |
10. Vagus Nerve | Sensory, Motor and Autonomic Functions of Viscera (glands, digestion, heart rate, etc.) |
11. Spinal Accessory Nerve | Controls muscles used in head movement |
12. Hypoglossal Nerve | Controls muscles of the tongue |
Head Anatomy Neck Anatomy Shoulder Anatomy Back Anatomy Chest Anatomy Abdominal Anatomy Hip Anatomy Upper Leg Anatomy Knee Anatomy Lower Leg Anatomy Ankle Anatomy Foot Anatomy Upper Arm Anatomy Elbow Anatomy Forearm Anatomy Wrist Anatomy Hand Anatomy Skin Anatomy Internal Organ Anatomy |
Internal Organs Anatomy |
Brain ![]() |
Colon ![]() |
Gall bladder ![]() |
Heart![]() |
Kidneys![]() |
Large intestine ![]() |
Lungs ![]() |
Liver![]() |
Pancreas ![]() |
Small intestine ![]() |
Spleen ![]() |
Stomach![]() |
Human Health Care Settings |
Human Body Quiz |
Internet Human Health Care Services |
Job Related Skills |
People |
Role of Minerals in the Body |
Skills Training |
Types of human deformities |
What should a doctor of medicine know about Human organ systems and functions? He/she should know about: Brain & central nervous system (nervous system) Circulatory system Digestive system Endocrine system Integumentary system Lymphatic (immune) system Muscular system Reproductive system Respiratory system Skeletal system Urinary system What organs comprise make this human organ system? What are the functions of this human organ system? Self-care abilitiesWhat are other names for self-care abilities? Self-management skills What are various self-care abilities? Bath taking Dressing and undressing Eating Food preparation Grooming Laundry Hygiene Personal belongings Play and social (indoor) Room cleaning Table cleaning Toileting www.qureshiuniversity.com/selfcareabilities.html At what age should self-care abilities be learned? Is a human born with abilities or are abilities learned? Abilities are learned. A human is born with organ system functions and signs of organ system functions at birth. Signs of organ system functions of a newborn are: Breathing efforts Color of skin (pink, pale or blue) Heart rate Muscle tone Reflexes What abilities should every child learn before age 5? What abilities should every child learn before age 12? What abilities should every human learn before age 18? Here are further guidelines. http://www.qureshiuniversity.com/schoolworld.html Ability means capacity to do or act physically, mentally, legally, morally, etc. What are various abilities relevant to specific professions? http://www.qureshiuniversity.com/professionsworld.html |
What are the vital signs of human organ systems functions? What are vital signs? What should be included in the levels of consciousness? What is body temperature? What is the pulse rate? What is the respiration rate? What is blood pressure? What are the vital signs of human organ systems functions? Consciousness Pulse Blood pressure Respiratory rate Temperature Pain What should be included in the levels of consciousness? Conscious Confused Delirious Somnolent Obtunded reflexes Stuporous Comatose Sleepy Sedated Agitated In some regions, consciousness and pain are not considered vital signs. http://www.qureshiuniversity.com/vitalsigns.html |
What is postpartum contraception? Postpartum contraception is used to prevent unintended and closely spaced pregnancies in the first 12 months after giving birth. |
Starting family planning methods after childbirth
Abruptio Placenta (Placental Abruption): The placenta has started to separate from the uterine wall before the baby is born.
Amniotic Fluid: This protective liquid, consisting mostly of fetal urine and water, fills the sac surrounding the fetus. APGAR : A measurement of the newborn’s response to birth and life outside the womb. The ratings, APGAR, are based on Appearance (color), Pulse (heartbeat), Grimace (reflex), Activity (muscle tone), and Respiration (breathing). The scores, which are taken at 1 and 5 minutes following birth, range from 1 to 10. Breech Presentation: When the fetus is positioned head up to be born buttocks first or with one or both feet first. Cephalopelvic Disproportion (CPD): The baby is too large to safely pass through the mother’s pelvis. Cervidil: A medication used to ripen the cervix before induction. Cesarean: An incision through the abdominal and uterine walls for delivery of the baby; it may be vertical or more commonly horizontal. Also called abdominal delivery; commonly called C-Section. Colostrum: This is a thin, white fluid discharge from the breasts in the early stage of milk production; this is usually noticeable during the last couple weeks of pregnancy. Complete Breech: The baby’s buttocks are presenting at the cervix, but the legs are folded “Indian style,” making vaginal delivery difficult or impossible. Contraction: The regular tightening of the uterus, working to push the baby down the birth canal. Crowned/Crowning: When the baby’s head has passed through the birth canal and the top or “crown” stays visible at the vaginal opening. Dilation: The extent to which the cervix has opened in preparation for childbirth. It is measured in centimeters, with full dilation being 10 centimeters. Effacement: This refers to the thinning of the cervix in preparation for birth and is expressed in percentages. You will be 100% effaced when you begin pushing. Engaged: The baby’s presenting part (usually the head) has settled into the pelvic cavity, which usually happens during the last month of pregnancy. Epidural: A common method of anesthesia used during labor. It is inserted through a catheter which is threaded through a needle, into the epidural space near the spinal cord. Episiotomy: An incision made to the perineum to widen the vaginal opening for delivery. Fetal Distress: Condition when the baby is not receiving enough oxygen or is experiencing some other complication. Fontanelle: