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Laws Relevant to Human Healthcare Inside and Outside the State
Healthcare laws circulated by Doctor Asif Qureshi: What must every state governor know?
Who received these facts?
Nancy Pelosi
Speaker of the United States House of Representatives

When did they receive these facts?
October 20, 2020

What do you have to do?
Forward postal mail.
Arrange meetings to resolve issues.
Make plans of action to resolve issues.
Make justified suggestions to resolve issues.
Make genuine profiles of your clients.
Follow up.

Healthcare laws reforms in America and worldwide

What should happen next?
Due to various harms and the deficiency of services, Doctor Asif Qureshi will function as the United States Director of Health and Human Services on or after October 20, 2020.

Half of the budget for the department of the United States Secretary of Health and Human Services https://www.hhs.gov/ must go to office of Doctor Asif Qureshi, director of The United States Health and Human Services, on or after October 20, 2020.

Doctor Asif Qureshi will fix the issues elaborated below.

Laws Relevant to Human Healthcare Inside and Outside the State

How many human healthcare laws are there inside and outside the state?
There are more than 73 human healthcare laws inside and outside the state.

Healthcare laws circulated by Doctor Asif Qureshi: What must every state governor know?
What should the governor of a state, specific physicians, and others know about human healthcare laws inside and outside the state?
  1. Abortion

  2. Abuse of power: What should happen next?

  3. Abuse and neglect, mandatory reporting

  4. Abuse, neglect, and gross misconduct: What is the difference?

  5. Ambulance Standards

  6. Childcare for daycare laws

  7. Childcare for boarding school laws

  8. Calculations of the specific number of physicians required in each state, including primary care physicians.

  9. Conflict of law relevant to healthcare.

  10. Confidential: What is confidential and what is not confidential?

  11. Confidentiality and situational confidentiality have to be broken due to criminal activities inside and outside the state.

  12. Conflict of laws: Why must state and international laws prevail?

  13. Criminal laws that every physician must know inside and outside the state.

  14. Criminal conspiracies with irreparable harms on others from the healthcare system and fraudsters inside and outside the state.

  15. Domicile category laws.

  16. Drugs and cosmetic acts inside and outside the state.

  17. Duties to take care of health inside and outside the state.

  18. Durable power of attorney laws inside and outside the state.

  19. Emergency medical treatment acts and state laws.

  20. Essential Services Maintenance Act relevant to human healthcare inside and outside the state.

  21. Executive-level job appointments: How must the process proceed?

  22. Exempt job postings of executive and non-exempt positions: What is the difference?

  23. Euthanasia laws that are unjustified inside and outside the state.

  24. Ethical and unethical medical research inside and outside the state.

  25. Forensic psychiatrist: What does a forensic psychiatrist do?

  26. Food and Drug Administration Act inside and outside the state.

  27. Grants Management

  28. Home Health Care Regulations.

  29. Home healthcare standards.

  30. Human kidney transplant, such as kidney transplantation laws.

  31. Human healthcare government departments in every state: Who is responsible for supervising this department?

  32. Human Rights Act inside and outside the state.

  33. Human healthcare facilities (institutional) laws inside and outside the state.

  34. Healthcare and developmental disabilities department.

  35. Healthcare provider issues inside and outside the state.

  36. Healthcare facilities and hospitals that need to be disciplined, improved, or closed.

  37. Human trafficking laws inside and outside the state.

  38. Internet medical education for specific physicians, issue-based advice, public health advice, medical research, administrative directives and issues around the globe.

  39. Internet display and regulation of Internet display of healthcare services.

  40. Involuntary admission to a psychiatric facility.

  41. Living wills laws inside and outside the state.

  42. Legal issues related to relationships between and among providers inside and outside the state.

  43. Legal issues related to relationships between providers and residents/patients inside and outside the state.

  44. Licensing and certification of specific physicians: What do you do if the state’s professional regulator is incompetent?

  45. Medical practice acts inside and outside the state: What are the directives from Doctor Asif Qureshi since October 17, 2017?

  46. Medico-legal cases inside and outside the state.

  47. Medical termination of pregnancy of females of child-bearing age that is justified and unjustified inside and outside the state.

