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State department of school education.
Abilities relevant to age
What abilities should an 18-year-old human being possess?
  1. Ability to Adapt

  2. Ability to delegate

  3. Ability to work independently

  4. Able to concentrate

  5. Able to coordinate

  6. Accepting Differences

  7. Accepting responsibility

  8. Accumulate

  9. Action planning

  10. Activities of Everyday Living

  11. Add, subtract, multiply, and divide real numbers.

  12. Adjusting controls

  13. Adjusting functional parts

  14. Administer

  15. Administrative

  16. Advise

  17. Advanced Machine Skills

  18. Age-specific English language

  19. Age-specific social skills (Social Sciences)

  20. Algebra

  21. Alert

  22. Aligning fixture

  23. Ambitious

  24. Amuse

  25. Analysis and Research

  26. Analytical Ability

  27. Analytical Reasoning

  28. Analyze data or facts

  29. Analyzing

  30. Analyzing—seeing implications and relationships, picking and investigations

  31. Answer

  32. Appoint

  33. Appraise

  34. Arbitrate

  35. Arrange

  36. Arrange social functions

  37. Arrive on time

  38. Articulate

  39. Artistic

  40. Asking questions—learning to formulate good questions

  41. Assertive

  42. Assertiveness

  43. Assertiveness in interviews

  44. Assign

  45. Assigning/Delegating

  46. Assist

  47. Attend

  48. Attentive

  49. Audit

  50. Audit records

  51. Auditory Processing

  52. Auditory Reception

  53. Authorize

  54. Balancing principles

  55. Basic Clerical skills

  56. Basic computer skills

  57. Basic mechanics

  58. Basic Skills (Essential skills)

  59. Bathing

  60. Be selective in asking

  61. Behavioral Interview Questions

  62. Behavioral Skills

  63. Behavioral Skills (supervisors)

  64. Being

  65. Breathing

  66. Brushing your teeth is a learned human ability.

  67. Bookkeeping

  68. Budget

  69. Budgeting

  70. Calculate

  71. Calculate, compute

  72. Calculating

  73. Calibrate

  74. Calibrating—learning the basic information about calibration, calibrating a thermometer, balance, timer

  75. Capable

  76. capsule form the significant material on a science topic

  77. Career Skills

  78. Caring

  79. Caring for an instrument—knowing how to store it, using

  80. Caring for oneself (eating, dressing, toileting, etc.)

  81. Character

  82. Cheerful

  83. Choices

  84. Choose

  85. Classify

  86. Classify data

  87. Classifying—identifying groups and categories, deciding

  88. Cleaning parts

  89. Climbing

  90. Cognitive Skills

  91. Cognitive Skills of the Brain

  92. Cognitive speed

  93. Cognitive Speed, and Collect

  94. Collecting data

  95. Communicate

  96. Communicate verbally

  97. Communicating

  98. Communication

  99. Communication Skills

  100. Communication Skills (List)

  101. Communication Skills (Top 10)

  102. Communications

  103. Community Servicevolunteering

  104. Compare, inspect, or record facts

  105. Comparing—noticing how things are alike

  106. Competent

  107. Competitive

  108. Complaint Resolving Skills

  109. Complaint Solving Skills

  110. Completion of Assignments

  111. Complex Problem Solving Skills

  112. Compose

  113. Computer Proficiency

  114. Computer Skills

  115. Computer Skills (e. g., word processing, spreadsheets,

  116. Computing skills

  117. Concentration

  118. Concern for others

  119. conclusions

  120. Conduct

  121. Conducting

  122. Confer

  123. Conflict Resolution

  124. Conflict Resolution Skills

  125. Confront others

  126. Conscientious

  127. Console

  128. Constructing buildings

  129. Constructing—making simple equipment for demonstrations

  130. Consulting

  131. Contacting

  132. Contrast

  133. Contrasting—noticing how things differ, looking for

  134. Contribution to group

  135. Control

  136. Controlling

  137. Controlling budgets

  138. Convince

  139. Cooperation

  140. Coordinating

  141. Correct English usage