Soft spots between the unfused sections of the baby’s skull. These allow the baby’s head to compress slightly during passage through the birth canal. Forceps: Tong-shaped instrument that may be used to help guide the baby’s head out of the birth canal during delivery. Frank Breech: The baby’s buttocks are presenting at the cervix, and the baby’s legs are extended straight up to the baby’s head. Incontinence: Inability to control excretions. Urinary incontinence can occur as the baby places heavy pressure on the bladder. Induced Labor: Labor is started or accelerated through intervention, such as placing prostaglandin gel on the cervix, using an IV drip of the hormone oxytocin (Pitocin), or by rupturing the membranes. Jaundice: Condition in newborn babies reflected in yellowing of the skin. This is caused by the immature liver’s inability to process excess red blood cells. Labor: Regular contractions of the uterus that result in dilation and effacement of the cervix. Lightening: When the baby drops in preparation for delivery (engagement). Meconium: This is a greenish substance that builds up in the baby’s bowels and is generally excreted shortly after delivery. Neonatologist: A specialist who cares for newborns. NICU: Acronym standing for Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Nubain: Synthetic narcotic pain reliever commonly used in labor and delivery. Oxytocin: Hormone secreted by the pituitary gland that stimulates contractions and the milk-eject reflex. Pitocin is the synthetic form of this hormone. Perineum: The muscle and tissue between the vagina and the rectum. Phenergan: A sedative administered that also controls nausea and vomiting. Placenta: The tissue that connects the mother and fetus to transport nourishment and take away waste. Placenta Previa: When the placenta partially or completely covers the cervix. Posterior: The baby is in a face-up position during delivery. Normal presentation is anterior (face-down). Postpartum: The period after childbirth. Post-Term: Pregnancy lasting more than 42 weeks. Preterm: Babies born earlier than 37 weeks. Prostaglandin Cream: Medication used to ripen the cervix before induction. Ruptured Membranes: Usually refers to the breaking of the fluid-filled sac surrounding the baby. The fluid may come as a gush of water or as a slow leak. Slow leaks are sometimes mistaken as incontinence. Speculum: An instrument used to open the vagina slightly wider so the cervix can be seen more easily. Timing Contractions: Contractions are measured from the beginning of one contraction until the beginning of the next contraction. Transverse: Baby’s body length is horizontal in the uterus. If the baby cannot be moved, it will have to be delivered by cesarean. Umbilical Cord: The cord that transports blood, oxygen, and nutrients to the baby from the placenta. Vacuum Extractor: Instrument that attaches to the baby’s head and helps guide it out of the birth canal during delivery. |
What is a vaccine? A vaccine is a substance that primes the body’s immune system to make antibodies, T-cells and memory cells which are the body’s defense against infection. When you are vaccinated you actually build up your immune system, making you stronger and more resistant to disease as you grow. Vaccines are the best way to protect you and your family against some very serious infections. What is vaccination? Vaccination means having the vaccine - actually getting the injection. What is immunization? Immunization means both receiving the vaccine and becoming immune to ward off a disease as a result of immunization. Like eating well and exercise, getting immunized is a foundation for a healthy life. Immunizations help save lives, prevent serious illnesses, and are recognized as one of the most effective public health interventions. Immunizations help the body make its own protection (or antibodies) against certain diseases. Why is immunization important? When children are immunized, their bodies make antibodies that fight specific infections. If they are not protected and come in contact with one of these infections, they may get very sick and potentially experience complications, or even die. How effective are vaccines? Vaccines are very effective in preventing disease when given as recommended. However, no vaccine will work for 100 per cent of the children who receive it. Studies of disease outbreaks show that although some immunized children can develop the infection, the illness is often less severe. How safe are vaccines? All vaccines have to be tested to make sure they are both safe and effective. The most common side effects are mild pain, swelling and redness where the injection was given. Some infant vaccines may cause a low-grade fever (approximately 38°C) or fussiness for a day or two after the injection. Physicians may recommend acetaminophen to prevent fever and pain. Serious side effects from immunizations are rare. Please report any side effects or severe vaccine reactions to your health care provider or local public health unit. You should always discuss the benefits and risks of any vaccine with your health care provider. Children's Vaccination: What is the schedule? When was it last updated? Who updated it? Your child should get the first shots at 2 months of age (or in some cases before leaving the hospital after birth), then at 4 months, 6 months and 12-15 months of age. Remember, each of these visits is important! Your child must complete the series to be fully protected. More immunizations are recommended at 2 years and before school entry. Adolescents also need immunizations at 11-12 years of age, before entering 7th grade. 