What are the types of patient assessment?
What is a medical emergency?
If a human being has any problem, symptom, complaint, or situation listed below, it is a medical emergency.
What best describes the problem, symptom, complaint, or situation in the list?
What type of assessment does this patient need?
What will happen if this medical condition is left without treatment?
The individual can die.
The individual can have a disability.
The individual can have severe pain.
The individual can have irreparable harm.
Does this situation need a doctor?
What should be displayed on an emergency medical record?
Details of the patient.
Details of the diagnosing and treating medical doctor.
Details of the patient.
What should be your first question in case a patient is referred to you?
Patient 60-second assessment by call center/Internet/telemedicine.
Where is the patient now?
How old is the patient?
What is the gender of the patient?
Who is reporting this emergency?
What are the sources of medical history?
Patient not responding to medical history questions.
Community member.
Police officer.
Referral from medical doctor.
How much time has elapsed from the start of the emergency until now?
Does one individual or many individuals have medical emergencies at this location?
How many individuals have medical emergencies at this location?
Do you think this is a multiple causality incident?
If it is a multiple causality incident, the guidelines are different.
Check vital signs, mobility, and survival needs.
Consciousness of a human being has to be included in vital signs.
Vital Signs
Consciousness, pulse, blood pressure, respiratory rate, temperature.
Consciousness is extremely essential in reaching a correct diagnosis and treatment.
What are the vital signs on the date and time of diagnosis and treatment?
Date: |
Time: |
Consciousness: |
Pulse: |
Blood pressure: |
Respiratory rate: |
Temperature: |
How do you categorize the condition of the patient?
Is this an emergency?
What is the category of this emergency?
Is this a medical emergency?
In what type of setting does this patient need treatment?
Here are various examples.
Who has the duty to manage this emergency?
What best describes this human emergency?
Patient 60-second on-the-spot diagnosis and treatment.
What problems, complaints, incidents, and issues need on-the-spot diagnosis and treatment?
Unconsciousness at a public location. |
Sudden unconsciousness at home. |
Trauma |
Survival Needs |
Seizures |
Human Pregnancy Emergencies
Here are further guidelines.
What is the reason for consultation?
What seems to be the problem?
How much time has elapsed from the start of the emergency until now?
Does one individual or many individuals have medical emergencies at this location?
How many individuals have medical emergencies at this location?
What best describes your problem?
Patient Name:________________________
Referred by:_________________________
Mailing Address:_____________________
Your Email Address:__________________
Date of Birth:_______________________
Gender: Male Female
Primary Care Physician Name, Address and Phone:__________________
Emergency Contact Name:______________
Your Height:_________________________
Your Weight:_________________________
Black/African American
Pacific Islander
Can the patient talk?
Can the patient respond to verbal questions accurately?
Can the patient do spontaneous eye opening?
Does the patient respond to painful stimulus?
Is the patient conscious, oriented in time, space, and person?
Conscious means able to see, hear, and talk.
In pediatric patients younger than six months of age, the ability to make any verbal noise or cry is equivalent to talking.
What is the location of patient at the point of the medical emergency?
Can the patient talk relevant to age?
Can the patient walk relevant to age?
Are consciousness, pulse, blood pressure, and respiratory rate normal relevant to age?
What is the cause of the existing emergency medical scenario?
Here are further guidelines.
Here are further guidelines.
Emergency medical history
What questions should you ask in emergency medical history?
http://www.qureshiuniversity.com/vitals.html |
Survival Needs
Details of the diagnosing and treating medical doctor.
What is the name, date of birth, phone number, and other contact information of the person diagnosing and treating this patient?
What is the date and time you are diagnosing and treating this patient?
What is the location of the patient at the time you are diagnosing and treating this patient?
What best describes the location of diagnosis and treatment of this case?
1. On-the-spot diagnosis and treatment. |
2. Emergency room diagnosis and treatment. |
3. In the hospital diagnosis and treatment. |
4. Long-distance health care advice. |
5. Other |
Can you reach a correct diagnosis and treatment of a human being?
What is the diagnosis of this patient?
How did your reach this diagnosis?
What is the treatment for this patient?
Does the patient need to be transferred to a medical emergency room?
In America up to February 12, 2012, most emergency medical records did not have these facts.
In what emergency medical category do you fit the condition of the patient you are diagnosing and treating on this date and time?
Undetermined, Good, Fair, Serious, Critical.
If on-the-spot diagnosis of a patient declared in serious or critical condition, arrange a bed in the Intensive Care unit.
Date of Examination:_________________________
Physician Name:_________________________
Physician Address:_________________________
Is it a Medical Emergency?
In what type of setting does this patient need treatment?
Do any recent causes lead to this problem; for example, trauma, missed medication, inadequate survival needs, stress, or other issue?
What are further details?
Does any past medical history lead to this problem?
Is there any recent history within past few minutes or hours of any of the following:
1.Unconsciousness at a public location.
2.Sudden unconsciousness at home.
4.Survival needs issues.
If there is even one recent history of the above, on the spot diagnosis and treatment is required.
Is the victim's condition life or limb threatening?
Could the victim's condition worsen and become life or limb-threatening on the way to the hospital?
Could moving the victim cause further injury?
Does the victim need the skills or equipment of paramedics or emergency medical technicians?
Would distance or traffic conditions cause a delay in getting the victim to the hospital?
What have been his activities for the last 10 years?
Does the individual use or abuse any of these substances?
Is the individual on any medication?
Questions doctor on duty needs to answer.
Is it a medical emergency?
What is the diagnosis?
In what setting/location does this medical condition need treatment?
Treatment required on the spot.
Treatment required in the medical emergency room.
Treatment required in the intensive care unit.
Treatment required in the ward.
Treatment required in the operating room.
Treatment required at home.
Treatment required Internet health care.
Treatment required in OPD consultation.
What treatment do you recommend for this patient?
What are other treatment options for this patient?
No other treatment option.
Other treatment options are enumerated.
How do you do a quick assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of a conscious patient?