  48. Medical procedures that require approval from others inside and outside the state.

  49. Medical records laws inside and outside the state.

  50. Medical malpractice inside and outside the state. Medical ethics inside and outside the state.

  51. Misconduct.

  52. News media laws and the coverage of hospital patients inside and outside the state.

  53. Negligence from healthcare providers: What does this mean?

  54. Patients’ rights: What should a specific physician know?

  55. Patient deliberation laws through the Internet: How has the Internet changed the venue of these deliberations?

  56. Personal: What is personal and what is not personal?

  57. Privacy: What is private and what is not private?

  58. Pharmacy Practice Act–Illinois government

  59. Primary Care Standards / Urgent Care Standards.

  60. Pests issues.

  61. Public health law focusing on prevention inside and outside the state.

  62. Professional conduct, etiquette, and ethics.

  63. Provider issues: Institutional or individual healthcare law inside and outside the state.

  64. Quarantine Issues

  65. Right to health inside and outside the state.

  66. Reforming professional licensing policies for specific physicians in America and worldwide.

  67. States that must follow these directives inside and outside the state.

  68. Treatment that requires approval from others inside and outside the state.

  69. Unethical and unprofessional conduct.

  70. Vaccine manufacture and approval for human use process.

  71. Vaccination schedule circulation: Who in public health is responsible?

  72. Vaccination stocks maintenance: Who in public health is responsible?

  73. Ward-of-the-state records, birth records, adoption records, and death records inside and outside state: Who must maintain such records?

Abortion / Medical termination of pregnancy.
Q: What are the indications of medical termination of pregnancy?
A: In case the pregnancy is the result of rape or conspiracy.
The woman could not cope with labor.
Due to ailment, the woman would not be able to bring up the child with love and care.
Even if any other person or group comes forward and takes responsibility for bringing up the baby, pregnancy can't go ahead.
We are dealing with a human being.
There is a difference between human pregnancy, family-centered maternity care, and poultry farms.
Other medical indications.

What should happen if these guidelines are violated?
Dishonorable discharge from service with punishment.

Who may violate these guidelines?
Medical doctors, judges, director of health, secretary of health, head of the state, county, city, and others.

Here are further guidelines.

Healthcare education for specific physicians and healthcare workers department: What should you know?

Healthcare, food, drug, and medical device administration
What are the responsibilities of the healthcare, food, drug, medical devices, and cosmetics administration?
Verify safety and control of the following:
Food safety for humans
Tobacco products
Dietary supplements
Over-the-counter pharmaceutical drugs (medications)
Blood transfusions
Medical devices
Electromagnetic radiation emitting devices (ERED)
Animal foods and feed and veterinary products.

Healthcare and developmental disabilities department.
1 What should the head of the healthcare developmental disabilities department know? Answer
2 What were the most common developmental disabilities on or before September 22, 2020, according to the research of Doctor Asif Qureshi? Answer

Healthcare and developmental disabilities department.
What should the head of the healthcare developmental disabilities department know?
  1. Annotation or definition of developmental disabilities.

  2. Neglect and/or abuse of person with developmental disabilities as well as punishments and responsibilities.

  3. Questions to answer related to a developmental disability or disabilities.

  4. Staff required for developmental disabilities department in the state.

  5. States that must have a developmental disabilities department.

  6. Types of services required for developmental disabilities.

  7. Types of developmental disabilities.

Annotation or definition of developmental disabilities.
What is a developmental disability?
Developmental disability is a diverse group of chronic conditions that are due to mental or physical impairments that arise before adulthood.

The term developmental disabilities describes any one of a number of conditions that emerge during key developmental periods in childhood which significantly impact a person's physical, cognitive, or behavioral health.

Executive-level job appointments: How must the process proceed?
Can the person guide others with proven guidelines provided on the Internet?

Where are guidelines from this person for others on the Internet?

Where are guidelines, particularly for healthcare, from this person for others available on the Internet?

How long has this person done research to reach this level of guiding others?

Who can bring objections to this job appointment?

Have you sought clearance from this person ahead of any job appointment?

Whose rights will be violated with this job appointment?

Is this person a problem solver or a problem creator?

Does this person focus on public service or only taking a salary and resources?

Will there be any violation of fidelity, conjugal rights, or individual rights of a person?

What are examples of medico-legal cases?

On or after December 7, 2020, do not nominate or confirm any person for executive job appointments without answers to these questions.

What jobs are these issues relevant to?
Director of health of the state.
Director of public health of the state.
United States Secretary of Health and Human Services.
Director General of Health of reformed UN with a focus on states.
Similar other entities.

Questions to answer related to a developmental disability or disabilities.
What were the most common developmental disabilities on or before September 22, 2020, according to the research of Doctor Asif Qureshi?
1. Intellectual disability (mental retardation)
2. Cerebral palsy
3. Autism spectrum disorder
4. Vision/hearing impairments
5. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
6. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
7. Fragile X Syndrome
8. Hearing Loss
9. Kernicterus
10. Language and Speech Disorders
11. Learning Disorders
12. Muscular Dystrophy
13. Tourette Syndrome
14. Vision Impairment

Questions to answer regarding a developmental disability or disabilities.