  142. Correspond with others

  143. Counsel

  144. Counsel people

  145. Counseling

  146. Counselling Skills

  147. Count, observe, compile

  148. Counting

  149. Counting Chart: Numbers 1 to 100

  150. Create new ideas

  151. Creative

  152. Creative & Visionary

  153. Creativity

  154. Creativity & Communication

  155. Creativity techniques

  156. Credibility

  157. Critical Thinking

  158. Criticizing—constructively criticizing or evaluating a

  159. Curiosity

  160. Customer Service Skills (List)

  161. Customer Service Skills (Top 10)

  162. Cutting

  163. Data processing

  164. Data, drawing conclusions

  165. Data-entry operations

  166. Days of the Week

  167. Debate

  168. Decide

  169. Decision making

  170. Decision making skills

  171. Decision-making

  172. Decisive

  173. Defining

  174. Delegate

  175. Deliberate

  176. Demonstrate

  177. Demonstrating—setting up apparatus, describing parts and

  178. demonstration; describing the problem, method, data

  179. Dependable

  180. Describe

  181. Design

  182. Designing

  183. Designing—identifying new problems

  184. Detail & Completion

  185. Detail-oriented

  186. Detecting

  187. Determination

  188. Determine

  189. Develop

  190. Develop/Create

  191. Developing methods

  192. Developing questions

  193. Devise

  194. Diagnose

  195. Diagnosing

  196. Dictate

  197. Diplomatic

  198. Direct

  199. Direct others

  200. Directing

  201. Discover

  202. Discreet

  203. Discriminative Thinking

  204. Discuss

  205. Discussing—learning to contribute ideas, listening to

  206. Disease Prevention

  207. Dismantling

  208. dissimilarities, noticing unlike features

  209. Distinguish

  210. Diverting

  211. Do heavy work

  212. Do precise machine work

  213. Do routing office work

  214. Document

  215. Drafting

  216. Dressing and undressing are learned human abilities.

  217. Driving

  218. Eager

  219. Economic/Bus. Sense

  220. Economics

  221. Economy and Budget

  222. Edit

  223. Effective Problem Solving

  224. Efficiency Skills

  225. Efficient

  226. Efficient Planning

  227. Electrical principles

  228. Electronic principles

  229. Elementary Code of Conduct (Grades K-6)

  230. Empathy

  231. Energetic

  232. Enforce

  233. English Greetings

  234. English Language and Mathematics

  235. English Is the Official Language

  236. English Language Abilities

  237. English language reading abilities.

  238. English language speaking abilities.

  239. English language writing abilities.

  240. English language understanding abilities.

  241. English language telephone conversation is an ability.

  242. Entertain

  243. Enthusiasm for Your Work

  244. Enthusiastic

  245. Entrepreneurial Skills

  246. Essential Skills

  247. Evaluate

  248. Evaluating

  249. Evaluating data

  250. Evaluating—recognizing good and poor features, knowing

  251. Examine

  252. Examining

  253. Exchanging

  254. Execute

  255. Experiment

  256. Experimenting—recognizing a question, planning a

  257. Explain

  258. Explain things to others

  259. Explaining

  260. Explaning—describing to someone else clearly, clarifying

  261. Extrapolating

  262. Facilitation Skills

  263. Faculty

  264. Figuring

  265. Filing

  266. filing, labeling, arranging

  267. Finger dexterity

  268. Fitness for duty

  269. Flexible

  270. Focus and Self-Control

  271. Follow directions

  272. Follow instructions

  273. Following specifications

  274. Forecast

  275. Formal

  276. Formulate

  277. Friendly

  278. functions, illustrating scientific principles

  279. Gathering data—tabulating, organizing, classifying,

  280. General Office

  281. General Skills

  282. Get along with co-workers

  283. Get along with supervisor

  284. Get results

  285. Getting started after sleep

  286. Giving

  287. Goal setting

  288. Good attendance

  289. Good human behavior

  290. Good human character

  291. Good manners

  292. Good natured

