How many human medical condition subcategories or questions should you know? What should you be able to elaborate about a medical condtion? Annotation or Definition Causes Complications Diagnosis Diagnostic tests Disabilities associated with this medical condition Emergencies associated with this medical condition Epidemiology History of this medical condition Mechanism or pathogenesis Medical emergencies associated with this medical condition Medical history relevant to this medical condition Normal values Prevention Relevant anatomy, physiology, biochemistry Research Risk factors Symptoms and signs Types Treatment or management What should you be able to elaborate about a medical condtion?
What are you expected to know about a matured human? Annotations or definition. Abilities. Bones. Drugs required for human medical conditions. Equipment required for human medical conditions. Health care settings. Human anatomy by category. Resources required for human health care. Internal organs (main). Muscles. Medical conditions. Systems of the human body Survival needs. Stress Social History |