Is there a difference between a congenital medical condition and a congenital disability?

Is this a congenital medical condition (acquired during development in the uterus) or was it caused after birth?

At this point have you provided an enabling environment for the parson?

How many years and how often after birth did you follow up with the person to diagnose any developmental disabilities?

How did you reach this diagnosis?

Who verified the diagnosis?

Do not diagnose a person with any developmental disabilities unless you provide an enabling environment for the person.

My research can help this department at the executive level.
Illinois Department of Human Services, Division of Developmental Disabilities

Here are further guidelines.

Human kidney transplant, such as kidney transplantation laws.
Healthcare Human Organ Transplantation Program
Human Organ Transplantation
Kidney transplant program
What is the most needed human organ for transplant?

How do you transplant a human kidney according to Doctor Asif Qureshi?
Here are further guidelines.

Healthcare facilities and hospitals that need to be disciplined, improved, or closed.
What is on the list of healthcare facilities and hospitals that need to be disciplined, improved, or closed?
What do we establish at a closed hospital location?
Who must forward notice that they were involved in criminal activities and the area needs to be evacuated?
How do you take over the premises?
Where do you find medical records for closed hospitals?
Here are further guidelines.

Quarantine Issues
What must happen before circulating any such guidelines?
Ask for public debate online.
Write questions that you need to get answered in English language.

What must others know about quarantine?
There are a number of communicable diseases.
It is not possible to quarantine so many people.

How many communicable diseases are there?
You will yourself conclude that it is not possible to quarantine so many people.

What is a quarantine?
What are examples of the abuse of others under the excuse of a quarantine?
When is a quarantine not justified?
When is a quarantine justified?
What is the difference between isolation and quarantine?
Home quarantine instructions: What do you have to do?
What is isolation, quarantine, and self-observation?
Exemption from institutional quarantine will require submitting a negative
RT-PCR report for intercontinental travelers abroad: What do you know about false positive, false negative, true positive, and true negative RT-PCR reports conducted within 72 hours of undertaking the journey?
Here are further guidelines.

Pests issues.
What are issues of concern in this situation?
Are there case reports describing pesticide chemicals killing individuals due to allergic reactions after spraying or poisoning inside a home?
Allergic reaction to pesticides can kill a person.
Who from the state department of public health has verified that pesticides used by exterminators, platinum pest control, or similar entities are safe for the public in Illinois and other similar locations?
Here are further guidelines.

Vaccine manufacture and approval for human use process.
2019–2020 viral pandemic vaccine
Who all came forward to manufacture this specific vaccine?
Have they answered all questions relevant to the virus?
Have all the findings been proven using scientific methods?
What are the electron microscopic findings related to the virus?
Who revealed the electron microscopic findings related to the virus?
Who verified these findings?
How will they scientifically differentiate among influenza, rhinovirus, and coronavirus?
There are 10 patients presenting with a fever, cough, and sore throat. A few have influenza, a few have rhinovirus, and others have coronavirus. What tests will you run to prove the existence of a specific virus?
Who received grants for this vaccine without answering these questions on or before November 22, 2020?
Was it necessary to verify these findings before approving grants for the vaccine?
Is it justified?
Is the vaccine safe for human beings?
Is the vaccine effective for human beings?
Should the mentioned vaccine be approved for human use on or after November 22, 2020?
What evidence proves the safety and efficacy of the mentioned vaccine?
Have they answered all questions relevant to this vaccine?

Where are further facts about vaccines?
Here are further facts.

Healthcare medical supplies department
What must be on the list of items?

Healthcare and Medical Emergencies: What is on the list?
What type of emergency is it?


Reforming professional licensing policies and procedures for specific physicians in America and worldwide.
Doctor Asif Qureshi can make you a primary care physician within 2 years.
See the curriculum and schedule at www.qureshiuniveristy.com/primarycarephysiciantrainingprogram.html

Reforming professional licensing policies for specific physicians in America and worldwide.

Why is there need to reform professional licensing policies for specific physicians in America and worldwide?
Take a look at this.
Doctor Asif Qureshi can make you any specific type of physician if you have a computer and Internet at home. This can be accomplished in a brief period of time compared to the more than 4-7 years of medical college education.

What do you have to do?
Retroactive relief
Plan of action for the future

Where must government grants be forwarded to enhance these programs?
Doctor Asif Qureshi
5042 N. Winthrop Ave. #237
Chicago, Illinois 60640
Last Updated: December 8, 2020