  293. Good Note-Taking

  294. Good sense of timing

  295. Good Study Habits

  296. Grade

  297. Grammar skills

  298. Graphing—putting in graphical form the results of a study

  299. Greet

  300. Guiding

  301. Handle detail work

  302. Handle precise work

  303. Hands-On

  304. Hard skills

  305. Hard-working, productive

  306. Healthy Eating

  307. Healthy life-style

  308. Help others

  309. Helpful

  310. Helping Skills

  311. Hitching

  312. Honest

  313. Horticultural

  314. Housekeeping Skills

  315. how to improve grades

  316. Human behavior

  317. Human relations

  318. Humble

  319. Humor

  320. Hygiene

  321. Hypothesize

  322. Idea Production

  323. ideas of others, keeping on the topic, arriving at

  324. Identify

  325. Imaginative

  326. Imitate

  327. Implement

  328. implications for further work

  329. Improving

  330. Index

  331. Indicate

  332. Industrious

  333. Influence

  334. Influencing

  335. Inform

  336. Informing the public

  337. Ingenious

  338. Initiate

  339. Initiative

  340. Innovate

  341. Inquiring—asking, interviewing, corresponding

  342. Inquisitive

  343. Insightful

  344. Inspect

  345. Inspecting products

  346. Instruct

  347. Instructing others

  348. Intelligent

  349. Interest

  350. Interpersonal Skills

  351. Interpret

  352. Interpreting ideas

  353. Interview

  354. Interview others

  355. Interviewing

  356. Intrapersonal

  357. Intuitive

  358. Invent

  359. Inventing—creating a method, device, or technique

  360. Inventive

  361. Inventory

  362. Investigate

  363. Investigating—formulating questions

  364. Investigation principles

  365. it works, how to adjust it, its proper use for a given

  366. Job Content Skills - what have you done?

  367. Judge

  368. Keep _______ records

  369. Keeping Records

  370. Kind

  371. knowing its rate capacity, transporting it safely

  372. Knowledge

  373. Knowledge and achievement

  374. Knowledge of products

  375. Knowledge of subject

  376. Knowledge of tools

  377. Labor skills

  378. Language

  379. Language ability and auditory reception

  380. Language skills

  381. Lateral Thinking Test

  382. Laundry

  383. Lead

  384. Leadership

  385. Leadership Skills

  386. Leading

  387. Learn quickly

  388. Learning

  389. Learning Skills

  390. Learning to learn

  391. Lecture

  392. Life Skills

  393. Lift heavy equipment

  394. List

  395. Listen

  396. Listening

  397. Listening Skills

  398. Listening—being attentive, alert, questioning

  399. Living

  400. Locate answers or information

  401. Locating new problems

  402. Logic and Reasoning

  403. Logical

  404. Loyal

  405. Looking For Competence

  406. Machinery

  407. Maintaining equipment

  408. Maintaining favorable image

  409. Maintaining machinery

  410. Maintaining morale

  411. major points, exhibiting patience, being willing to

  412. Making Connections

  413. Making effective presentations

  414. Manage

  415. Manage resources

  416. Managing skills are learned human abilities.

  417. Managing

  418. Managing feelings

  419. Managing ______ or budgets

  420. Managing people

  421. Manual work

  422. Marketable/useful

  423. Marshal

  424. Match

  425. Mathematical

  426. Mathematical skills

  427. Mature

  428. Measure

  429. Measuring production

  430. Media process

  431. Mediate

  432. Mediate problems

  433. Meet

  434. Meet deadlines

  435. Meeting

  436. Meeting deadlines

  437. Meeting the public

  438. Memory

  439. Memory and learning

  440. Methodical

  441. Modest

  442. Monitoring

  443. Monitoring Performance

  444. Motivate

  445. Motivate people

  446. Motivated

  447. Motivational

  448. Motivator

  449. Multicultural Awareness

  450. Multilingual

  451. Natural

  452. Negotiate

  453. Negotiate agreements

  454. Negotiating

  455. Negotiating principles

  456. Negotiating Skills

  457. Negotiating strategies

  458. Negotiation

  459. Networking