2 months old 4 months old 6 months old 12 months old 15 months old 18 months old 4 - 6 years old Grade 7 students Grade 8 females 14 -16 years old (10 years after 4-6 year old booster) Every year (in autumn) Vaccines that protect against the following diseases are available free of charge, and are required for attendance at school (unless there is a valid written exemption) : •Diphtheria is a very serious bacterial infection. It can cause breathing problems, heart failure, nerve damage and death in about 10% of cases. •Tetanus (Lockjaw) causes painful muscle spasms, breathing failure and can lead to death. It is caused by bacteria and spores in the soil that can infect wounds. •Polio can cause paralysis (loss of control over muscles in the body), inflammation of the brain and death. People get polio from drinking water or eating food with the polio virus in it. It is no longer common in Canada because of high immunization rates, but cases do occur elsewhere in the world and polio may be acquired when traveling if you are not fully immunized. •Measles causes rash, high fever, cough, runny nose and watery eyes. It can cause middle ear infection, pneumonia (lung infection), inflammation of the brain, hearing loss, brain damage and death. •Mumps causes fever, headache, painful swelling of the glands in the mouth and neck, earache and can cause inflammation of the brain. It can cause temporary or permanent deafness and swelling of the ovaries in women and testes in men, possibly leading to sterility. •Rubella (German Measles) causes fever, rash, swelling of the neck glands and swelling and pain in the joints. It can cause bruising and bleeding. If a pregnant woman gets rubella, it can be very dangerous for the unborn baby. Vaccines against the following diseases are recommended but not required for attendance at school. These vaccines are available free of charge : •Pertussis (Whooping Cough) causes severe coughing spells for weeks or months. It can also cause pneumonia (lung infection), middle ear infection, convulsions (seizures), inflammation of the brain and death. The risk of complications is greatest in children younger than one year of age. •Hepatitis B is a virus that can cause serious liver problems that can be fatal, such as liver failure and liver cancer. The vaccine is free for grade 7 students and certain high-risk groups (including infants born to mothers who are infected with hepatitis B and can pass the disease on to their babies). •Influenza (the Flu) is a viral infection that causes cough, high fever, chills, headache and muscle pain. It can cause pneumonia (infection of the lungs), middle ear infections, heart failure and death. The danger of this infection varies from year to year depending on the strain and can be mild to life-threatening. •Varicella (Chickenpox) is a highly contagious viral infection. It can cause fever, headache, chills, muscle or joint aches a day or two before the itchy, red rash appears. A pregnant woman with chickenpox can pass it on to her unborn baby. Mothers with chickenpox can also give it to their newborn baby after birth. Chickenpox can be very severe or even life-threatening to newborn babies. •Meningococcal disease is a very serious bacterial infection and a common cause of meningitis (infection of the lining of the brain and spinal cord) and meningococcaemia (severe infection of the blood) that can cause severe complications and death. •Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is a very common virus transmitted through sexual activity. HPV has been found to cause cervical cancer, some other rare cancers and genital warts. (About 75 per cent of adults will have at least one HPV infection in their lifetime.) The vaccine is free for grade 8 females. Vaccines against the following diseases are recommended for younger children. These vaccines are available free of charge : •Rotavirus is one of the leading causes of severe diarrhea in infants and children. Rotavirus is a very common and is easily spread from person to person. Rotavirus causes inflammation of the stomach and intestines (gastroenteritis). This vaccine is recommended for infants between 6 to 24 weeks of age. •Haemophilus Influenzae type b (HIB) is a bacteria that can infect any part of the body. It can cause middle ear infections, breathing problems, damage to joints, pneumonia (lung infection), inflammation of the brain leading to brain damage and death. This vaccine is recommended for children less than 5 years of age. •Pneumococcal disease is a bacterial infection that can cause serious illnesses such as pneumonia, blood infection and meningitis. The pneumococcal conjugate vaccine is now available free of charge in Ontario for the routine immunization of children less than 2 years old as well as high-risk children 2 to 59 months of age. Because of changes in the influenza (flu) strains, adults also need to receive the flu shot each year. Adults should continue to get the tetanus and diphtheria vaccine every 10 years throughout life, to be protected against these diseases. Thinking about getting pregnant? Be sure you are protected against rubella before pregnancy to protect your future baby from serious problems during its development. How do vaccines work? A vaccine contains a killed or weakened part of a germ that is responsible for infection. Because the germ has been killed or weakened before it is used to make the vaccine, it can not make the person sick. When a person receives a vaccine, the body reacts by making protective substances called "antibodies". The antibodies are the body's defenders because they help to kill off the germs that enter the body. In other words, vaccines expose people safely to germs, so that they can become protected from a disease but not come down with the disease. |
What do you do after you learn from this textbook? Doctor Asif Qureshi has authored more than 40 other textbooks. Make sure you learn from these textbooks also. |