  460. Numeracy

  461. Numeracy Skills

  462. Nurturing

  463. Observe

  464. Observing indicators

  465. Observing—being accurate, alert, systematic

  466. Odd hours

  467. of attack, setting up hypotheses

  468. Open-minded

  469. Operate communications systems

  470. Operating tools

  471. Optimistic

  472. Oral Communication

  473. Order

  474. Ordering parts

  475. Orderly thinking

  476. Organization Skills

  477. Organization/Details/Multi-tasking

  478. Organizing

  479. Organizing or managing projects

  480. Organizing—putting items in order, establishing a system

  481. Original

  482. Outgoing

  483. Outlining—employing major headings and subheadings, using

  484. Packing

  485. Pain Disability Questionnaire

  486. Performing manual tasks

  487. People Skills

  488. Persistent

  489. Personal Safety

  490. Personal Skills

  491. Personnel practices

  492. Perspective Taking

  493. Persuade

  494. Persuading

  495. Persuading & negotiating

  496. Persuading, influencing and negotiating skills

  497. Physical

  498. Physically strong

  499. piece of work, a scientific procedure, or conclusion

  500. Plan

  501. Planning

  502. Planning ahead—seeing possible results and probable modes

  503. Planning/organizing

  504. Pleasant

  505. Plot

  506. Plumbing principles

  507. Polite

  508. Polite

  509. Politeness Guidelines

  510. Positive Attitude

  511. Post

  512. Practice new skills

  513. Prescribe

  514. Presentation Skills

  515. Principles

  516. Problem-solving skills

  517. procedure, collecting data, recording data, analyzing

  518. Procedures

  519. Processing Speed

  520. Prognosticate

  521. Project management

  522. Projecting

  523. Projects

  524. Promote

  525. Proper settings, keeping it clean, handling it properly

  526. Provide

  527. Public speaking

  528. Question

  529. Questions

  530. Questioning in the English language is an ability.

  531. Rank

  532. Rate

  533. Reading

  534. Reason

  535. Reasoning

  536. Reasoning and idea production

  537. Recognize problems

  538. Recognizing problems

  539. Recommend

  540. Recommending

  541. Reconcile

  542. Record

  543. recording

  544. recording completely

  545. Recording—tabulating, charting, working systematically

  546. Regulate

  547. Relating

  548. relationships

  549. Relay

  550. Reliable

  551. Remember information

  552. Removing parts

  553. Repairing engines

  554. Repairing equipment

  555. Repeat

  556. Replacing defective

  557. Report

  558. Reporting—orally reporting to a class or teacher in

  559. Representing

  560. Request

  561. Research

  562. Research design

  563. Research Skills

  564. Researching

  565. Researching—locating a problem, learning background,

  566. Resiliency

  567. Resource Management Skills

  568. Resourceful

  569. Respond to emergencies

  570. Responsibility

  571. Responsible

  572. Reviewing

  573. Reviewing products

  574. Reviewing—identifying important items

  575. Run meetings

  576. Safety rules

  577. Sanitation

  578. Scan

  579. Schedule

  580. Scheduling

  581. School Skills

  582. Scrutinize

  583. Searching—locating sources, using several sources, being

  584. Secondary Code of Conduct (Grades 7-12)

  585. Secretarial Skills

  586. Segregate

  587. Select

  588. Self care abilities

  589. Self-disciplined

  590. Self Esteem

  591. Self responsibility

  592. Self-awareness

  593. Self-care abilities

  594. Self-Care Abilities Listing

  595. Self-confidence

  596. Self-confident

  597. Self-controlled

  598. Self-Directed, Engaged Learning

  599. Self-Discipline

  600. Self-Management Skills

  601. Self-motivated

  602. Self-motivation

  603. Self-reliant

  604. Sense of humor

  605. Sensitive

  606. Sensory abilities

  607. sequential, logical organization

  608. Service learning

  609. Serving

  610. Setting standards

  611. setting up investigations, analyzing data, drawing

  612. Setting-up

  613. Settle

  614. Sharing

  615. similarities, noticing identical features

  616. Sincere

  617. Smell

  618. Sociable

  619. Social Media Skills

  620. Social Skills

  621. Soft skills

  622. Solve

  623. Solving problems

  624. Sort

  625. Seeing

  626. Hearing

  627. Speaking

  628. Sitting

  629. Sleeping

  630. Speaking in public

  631. Speaking Situations

  632. Speech

  633. Speech Analysis Questions

  634. Speech and Language

  635. Speech Clarity

  636. Speech Disorders and Language Disorders

  637. Speech Therapy

  638. Spoken communication

  639. Spoken English

  640. Spontaneous

  641. Statistics

  642. Steady

  643. Stress Management

  644. Stress Management (Relaxation)

  645. Striving for excellence

  646. Study

  647. Study Skills

  648. Subject knowledge

  649. Suggest

  650. Summarize

  651. Supervise

  652. Supervising others

  653. Supervisory

  654. Supply

  655. Synthesize

  656. Synthesizing

  657. Systems Skills

  658. Tabulate

  659. Tactful

  660. Take inventory

  661. Take pride in work

  662. Take risks

  663. Taking on Challenges

  664. task, its limitations

  665. Teach

  666. Teaching & Counseling

  667. Teaching Skills

  668. Team Management Skills

  669. Teamwork

  670. Teamwork

  671. Teamwork/Cooperation

  672. Teamworking

  673. Technical & Information Skills

  674. Technical Skills

  675. Technical/Manual Skills

  676. Techniques to reach your goals.

  677. Telecommunications

  678. Telephone answering message guidelines

  679. Telephone Manners

  680. Telephone Conversations

  681. Telephone protocol

  682. Tenacious

  683. Test

  684. The Ability to Set Attainable Goals

  685. Thinking

  686. Thinking skills (including problem solving, making decisions, planning, organizing tasks, finding information, and making good use of memory).

  687. Thrifty

  688. Time

  689. Time management

  690. Tolerant

  691. Top 10 Skills for High-School Students

  692. Train

  693. Transferable Skills Checklist

  694. Translate

  695. Transpose

  696. Travel frequently

  697. Trust

  698. Trustworthy

  699. Tutor

  700. Truthfulness is a human ability.

  701. Understand

  702. Use computer search programs

  703. Usher

  704. Using an instrument—knowing the instrument’s parts, how

  705. Verbal/Written Communication

  706. Verify

  707. Verifying

  708. Versatile

  709. Visual perception

  710. Visual Processing

  711. Wait upon

  712. Walking Skills

  713. Weigh

  714. Well-organized

  715. Willingness to learn

  716. Wise use of resources

  717. Work as a team member

  718. Work Ethic

  719. Work in an office/outdoors

  720. Work in office

  721. Work in small studios

  722. Work in varied climate

  723. Work independently

  724. Work indoors/outdoors

  725. Work long hours

  726. Work nigh shifts

  727. Work odd hours

  728. Work on assembly line

  729. Work on long-term

  730. Work on weekends

  731. Work outdoors

  732. Work outdoors/indoors

  733. Work under hazardous

  734. Work under stress

  735. Work very long hours

  736. Work with committees

  737. Work with people

  738. Work without direction

  739. Working

  740. Working with others.

  741. Workplace Essential Skills

  742. Write clearly

  743. Writing

  744. Writing in the English language

  745. Writing news releases

  746. Writing—writing a report of an experiment

  747. Written communications

Ability to Adapt
What is Adaptability?
Ability of an entity or organism to alter itself or its responses to the changed circumstances or environment.

Mental Adaptability: how you think in normal or emergency situations to be effective, how you solve problems.
Interpersonal Adaptability: how you interact with others, including cultural adaptation.
Physical Adaptability: adjusting to the current environment. The report talks about physical strength. I would talk about managing your own body to be able to do what you want to do, given what you are able to do now.

What does it mean to delegate?
Entrust (a task or responsibility) to another person, typically one who is less senior than oneself:
Give an assignment to (a person) to a post, or assign a task to (a person)

Delegation is the assignment of responsibility or authority to another person (normally from a manager to a subordinate) to carry out specific activities.

Ability to work independently

What is your ability to work without Supervision?
Do you like to work independently or do you need a more structured environment?
Are you self-motivated or do you need regular feedback in order to make progress?
Do you work best at your own pace or when prodded by others?
What does it mean to be independent?
What kind of science do you enjoy doing? Fundamental or applied?
Do you enjoy working in the lab or in an office?
Do you enjoy explaining your work? How? Orally? In Writing? Both?
Do you like working with others as a member of a team or do you prefer to work by yourself? Are you a good listener?
Can you handle personal conflict?
Do you prefer delving into a problem deeply?
Do you see the "big picture"?
Do you prefer to work on short term projects (6 months or less) or long term projects? Do you enjoy using instrumentation? What kinds?
Do you enjoy using computers and/or software?
Do you enjoy travel? Can you speak one or more foreign languages conversationally? Can you read in another language? Are you self-motivated? Do you require external prompts in order to meet deadlines and/or achieve results?

Able to concentrate

Why many are not able to concentrate on studies during adolescence?
As boys and girls grow up, they experience rapid physical growth and development that are accompanied by marked psycho-social and emotional changes. They start getting concerned about their appearance and develop a physical attraction and curiosity about sexual matters. They become inclined to try out new ideas. This is an age of experimentation and learning new things. They start extending their relationships beyond family and make a special place for peers. They develop a strong sense of selfhood and have their own views and feelings about various issues that may not always be in agreement with their parents/ elders. Many adolescents get carried away during this stage of growing up and are unable to concentrate and focus on their studies.


What are the scenarios where right to choose isn't applicable?

Do you have the right to choose to apply a wrong concept of law to specific claims?

Do you have the right to choose to harm others?

Do you have the right to choose to violate rights of others?

Here are further guidelines.

Truthfulness is a human ability.
Social studies lesson number 1.

You should never lie.
You should always speak the truth.

If you are asked a question about an issue, you should answer truthfully to the best of your ability and knowledge.

Essential Skills
What is the proof of your essential skills for selection for professional training?
If you communicate in English language email, call, fax, or postal mail, this proves that you can understand, read, and write the English language.
If you attend a meeting and speak English language, this proves you can speak the English language.
Abilities relevant to math, science, and social studies are evaluated in the real world.

What essential skills should a human have at 14 years age?
Activities of everyday living abilities.
Activities of everyday living abilities relevant to instruments.
Asking questions.
Basic inventory accounting.
Being happy on their own.
Behaving properly in various setting.
Compassion. Critical thinking and information analysis. Data analysis.
Dealing with change.
Decision making (thinking skills).
Document use.
Effective communication and negotiating.
English language abilities.
Finding information (thinking skills).
Finding passion.
Human rights knowledge.
Job task planning and organizing (thinking skills).
Keeping a clean, organized space.
Logical, informed decision making.
Making fewer promises, serving more.
Measurement and calculation
Multitasking is great, but some moments require your undivided attention.
Numerical estimation.
Online research.
Prioritizing and time management.
Problem solving (thinking skills).
Relationship networking.
Tackling projects.
Thinking optimistically.

If a student at age 14 displays these abilities, there is no need for any examination.

At what age and class/grade should an individual begin professional training to be a doctor, teacher, lawyer, engineer, or similar skill?
This depends on the essential skills of an individual.
If an individual has essential skills at age 14 (8th class/grade) he or she can join professional training for doctor, teacher, lawyer, engineer, or similar training program.

Various schools nowadays cannot prepare students for professional training while students have essential skills by 14 years of age or 8th class/grade.

Schools should focus to prepare students to have all essential abilities by age 14 or 8th class/grade.

Focus of students younger than 14 years of age should be to gain essential skills.
Here are further guidelines.